Why is reddit filled with such leftist cucks that want to be enslaved?
Why is reddit filled with such leftist cucks that want to be enslaved?
bump pls explain 500 users on this shit sub right now
people are so fucking dumb holy fuck
They're uneducated morons who don't know anything about how capitalism actually works or how terrible the alternatives are?
>people are dumb
Wow, big news there. Who cares man.
It doesn't really matter what the majority thinks. Only matters what is right.
Detach yourself from the masses and stop caring about them.
I thought it was satire????
>be a retard living with feminist-marxist delusions
>live by the rules laid for you by your favorite feminist tumblr blog, and obviously fail in life
>blame capitalism and whidey for your own faults
We all can't be leaders, and that's mostly because some people are absolutely retarded. Maybe not by medical definition, but retarded in sense that they are gullible and easily brainwashed to believe "2+2=5, because power structures".
It was, once. But then redditors found it.
do they have power over the internet?
why is Sup Forums filled with national socialist cucks that want to be enslaved?
Who is enslaved under national socialism?
to each his own
everyone is enslaved to the state
>If we just overthrow capitalism and implement communism (as it should be) I'll be a millionaire with 5 cars and a mansion
Is this what they actually think? How much do they think their life will improve if they get rid of capitalism? Are they aware that despite being "poor" they're more wealthy than 99% of the people who have ever lived?
The bigger question is why you're browsing Reddit; what does this have to with politics aside from "hurr durr Reddit screengrabs"
it's full of canadians
by the population being forced to be committed to "success" of the state
>be in late stage capitalism
>even poor people have homes and fridges
>technology improves at an insane rate every year
>on the verge of crisper dna editing
>nasa theorized warp technology
>fusion reactors in their infancy
>free energy from sun
>can watch anything I want
>my drugs are inexpensive
>clean water comes out of my taps
It's horrible!!
i love these memes so much. is there a site with a good and more permanent collection of them?
browsing reddit, kys leaf
There weren't that many people in the Gestapo.
me too. top kek. we haven't had an ounce of capitalism since taft.
They actually think the capitalists are keeping consumer goods from them.
They're fucking retarded.
we haven't had capitalism since before 1913
For the same reason this place is filled with rightist cucks who are happy to be enslaved?
Also being part of the Gestapo was probably voluntary.
What do they make of the fact that ALL major corporations actively and aggressively push immigration, atheism, LGBT, etc.? I wonder what the Jewish capitalists want with these things :^)
theyre either bots or its posts that are pushed up artifically. Don't forget, they blocked the donald.
Look at that image. That image tells you how everyone knew Uncle Donald would win. That was during the election.
High school fag detected
I fucking hate anti-capitalist cucks.
Free helicopter rides when?
Who else was committed to the success of the state?
>I'm rubber, you're glue
>down with capitalism, maaaaaaan
-sent from iPhone