All according to plan.
Trump is a deep state puppet now, the transfer of power is complete. The only reason Trump hasn't fired Bannon yet is to keep up appearances with his base.
>to keep up appearances with his base
Like he gives a fuck.
give up shills
Because he bombs people now, only a radical wouldn't support that, fuck ye murica woooooooo.
True enough, he'll be gone soon.
Yeah everyones a shill. They are just imagining trump backtracking on all his promises.
Trump so far is doing what Hillary would do. That's why the media loves him now.
>That's why the media loves him now
He put up a good fight, but yeah it took less than 90 days to break him.
I'm at a loss right now. I went full blown Trump shill this past year and now politics seem pointless again. There is no reason for me to visit Sup Forums. Will not vote for this faggot again.
It's an effort to divide and conquer, while moving Trump away from his platform
Bannon is a pacifist nazi that must be banned.
He's moderate compared to Bannon and Pence, never heard of that other guy.
But yeah; Pence is a hardcore Christian conservative. Anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, pro-death penalty, pro-religion.
Bannon is a mad man.
Trump used to be a liberal (and still is on some issues).
Case closed.
I wonder to what extent the ineffectiveness of right wing leaders is caused by intentional leftwing infiltration.
hmm, those last 53d chess moves was a bit weird, but makes a bit more sense now. Guess Trump was the smarter one after all.
For a Republican, Trump is actually pretty moderate, yeah. The only "extreme" thing about him was his campaign style.
>Trump is elected
>Oy get, he's backtracking don't you regret voting for him?!
>2 weeks later
>Trump is keeping all of his promises, look what an insane monster he is!
>A month later
>U-uh he's flip flipped again! Don't you regret voting for him?!
This is just getting pathetic
The only pathetic thing is all the redditors on this board acting like fags from r/SandersForPresident by defending everything Trump flips on by screaming about "Muh 4D chess."
Call me a shill if you want but that doesn't change the fact that Trump has done a complete reversal on several key issues.
Which fucked up tragedy/terror attack was the bitch in OP's pic from again?
Yeah and several times during the campaign I thought he fucked up and was worried. Remember when he first picked Pence for VP and everyone shrieked that it was an awful choice before coming around?
My point is we always give a kneejerk response and flip shit over nothing and in the end everything works out anyway. Have a little patience. Damn.
You know it's not really "flipping" when he pushes all of NATO to boost their military spending, and changes his view of NATO as a result of this new development?
Bump for good pic.
That bitch was such a fake.
Boston Marathon
in the end what Trump cares about the most is his popularity, so once those poll numbers came out with only 36% approval it was clear he would do a 180 on most things
enjoy the Clinton presidency
more than one lol.
Trump has always been a centrist though
how fucking stupid are you people?
They know he's compromised now.
They've got to him.
Your 'God Emperor' is now just a puppet wrapped around Kushner's finger.
1. MSNBC can't approve a Republican or right-winger. They just can't do it, it would weaken their legitimacy as a leftist propaganda proponent. So Trump has to be "more moderate" whenever he does anything they like.
2. Even while running a lot of Republicans were accusing him of being a RINO due to the fact that he didn't despise gays or trannies, among other thing. He also registered as a Democrat when he was very young (which a lot of modern day Republicans did but shhhhh.)
3. He probably is slightly more liberal than Bannon, Rheince and Pence. But not much.
nope, just an inconsistent LARPer and closet homo .... almost as bad as trump - inconsistent LARPer and closet pedo
They're afraid of getting ZAPPED by Electric Pence
So you guys really believe this rubbish?
Let's all get a grip!
Even I don't believe this.
Everyone on Sup Forums thinks this is a joke
Please, just think logically.
I voted for Hillary, and felt like I lost when Trump won. Now, I feel the loss is not too bad. Is Trump, dare I say, our guy? And by our guy I mean a normal republican, not the racist, hateful, xenophobe that Sup Forums thought they elected.
>Trump is a deep state puppet now, the transfer of power is complete.
Why the fuck does anyone on this board like this guy?
>literal Bush 2.0
>he's great!
What did he mean by this?
MSNBC and CNN are drumpf shill networks now. Fuck the msm and all right wing media.
Wow. I'm tired.