CNN says Trump can't win against Based Korea
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>Trump can't win
Bitch please
Their subs run on diesel. They have to pull missiles with farm tractors. I think we'll be all right
>when you've shot your own foot so much you keep shooting so you can fill the hole with crater dust from the bullets impacting the ground
>CNN would rather have North Korea win a war against the United States then support Trump lol
well, there we have it folks, I am now officially a #CruzMissile
>The most powerful military in the world can't win against a bunch of malnourished gooks with 50s weapons
Drumpf is surely btfo this time
I mean, at least they're being honest for once. North Korea would be Nam 2: Nuclear Boogaloo
Only one way to find out!
Afghanistan would like a word with you
It's true.
If you kill your enemies, they win.
diesel subs are quiter
>malnourished gooks all centralised in one big city with hardly a man living outside of it
>semi-nourished dunecoons spread out across the desert in hidden caves
This fucker just hates Trump.
Why the fuck wouldnt any countryman want the best for his country? Unless youre Sweden, Germany or India.
I dunno. I feel like the Chinese would do the occupying (and subsequent getting shot at) in NK.
>Trump can't win
So the MSM expects us to win? Everything they say the opposite happens
How could white men hope to compete?
Because they hate white people.
>>malnourished gooks all centralised in one big city with hardly a man living outside of it
Not that I think NK would win, but you seem to have been mislead - whenever people talk about NK experiences, they note how quiet all the roads and cities are. Everyone is out in the countrysides trying to live on grass and roots.
Do you really think NK hasn't been tunneling for decades in preparation for the next big war?
This is probably the only way we go in is if they do. It will still be a meat grinder of epic proportions.
On top of all of this, let's remember:
>Implying the USA would engage NK in a land war
That would be costly and heavy on casualties. They'll just bomb the fuck out of them.
I honestly expect North Korea to get partitioned, southern half of North Korea goes to South Korea and they just become the Republic of Korea or just Korea, while China retains it's buffer state.
they still don't have enough food, almost all of their food comes from China or other countries, if China cuts them off, they starve.
>take a moment to read the article thinking the title may be some allusion to the long-term issues that would come with NK's downfall
>nope, its just a 700-word essay about how Kim dindu nuffin and Trump is an idiot
Why do I even bother?
that was the soviet union
A bunch of gooks with rusty AK 47 that they can barely lift because they live of 1 bowl of rice a day don't think any as a reason to worry
let's see here.. u.s. does over 1000 nuclear tests, no problem. NK announces they want to do one and the u.s. freaks out talking about preemptive strikes taking us to the brink of nuclear war.
>Kim dindu nuffins
do people actually believe this shit? No other nation on the planet aside from MAYBE Iran has threatened to nuke their neighbours time and time again, and Iran only threatens Israel so who cares about them. North Korea is a direct threat to South Korea and Japan, hell remember a couple of years ago they even fired on a South Korean destroyer and killed 40 Koreans.
underrated post
US does over 1000 nuclear tests in areas where it doesn't get in the way.
North-Korea wants to do a nuclear test in a supervolcano.
the Norks are more of a danger to their own people
He's as close to the exaggerated version of Hitler we will ever get
>won't run
>won't participate in debate
>won't win primaries
>won't win presidential elections
So Trump will win?
Kim constantly threatens to destory South Korea and Japan with nuclear weapons, we don't. We also don't test our fucking nukes near volcanoes, we do it in the middle of the desert.
Wow, I knew CNN was bad, but this is whoa...
Actually it calls Kim evil - maybe you didn't read it after all?
See above
>It's a Trump unironically gets triggered by watching CNN and nukes NK, kick starting WWIII just to prove them wrong and tweet about it episode.
we stopped nuke tests a long time ago, these days we use computer simulations to ensure no environmental damage and to keep the US from being pissy
I hadn't heard that... that's fucking awesome!
What a world we live in where media will side with a country that thinks 1984 is a manual over the US president.
Hitler did nothing wrong though. Kim's done everything wrong.
>America is the goodg-
Are ((((they))))) trying to reverse psychology Trump into war?
thats why I said exaggerated
Death camps, forced labor, dictator cult of personality, loyal soldiers, brain washing
All thats missing is that he should be doing it in Isreal
wtf i love CNN now
You faggots napalmed the shit out of Korea. Dropping neary as many bombs on North (And South) Korea as you dropped throughout the entirety of World War 2.
Over a million civilians died as a direct result of the US bombing campaign.
When was the last time the US tested a nuke? Also WHY THE FUCK did you guys give up your nuclear program? Was it because you could see the Kafirs taking over and you didn't want them to have the Nuclear Voodoo?
Yeah, we can blow up their shit country, but in the long run it'll just become another stupid quagmire human suffering hellhole with NK refugees running anywhere they can.
Nobody's denying the US is good at blowing shit the fuck up. We're trash at helping rebuild after we do though.
Wrong desert, sadly
We also don't run around saying we want to drop nukes on everybody the moment we have the capabilities. If you're wondering why we don't let S Africa have nukes, we'll take a wild fucking guess.
>If you kill your enemies, they win
You say that like it isn't the best thing in the world
If only North Korea was 2000 miles to the west, then he could be threatening Iarael instead of Japan and South Korea.
a final solution to the liberal problem
Trump says he's great at deals but he's been married like 3 times and that's pretty much the worst deal a guy can make so idk what to believe
>diesel subs are quiter
Except the ones designed by soviet engineers 80-60 years ago
CNN got their feelings hurt, when The Donald, called them "fake news'
Boo hoo.
>did nothing wrong
>lead his country shittily and didn't let his military commanders do their job, focused on worthless wunderwaffen pet projects, and wasted tons of effort and time exteriminating jews instead of winning the fucking war
>nothing wrong
meant for
keep crying bitch nigger
that's why South Korea will do the nation building, it's their people after all.
Considering the lardass from Best Korea might be crazy enough to actually try his nukes on live targets, yes.
I mean, obviously the Norks lose. But it would be a pyrrhic victory, forever questioned if the sacrifices were worth.
haha...I'm not convinced we did
Is CNN even an American news network? Which companies and individuals own CNN?
just fuck them up im sick of listening to this shit
The people of Bikini Atoll would like a word with you. We tested nukes on people quite a bit for science. You should give John Pilgers 'the coming war on China' a watch some time.
lol dude just beats on his chest, aint none of them gonna bat an eye but neither of them are gonna instigate shit.
It's like a mini cold war.
>Actually it calls Kim evil
From the article
>Moreover, Kim is playing within the rules of his country's system. North Korea's system says he is the grandson of a god, and that the Kim family is owed "absolute obedience," so he can do whatever he wants.
Following that up with
>Kim might be evil, but being evil is not the same thing as being stupid or irrational.
That's just the author covering his bases. If he's evil, why the fuck are you making excuses for his bullshit?
USA: Shit tier untermensch population that is brainwashed into thinking there's nothing more to life than working, eating hamburgers and buying shoes while their government has gone around systematically slaughtering millions of innocent people.
North Korea: Former victim of US. Develops own nuclear program. threatens retaliation for further aggression.
That's the reality of this situation.
>modern, well maintained diesel subs are quieter
>shitty soviet knockoff diesel subs are loud af
Besides, they're littoral so it's pretty unlikely they'll pop up by Hawaii or the west coast.
he's shit at making deals. he's good at abusing the legal system's loopholes to his benefit.
>come in and wreck up the place
imagine it, Schlomo Goldstein Shekleburg
The glorious gold jew leader
And CNN confirmed as a traitor to the USA yet again
North koreans are all taught that America is this crazed villainous country, while Americans are all taught that North korea is the crazed villainous country. Who's right? Really makes you think
have you got any links where he threatens to destroy these countries unprovoked? i'm struggling to find any
I wish N.Korea attacks Cali hehe the dead libtards would make me happy
S Korea will be to busy rebuilding Seoul after it gets nuked. Lil Kim may have shit nukes, but even he could get one to hit a massive city 40 miles away from his borders.
Kim's just trying to colonize mars.
He's building microwaves to ship to mars to warm up the atmosphere.
Imagine Mars like a chimichanga.
Mmm. Delicious.
the sacrifices are the south korean monkeys
and they're less than worthless: getting rid of these filthy dimwitted animals would be a net gain to start with
so yeah the sacrifices are more than worth it: win-win.
Should just start burning down CNN's buildings with the employees still inside.
Can't imagine anyone willing to work for them deserves to live anyway.
>North Koreans are all taught that America is this crazed villainous
You are talking out your ass son.
Watch Korean propaganda films. They portray the general population of the US as racially inferior untermensch who are enslaved by consumerism.
They speak ill of the government but encourage pity for the general population. They also portray US soldiers as being forced into combat by the government.
saying itll be nuked is a stretch, more likely theyd pound it with an ungodly ammount of artillery since their nuke program couldnt do enough damage to treat a cancer patient
Muh Afghanistan, muh Vietnam.
Name an actual military that doesn't hide in civilian populations that didn't get btfo by America? Reminder that the Iraq war ended in 20 days. That's 20 days to invade, demolish their military and capture Saddam. It's the nation building shit that we can't and shouldn't do.
Don't worry guys the USA is fighting a technologically inferior communist asian enemy in jungle and mountainous terrain with support from the more urban south of the country, What could possibly go wrong?
>Have you ever seen the rain
the fuck is this shit?
>people die in war
I'm aware of Bikini Atoll, but that was 60+ years ago, before we still understood all of its effects, still fucked up though.
>niggers with nukes
please no
Based CNN!
You guys couldn't against Vietnamese farmers and Sandniggers (if you account Iraq or Afghanistan as a win, and not a MASSIVE faillure you are a moron).
Will you can against Best Korea who are waiting for Muricans and their entire infrastructure ia made to have a fight with you?
Drain the swamp!
I Best Korea kills me, I'm going to be really, really mad.
>remember the Iraq war ended in 20 days
>14 years later US soldiers are still fighting there.
>former victim of US
>invade South Korea
>get shit slapped
this is like blaming the home owner for shooting a burglar.
fucking leafs deserve to be range banned I swear to fucking christ, no other posters are as stupid as your country's.
I'm actually very right, son. You are too. Watch more propaganda films. In their eyes we are the devil
There is something wrong inside them that the enemies of liberty have been sure to foster and support over the decades so that it would grow into a demographic big enough to exploit and ruin countries.
CNN obviously knows the capabilities of US military, Trump better listen.
yes we all know South Korea and Japan have been very provocative toward North Korea
>not become a #kimmissile
Kill the Drumpf!
This has become too pathetic. I want CNN held accountable and taken off the air for this unpatriotic trash
again, I repeat:
>no other posters are as stupid as your country's
not sure if bait or genuine retardation
I have a laugh every time I see you guys use the "civilian population" or the "we could win easily if we weren't attacked by the Media".
Man, civilian population and the Media are part of Warfare now. Get over it.
Damn if only we had bombs specifically designed to deal with tunnels, and if only one of those had been demonstrated recently.
>Be American
>Kill over a million Norks.
>Constantly shit post on the internet about how the Norks should all be nuked.
>Cry when they publish anti-US propaganda and threaten nuclear retaliation.
Really activates the Almonds.
I wish the Norks would nuke your shit tier ZOG piece of garbage kike country that is the cause of all the world's problems. But they literally won't. The most oppressive government on the planet has still demonstrated more ethics in war than your piece of shit tier country.
You faggots deserve to get nuked.