Model murdered for not wearing Islamic clothing

I've been doing anti-Islamic shitposting for the past few days, but I'm gonna really step up the autism now.

If there are any Muslims reading this, I'm not joking when I say, fuck your "religion" and fuck your "culture."

Other urls found in this thread:


I hope Ben Garrison wipes them off the face of the fucking earth.

Muslim here. I'm not joking when i say we will slaughter you in your homes and the streets. Go fuck yourself, retardican.

Go fuck a goat Achmed

We have enough firepower to kill every single one of you 10x over.Be thankful that we allow you to exist.

Kill yourself, your culture and religion is a cancer upon the earth.

Also Mohammud is a cuck faggot.

The feeling is the same. I'm glad we have an understanding.

Can't wait for WWIII to happen and social justice to fall off the face of the Earth. Then I'd panic if I were you.

>We have enough firepower to kill every single one of you 10x over.Be thankful that we allow you to exist.
You have nothing kid. You are no one.

>Ex-vogue cover model

Fixed that for them


>getting trolled much?

Somehow, knowing that no matter what happens Australia will be there to shitpost makes me feel better.

I don't even care if I'm getting trolled anymore.

Scientologist here. I'm not joking when I say we audit you in your homes and the streets. Go fuck yourself, simpleton.


WTF I love Israel now


Praise Allah


>ID: APe

caliphs where pedophiles wy do they have harems full of slaves and whores and othr shit and there where pedophiles

>Muslim here. I'm not joking when i say we will slaughter you in your homes and the streets. Go fuck yourself, retardican.

You're saying that to the only group of people who conquered the entirety of earth, who have visited other worlds, and possess weapons that can wipe you inbred goat-fucking dune coons from the planet.

You're not very smart are you?

inshallah ahhaahah we will out breed you cum skins :) hahaha your sons will be muslim and daughters whipped hahahahaha :)

She was butt-ugly. If that's what a model looks like, I would hate to see what a common one looks like.

Maybe that is why their men insist they wear the hijab.

Religion of ''peace'' everyone

who cares. she was shitskin.

> britcucks
> firearms

sure you dont mean butter knifes mate?

maybe you are talking about your armed forced.. but ive. got bad news for you nigel; getting paid to shoot weapons and loaf around primarily attracts the underclass; your armed forced would turn on the native britcuck in a heartbeat

and you aint gonna do shit about it since that would be racist.

Why cant muslims handle the bants or play video games well?

The sqigly lines translate to "pussy your mother".

Nice, how she dare!

We take a lot of defeat but when we bite back AND WE FUCKING WILL BITE BACK



>tfw you get all the (you)s by larping

jesus christ these newfags get baited so easily


You exist as parasites upon a host, that is fully capable of swatting you away but chooses not to due to misplaced empathy. Yet you continue to take larger and larger bites, and sooner or later we will start swatting.

We would must kill muslims as in the past

We should put serious money into funding feminism in Sunni-dominant societies. Literally do to them what the Jews did to us

muslims are sjw's

I hope this doesn't blow any minds but muslims campaign for their own version of social justice (sharia) and get so absolutely offended when their ideology is insulted they become violent to the point of exploding.

our own sjw's aren't there yet, but believe it or now, sjw ideology was founded by people who wanted to use islam to destroy countries because in order to not tell muzzies to fuck off there has to be a relatable domestic cancer.

this isn't a word
this isn't a fucking word
oh my god
you massive pleb
that's not a fucking word, you gigantic fucking moron
what the fuck
what the fuck
are all muslims as stupid as you?

muslim here.

like 99% of bullshit murders..

it probably has nothing to do with her wearing non islamic clothes.

...thats the bullshit people say when they cant be bothered with an alibi.

if she was well connected or protected they would have "let her off" most probably.

unless its those crazy mofos that blow themselves up..

anyway, in india "they" murder muslims for disrespecting cows..

the animal sort.

burgers.. ya feel?

Dumb cunt woulnt bend the knee, gets her head chopped, that's how it goes around here.
Women are nothing ig they don't serve their husbands.
You're nothing but a beta whiteknight that wouldn't get a tear from her even if you gave ur life.

lol raudha is from my country, the goat fucking pedophiles are taking over pls send help

It's a portmanteau of "retard" and "Republican"


>I'm not joking when I say, fuck your "religion" and fuck your "culture."
>basement virgin troll-level shitposting
>meanwhile they're out-reproducing you
We all know how this ends.

Seriously, the only cure for the cancers that are the Abrahamic religions is vanilla Sweden-tier atheism, which might have been Stockholm's plan all along

There's no proof that the death wasnt a suicide so I kinda jumped the gun making this thread. I dont hate Muslims but shit like this makes me sad.

That said, do you really want to do a k:d ratio of your religion vs Hinduism? Cuz your religion has killed way more of them than they have of you.

>It's a portmanteau of "retard" and "Republican"
With Trump as president and bungling every single thing he attempts, perhaps the word retard is becoming redundant.

>anyway, in india "they" murder muslims for disrespecting cows
Cows are more useful to society

t. another fucking Muslim in this thread

That´s sad to hear
Your country could be a tropical paradise

Except Sweden isn't atheist. It's some kind of weird protestant religion.

Fuck off back to Saudi Arabie you piece of mudshit.


I was at the Easter Show today. So many Muslims there.

I really can't wait to start putting you guys in camps.

I mean, for our protection of course.

>german news say it was suicide

hahaha freeeeeee press
nuke us please

The whore shouldn't have defied the rules of her betters.

This is what happens when women try to act like they have some rights. They have none, except what is given to them. Stupid cunt, watched too many """"American"""" """"Feminist"""" """""Hollywood"""" movies and got her head full of stupid ideas. She had it coming

And now you are the conquered, bitch. Literally the only power you have left is words typed into a chinese animation forum.

Yeah, I really don't care if some random slut got murdered. They wouldn't care about me.

>Except Sweden isn't atheist.
"Several studies have found Sweden to be one of the most atheist countries in the world."

>Fuck off back to Saudi Arabie you piece of mudshit.
Wow, you really are fucktarded. Does your mom know you're on the computer again?

lol fuck you and your desert cult.

user Threats over the Internet!? What a shocking and new experience!

that feel when people only know whats keeping you down.

....better become muslim.

you guys still handing out green cards?

Derka derka

Still 19 replies. I guess even internet bitches realise we ain't kidding around, we take the shit out because we are real men, not fucking internet heroes and pussies who got feminazi'd like all western millennial/genz trash.