What was his Religious or Spiritual views?
What was his Religious or Spiritual views?
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Not Christian
Freemason Devil worshipper.
No one here knows. History is written by the winners, who lie.
I think that "Wagnerian" could be an adequate answer - Hitler was an avid fan of his music and attended himself the Bayreuth Festival a few times
He despised religion in general
He was a jew, trying to kill the jews, in order to free the jews from the evil oppressive hands of the jewish.
A racial religion
In Mein Kampf he wrote a lot about how one can't be Human without a belief in a higher power, the Jews being Nihilist Atheist subhumans.
Ascended master of the dragon style, blessed by the dragon deity itself.
Obviously atheist.
Link didn't work; skip to 5:55
Probably a Deist considering his expressions on the necessity of a higher power.
That is a fucking rare Hitler.
that God is an invention to rule people.
Can anyone who is German tell me what he sounds like, as a person? What type of language is it, what type of person does he seem as?
He was into the same sort of Gnostic autism that Sup Forums is.
Catholic obviously.
Adolf was raised as a Roman Catholic. Later in life had more of a deist outlook, possible Neo-Pagan with the influence of Catholicism which can be seen throughout his time in office, Nazi rallies, parades, ceremonies, etc. Hitler thought religion was necessary to create a working Empire/Country, he was also aware on the human need to a belief system religious or otherwise. It makes a great propaganda tool as well; I could go on more about this subject.
You can tell he enjoyed sounding strong. And he avoids loanwords, has to be 100% German. Other than that, it's perfectly ordinary high German that everyone in and around Germany understands perfectly.
Didn't he put some germanic mythology in the mix?
jews are wrong.
Gtfo pathetic storm nazi cucks
>Daa jooss were evil
Hivemind imbeciles
That was more Himmler
He sounds like a person who would not ask how other persons sound
You're blind to reality, or aren't white and your opinion doesn't matter. Which?
he was brainwashed with occultism back in austria
power in the blood
hail hitler praise christ
At one point in his life he wanted to be a Catholic priest before turning to art and then soldiering before politics.
The Third Riech had close links to the Catholic Church and the Rat lines were funded by the Church to aid escaping German refugees and senior figures after the war was over where they dispersed to South Africa,Argentina,Chile,Paraguay,Colombia,Ecuador,Australia,Canada,Mexico,Switzerland.Syria, Brazil and Spain.
The Reich itself though was very Germanic pagan in theme and artistry but had a lot of Christian influences. Interesting because Fascism is inherently Atheist same as Communism. Further proof of how distinctive Nat-Soc is compared to Fascism. A common myth spread by the victor that they are the same as each other.
He believed in God and that he was chosen by destiny to lead Germany to greatness.
But he was not a Christian in the Catholic or Protestant or really any sense of the word. It was some vague deism I think.
This is the only recording of Hitler speaking privately.
Why does he look so different in the OP image?
I actually think rationally and don't generalise people based on their believes
I had several business partners who were jewish and every now and then i meet up with them for dinner because they are pretty decent people
Sorry that Im open minded
He's younger. Looks like it was taken in the early 1920's at the birth of the NSDAP.
>Hivemind imbeciles
"I actually think rationally and don't generalise people based on their believes"
Ignorant to reality it is then.
Hitler was a deist, like his idol Frederick the Great.
>Hitler: Christianity is the basis of the entire morality of Germany
>Hitler: Lord, we will not forsake you
>Hitler: We will defend Christianity
Forgot pic. He is making the masonic 'M' hand sign with his left hand. It is totally unnatural to have the fingers like that.
>My feelings as a Christian point me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.
Adolf Hitler, Munich, 12 April 1922
>God the Almighty has made our nation. By defending its existence we are defending His work. Only He can relieve me of this duty Who called me to it. In the years to come I shall continue on this road, uncompromisingly safeguarding my people's interests, oblivious to all misery and danger, and filled with the holy conviction that God the Almighty will not abandon him who, during all his life, had no desire but to save his people from a fate it had never deserved. In vowing ourselves to one another, we are entitled to stand before the Almighty and ask Him for His grace and His blessing. No people can do more than that everybody who can fight, fights, and that everybody who can work, works, and that they all sacrifice in common, filled with but one thought: to safeguard freedom and national honor and thus the future of life.
Adolf Hitler, Berlin, 30 January 1945
That's a painting mate. And no it's not that unnatural.
Christian or non religious if you believe in the (((Table Talks))).
Pic related painting of Mary and Jesus by Hitler.
It's funny that when a Chrsitian see the word "God" he just blindly assume that the word refers to the Christian God
>Around 1937, when Hitler heard that at the instigation of the party and the SS vast numbers of his followers had left the church because it was obstinately opposing his plans, he nevertheless ordered his chief associates, above all Goering and Goebbels, to remain members of the church. He too would remain a member of the Catholic Church, he said. And in fact he remained in the church until his suicide. "The church is certainly necessary for the people. It is a strong conservative element," he might say at one time or another in this private circle... "Through me the Evangelical [Protestant] Church could become the established church, as in England." Even after 1942 Hitler went on maintaining that he regarded the church as indispensable in political life. But he sharply condemned the campaign against the church, calling it a crime against the future of the nation. For it was impossible, he said, to replace the church by any "party ideology." ”Undoubtedly,” he continued, “the church would learn to adapt the political goals of National Socialism in the long run, as it had always adapted in the course of history.” A new party religion would only bring about a relapse into the mysticism of the Middle Ages. The growing SS myth showed that clearly enough, as did Rosenberg's unreadable Myth of the Twentieth Century.
Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich, p. 95
>non religious if you believe in the (((Table Talks)))
>The problem with these anti-Christian quotes is that the German text of the Table Talk does not include them, they were made up by François Genoud, the translator of the French version, the very version that English translations rely on!
>Hitler reluctantly allowed Martin Bormann to pick stenographers (Heim, Picker) to record the conversations. It was Bormann's idea to record Hitler's thoughts in the first place.
>Moreover, Dr. Picker regarded his own recording as authentic and insisted that "no confidence can be placed in Bormann's editing of it." Indeed, he writes, rather testily, of "Bormann's alterations, not authorised by me."
>Martin Bormann served as the instigator, fuel, and reason for the perception of many Christians that Nazism was against Christianity. Many times, quotes attributed to Hitler are actually Bormann's. It is well known that Bormann secretly worked against the Catholic religion behind Hitler's back and without his permission. It has been pointed out that "the fight against the church organizations" were Bormann's pet project. In spite of Bormann's repeated attempts to persuade Hitler to act against the Churches, Hitler insisted that "There has been no official Party announcement, nor will there be one."
>If Hitler actually desired to eliminate personal Christianity, then why do we not find it in his other private dialogs and conversations? Why do we not find it in any of his public speeches or interviews?
>Nowhere in the conversations of Table Talk, does Hitler denounce his Christianity or Jesus.
>At the time of the first publication of the table-talk translations, Trevor-Roper, Cameron and R. H. Stevens, probably did not know about Genoud's fake quotes.
What else would he be referring to? He was Christian and 90%+ of his audience was Christian.
>My feelings as a Christian
>Christianity is the basis of the entire morality of Germany
What god do non-Christians imagine Hitler was referring to when he talked about the "grace" of God three months before his death?
He was Jewish Satanist and intentionally recreated the Pergamon Altar, the throne of Satan. He worked for the Rothschilds who don't like Jews that follow YHWH and they sacrificed the normal Jews so that they could create an expensive war that they could blame on Nationalism. As a follower of the Devil he had no problem being part of a lie that destroyed Europe, so that the Rothschilds could secure their future control over Europe forever and they could bring about a future world in dedication to Satan.
Ancient Christianity with Paganism. Nowhere different from several christian countries of thousand years ago...
Our modern concept of christianity is VERY different from middle ages.
and Obama was the anti-christ ey?
No, but he was a part of the overall scam.
If you honestly believe that most people here hate every jew in the world for their name or religion alone, as opposed to say, the behavior of a large portion of them, then you are a close minded moron.
Christian he even says it in mein kampf
Yeh but he was Hitlers son too
t. fundamentalist Zionist christian
i've seen you shill before with the austrian flag
He was a muslim, Germany has long history of kissing muslim ass
Oy Vey! You anti-Semite!
I was under the impression he claimed Catholicism.
He looks like a handsome and more masculine Thomas Lennon in this pic.