National (((Socialism?)))

I'm doing some research on National Socialism, what I've heard so far is pretty fucking good. But I'm still turned off by the name. National SOCIALISM. Raised in a Capitalist home, I always thought negatively of socialism and communism automatically. What effect does socialism have on it, and how exactly is it different from Marxist Socialism?

And what about National Capitalism? (A name much easier to offer to friends)

Also /NatSocg/ I guess.

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National Socialism acts in the good of the nation-state

Marxism is just acting in the interest of the Jewish elite who will be running society, similar in nature to globalism international finance capitalism


I would suggest now that you've gone this far right to diregard the shackles of your autistic libertarian phase and to reconsider some things. The necessity of the state, the flaws of unrestrained capitalism..

National Socialism is capitalism however the end goal of economic activity should be to strengthen you Volk and nation (so not as today where the endgoal is to enrich the elite). The socialism part is because there are social benefits and support BUT for your own race. Niggers, jews, gypsies don't get jack shit.

> I'm still turned off by the name
That's because living in America has programmed you to basically view anything with the name socialism or anything similar in it to black magic or occult devil worship. It's just a different economic philosophy. Hell, National Socialism isn't even socialist, it doesn't propose workers owning the means of production or anything, it basically wants to use ethnic and national solidarity to remove the need for class conflict and provide effective social programs for everybody through the resulting high-trust nation state which would be good for everybody.
If you're interested further check out the Deutsche Arbeitsfront and what the NSDAP was able to do for workers and capitalists/industry.

It's hard for an American to understand ethnic solidarity since 90% of the average city is Mexican/black

What do you mean social benefits and support just for your own race? Welfare, but just for white people? I hate that system. Freeloaders should have no place in society unless they're the elderly who have already contributed.


Other than that, the idea of less niggers on welfare is wonderful though.

it's NatSoc mate, there are no lazy freeloaders. Everyone is required to work and those who refuse get forced to work. The social welfare system is there to provide pensions, free education, yearly vacation money etc. to the people.

>National (((Socialism?)))
>I'm doing some research on National Socialism, what I've heard so far is pretty fucking good. But I'm still turned off by the name. National SOCIALISM. Raised in a Capitalist home, I always
>thought negatively of socialism and communism automatically. What effect does socialism have on it, and how exactly is it different from Marxist Socialism?

>And what about National Capitalism? (A name much easier to offer to friends)

>Also /NatSocg/ I guess.

The social part oft NS was not really social, it was about gathering workforce, that's all.

Okay, I'm sold, sounds alright on the surface. But so does Marxist socialism, which is how so many cucks fall into it, but it doesn't work in reality. Are there any decent examples of NatSoc societies? (Aside from Nazi Germany)

Democratic Socialism, Communism and National Socialism are all very similar

The main difference between Communists and NS is the scope: Communism is global, NS is national.

In the 20s and 30s the three Socialist parties were all competing for the same votes

Whites are high trust on average so social benefits aren't much of a problem

Bismarck's Germany was the first country to pass modern social benefits. It wasn't until over a century later that the system became strained after non-whites began pouring in.

How does "let's let Jews run everything" sound good on the surface?

this sounds retarded

I'd imagine you really have a larger problem with national. I imagine you still feel the need to import american culture to the rest of the world. Movies, food chains, slang, etc. As you say yourself you want capitalism at the forefront but that will inevitably turn the world into a globalist one state theme park.

>it basically wants to use ethnic and national solidarity to remove the need for class conflict and provide effective social programs for everybody through the resulting high-trust nation state

sounds like y'all are just desperate for acceptance and want to be in some sort of club

I'd rather just be left alone to live my life the best way that I can

Libertarians can't hope to defend against a communist movement

Only collective action can be used to fight Jewish Marxism. America was hardly different at the time albeit with much more flawed policies.

Nationalistic socialism is the ultimate redpill

>How dare you want to be part of a Nation state instead of an autistic isolated libertarian living alone indawoods

>National Socialism is capitalism
socialism is socialism, is socialism
natsoc is no exception

national capitalism is OK
it's not as if you can forego your nation anyway
the nation is by definition that which you have in common with others by the sheer fact of being born somewhere, wether you want it or not

now, sharing more than that, eg what's yours, is sheer niggery
a nation of weak individuals is a nation of weak roaches, ie a weak nation

i'm not a libertarian

"Socialism" in "national socialism" stands for caring about your people rather than collectivsim that kikes want.

>vertify "select all gas sations.

Sounds like the nordic model, less the shit skin refugees

>Leave me alone evil statists ;_; I just want to own child prostitutes in peace

Sounds fairly libertarian

because Hitler is a good example to base your political philosophies on

he single highhandedly destroyed his own country on top of all the horrible crimes he committed.

if your gonna follow and be someone's bitch, at least follow a winner, not some loser who had to kill himself when things got too difficult .

Learn what the term "single handedly" means

There were some very large, powerful armies out to destroy Germany for various reasons.

I'm sure you'd just love us to forget how Jewish communists attempted to conquer the entire country post WW1

>he single highhandedly destroyed his own country on top of all the horrible crimes he committed.

Implying implications

>There were some very large, powerful armies out to destroy Germany for various reasons.

yes, because of Hitler's actions. that makes hitler responsible for his country's demise.

why does it look like that little bitch is crying?

because it's a socialist monkey
and socialists are wusses

You have a warped view of Socialism, a society without it is doomed to fail at some point.

Socialism on its own is not the same as Communism and/or Marxism.

In a National Socialist society, Socialism is not the central aspect,
but in Commie and Marxist societies, it is.

americans associate socialism with taking money from the strong and smart and giving it to the dumb and wasteful, but national socialism is about building a strong community

Why did Hitler privatize so much if it was socialism? Why do we get the word privatization from the German Reprivatisierung; coined in Nazi Germany?

thats basically it

>Because of Hitler

Not really. A small European country like Germany on the outer edge of an expanding Communist empire has little choice but to fight. Conflict was inevitable.

The British were more interested in Geopolitical strategy, keeping Europe divided, than destroying communism which is why they sided with the communist USSR

because what was privatized was more or less forcibly put in service of the state anyway
facade privatization is usual socialist circus

Allied bombs destroyed Germany, Hitler retook land confiscated off Germany in czechoslovakia, and had to reconnect with Prussia due to Polish persecution and massacres onto ethnic Germans like the bloody sunday massacre.

>Allied bombs destroyed Germany

BECAUSE of why?????

oh, Hitler!

Germany was fighting bolshevism you fool. The Ukrainians welcomed the germans after losing 4 million people to famine under soviet administration. They were welcomed into Austria with flowers. Hitler just wanted Germany for Germans, and everyone jad to stick the beak into it becuase he would have trampled the communists.

yeah yeah, napoleon failed too and is still an admired figure. figure out the difference

Well thats not entirely true but assuming it is, they went from a degenerate shithole to economic powerhouse in under a 6 years. Im a free market capatalist, through and through so this is why im fascinated when Hitlers supposed "socialism" competes better than the UK and USA in such a short time.

It sounds like you are just desperate to dismiss any form of socialism due to McCarthyism. Democratic socialism worked pretty well in Europe before rapefugees arrived. National socialism would work the same but it would be immune against jews and niggers.

We could have a thread here where we talk about how much the state should be involved the national economy. That amounts to taxes, quantitative easing, regulations, that kind of shit.

But you know what? I have strong views on economics, but in the face of the complete racial and cultural annihilation of the European Man, I don't give a single shit about any of it.

You're a Hoppean ancap? Good for you. You're a borderline Marxist who wants a completely nationalized economy? Sure, whatever.

At this point it doesn't fucking matter. Only fools fight over a house while it BURNS AROUND THEM.

End immigration. Restore white birthrates. Otherwise none of this shit matters.

What did Hitler do? He retook land taken from the treaty of Versailles, because germans were being massacred, Russia ammased an army on polands other border and so to prevent a bolshevik invasion he preempted it (which is something you fucken yanks do every year sometimes twice and you have the gall to argue that Hitler caused the destruction of his nation) to ensure the rest of europe did not fall to communism.

and from an economic powerhouse to a degenerate and ruined shihole in just the same amount of time
coincidence? yeah, right.

That's a childish way to think you right, but yes I wont deny what you say, would you like to offer an actual argument to my point?

National Socialism still calls for welfare, socialized medicine, cradle-to-grave government education/indoctrination, and all other forms of socialist kikery.

You NatSoc faggots are left-wing morons and don't even realize it.

So Capitalism is not kikery?

the argument is straightforward
when the state tries to channel the economy, it always and ever is vowed to fail
and for a very simple reason
the state spends wealth he never contributed to create, to buy things it doesn't that much care about
how can one think that may end well?

tl;dr who gives a shit? Your civilization is being bred out from under you.

>being so weak you lose against roaching jews

It's socialism. It's shit. You have a huge government ruling the economy with big monopolistic corporations. Said government has the monopole of force and a powerful secret police to put you in camp if they do not like you.

Pinochet's Chile.

libertarianism would be pretty un kiked but i dont think its actually possible. the rich elite WANT a puppet government to enforce their will and under a system where money directly translates to power that is what they are going to do every time

It's far less kikery than socialism. Which is precisely why globalist kikes are trying to move us away from capitalism and towards socialism.

The USSR went from a degenerate shithole to economic powerhouse (still being a shithole) in a short period of time under Stalin. That doesn't make communism a good system.

>The financial systems should be in private hands

Read 'Fragen und Antworten fuer den Nationalsozialisten' by Dr. Goebbels, your questions regarding non-(((bolshevik))) socialism will be answered in full.

It's like socialism 2.0 it removes the slave master but places checks that the slaves don't become the new slave masters, it's socialism viewed in perspective to a nation

i smell a nig nog

y'all isn't a nigger thing.

If it makes you feel any better, Rockwell called his variation of it the World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists to avoid confusion over whether or not it was associated with degenerate marxist socialism.

>national capitalism

Thats basically just pledging service to the mega corporations that reside in your country.

This is true. Those who bring about collectivist economic systems don't mind initially being worked to the bone "for the greater glory of the State", but those feelings wear down quickly over time, and they all but disappear when the next generation takes over, which is why brute force is required to keep the system going (and yet it still fails... always). NatSoc and Soviet style communism can give you about 6-10 incredibly healthy years economically, but then human nature kicks in.

>Im a free market capatalist, through and through

I'd be willing to bet you aren't actually.

You believe in the power of markets and it's ability to generate extraordinary wealth. I'm a NatSoc and I agree with that statement. The problem here is not the argument but the definition.

When people hear "socialism" they think of Eastern block economies, Marxism, etc. But Socialism as a term predates Marx, predates any modern ideas of communism. The truth about socialism is that it isn't only marxist in interpretation.

National Socialist thought was not about neutering the free market, but using it's extraordinary wealth generating potential and making sure it serves the public interest.

Capitalism also uses the wealth generating power of free markets, but at the end of the day, it does not use it's power in the common interest. Why? Because it's inherently selfish beyond reason. There is over 30 trillion USD in offshore bank accounts sitting around that has been siphoned off by the wealthy to avoid tax. That's almost the entire economic output of the United States for 2 years. Think of the good that money could do.

Be pro-markets, not pro-capitalism. And any system is capable of using markets.

>b-b-but I can't compete with mega corporations
not with that attitude, indeed
come on: pajeets are buying your best businesses back
shouldn't be too hard to beat them at that sort of game, particularly not with a pro-business state

Jews have 100% control capitalism Capitalism right now. They are not getting rid of it, but they are using it to their advantage.
The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and the middle class is dissapearing.

Still, it doesn't matter, as both Capitalism and Socialism have a lot of flaws.

National Socialism took the best parts of Capitalism, and got rid of the rest.
Also the Socialist aspect to it was quite limited in comparison to Communism.

You have been brainwashed to think that Capitalism is the best thing ever,
while Russians are brainwashed to believe that pure Socialism is the way to go.
You are both wrong.

How is it comparable to communism ,you are payed according to your merit not some arbitrary amount bullshit



I think I found a new gamertag for the virtual Jew.

NatSoc didnt have free handouts like Commies did.

Ay yo hol up. So you sayin that if I build a big beautiful house and then dindus loot it and burn it to the ground, it's my fault that it happened?

>implying state intervention doesn't amount to a (((free))) handout

>the nation is by definition that which you have in common with others by the sheer fact of being born somewhere
Yet another retard who doesn't know what "nation" means. Your nation is the combination of your genetic ancestry and the culture that stems from it, it is not the land you occupy. A Pakistani born in England is not a successor to the ancient Angle tribes which happened to proliferate there or the culture that they developed independent of the third world shitshow he came from. A nation is a people, not a place.

ye its ur fault that you built such an amazing and beautiful house, taunting local nigs with your white privilege and reminding them of their oppression.

Under National Socialism the most productive worker got the biggest reward for his efforts.

Under Communism the productive worker, and the slacker get the exact same reward.

They simply do not compare.

He cried while they watched his manifesto movie thing in the trial.

If you go around fighting those niggers don't expect them not to burn your house. Hitler should have respected the NAP

Corporations aren't a product of the free market since every single one is an individually state-sanctioned entity. A free market demands passivity from government during the buying/selling process and only during cases of fraud or other contractual misconduct is their input neccessary.

>Hitler should have respected the NAP
He wanted peace, but due to the fact that there were those who didn't want it, he was forced to form the SA, and later the SS.

>combination of your genetic ancestry and the culture that stems from it
>implying it's not what I was talking about
merry craps sure aren't the sharpest in the shed
next time, I'll draw a little picture, with nice colors, so you won't feel left out

>A Pakistani born in England is not a successor to the ancient Angle tribes
growing up in England, he still inherits some of what English inherit, want it or not
same way as pets selected to please Humans display some Human characteristics
that it doesn't make them Humans doesn't change that.

and in turn, if you let them change what growing up in England means, you'll soil the English nation (as one can readily see), which illustrates my claim well enough

mostly if it meant it could serve as propaganda
same as in USSR, actually...

You mean when he enforced the nap by taking back his property?

Socialism was quite a big part of the NatSoc movement in the early days. It does involve large state enterprises and a lot of government oversight to say the least. Despite this it utilises a mixed economic system where private property and a market economy are the norm. The reason why it's not "National Capitalism" is because Capitalism/Libertarianism is fundamentally global in nature and it would be a contradiction.

Idiots are not going to improve anything marching around in another country's uniform.

Commander Rockwell would have been so much better off by putting his men in gray or blue flannel suits and never ever uttering the name of Hitler.


Because the nigger problem is an American problem.

Not a depression-era German problem.

it was a matter of time before the war would've broke out the ideologies were rivals from the start. It was a very weak NAP

so he though its better for me to get a jump on them instead of letting them.


Nigger what? Both Poland and USSR assisted Hitler in his early invasions before getting invaded themselves. Poland took northern Czechoslovakia and Russia took eastern Poland, all of the Baltic states, and eastern Finland. They were perpetrators of invasions, hardly victims of it.

the picture is wrong though
you don't get 14 without the teachings of 88 and slaying the 6 gorillion on the way to your top

>the nation's goods
socialists are gonna steal

Niggers are definitely an American problem but they are our version of the poorest working class in Vienna talked about in mein kampf. From their lifestyle down to their mentality and education.

>Socialism was quite a big part of the NatSoc movement in the early days
And the reason for that was the pitiful condition Germany was at that time.
Capitalism cannot revive an economy, only Socialism can.

Fuck capitalist morons. The biggest defenders of capitalism on this board are poor proles. This is mind boggling.

Richard Spencer adovcated for socialised healthcare (just like hitler) and people went apeshit while the private medicine in the US is mediocre at best by world standarts and I shit you not is the most expensive in the world. The right wing crowd needs to go extinct because it doesn't understand the flaws of right wing theories nowadays and cower behind "muh helicopter rides" even though Chile is a shithole because of Pinocuck.

some never learn...

You don't go around invading countried and expecting them not to react.
Poland and the USSR are not role models.

>>combination of your genetic ancestry and the culture that stems from it
>>implying it's not what I was talking about

>the sheer fact of being born somewhere
>fact of being born somewhere
>being born somewhere
I get that you're damage controlling but this is just retarded. Get fucked.

>Poland and the USSR are not role models.
well well well look whos talkin

This. The stubborn Poles and (unfortunately) their allies the Eternal Anglo caused WWII.