If a German Shepherd is born in Sweden, is it a Sweden Shepherd or still a German Shepherd ?

If a German Shepherd is born in Sweden, is it a Sweden Shepherd or still a German Shepherd ?

German shepherd is the race, not country of birth you faggot

This OP
A nigger is a nigger no matter where it's born.

>spaniard intellectualism
years of muzzie rape really toke its tole, eh

c. Arab Shepherd

also a person MLK was a well-rounded individual you leaf.

its just a dog. it doesnt matter where it is born you bigot.

Bull Shepard

so many slide threads

It's a Swede full stop you fucking shitlord.

It can be whatever it wants to identify as, you shitlord.
Also, we need to rethink what it means to be German. Or Swedish. Or dog.

You mean breed

Is he a shepherd or a smith

Did you just assume their species?


>you were born in Germany? You're not German
>American with german ancestry? You're not German you filthy burger!!!

Sup Forums """logic"""

Shit-tier breed with shitty hips that gets lupus.

They should be called jew shepards

MLK was a commie faggot.

It's actually a Somalian Shepherd.

This. There is only one breed - the dog breed.

I thought after the second world war the plan was to just call them Alsatians

That seems like a good idea and stop people from being confused.

Nah that's just an English thing. Everyone else calls them German Shepherds

I am saying we should all adopt that english thing.

its a cucked globalist dog sex trafficking nigger dog

Good boy.

I was so hoping she would snap her back

No one here says Alsatians

He is social construct invented by evil White racists

Really? I know loads of bongs that still call them Alsatians.

The only time I've ever heard Alsatian is from Burgers to be honest. It might be a regional thing though.

The only noble dog is the rhodesian ridgeback

Say that to my face white boi i will never own a disgusting euroshit dog
I can buy your mom tho pussy shed like my dicc

Thought so you dumb fuck cuck

A tanned Swede.

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