Tfw i finally managed to convert 2 of my swedish friends to Islam

>Tfw i finally managed to convert 2 of my swedish friends to Islam

It's time for Swedish people to go alpha on degeneracy and make family values great again

Sage goes into the options field if you must respond.

Fight blatant sliding.

Stop being retarded frogs.

The only 2 religions in Sweden now is Islam and Cuckism

they played along to get you to fuck off and stop bothering them

Insallah habibi

Would you like to convert as well?

*can't hear the kafir*

did you threaten them with rape?

No, i regularly go to the local Mosque with them
No, i safely insured them 72 Virgins each when they arrive in heaven

Staghfirullah, this is az-zina.

You're late.

You are as bad as Salah Abdeslam, va te faire enculler connard

Oh and, vive Le Pen, pour le peuple et la république.

It was the 72 virgins right?

För helvete

shut up frenchy before i shove my big infected toe in your loaf munching ass

Who is Salah Abdeslam? :) #Notinmyname


well i know you are bullshiting the 72 virgins thing isnt true


die sweedish nigger

Thanks for correcting me.
Salah is the mastermind behind bataclan/paris attacks.
And hes a muzzie, like you.

This is sad actually

>Can't identify irony
>Can't identify the fact that je m'en bas les couilles

Please keep doing what you're doing.

Only with a real world example of the collapse of a western country can shock the others into action.

Je mange la pomme am I right? winky face full stop

No, It's 100% true, what in Allahs name is up with you?

A filthy shi*te?

You mean valhala r-right

No he meant JANNAH

That barbaric belief is haram,

swedes already knew this since before. That's the reason Why so many swedish vikings converted to Islam When they first came in contact with great, superior islamic civilisation

Are you that iraqi guy I was talking to in the female mutilation thread? I have something to clear (sorry for the autism)

And I managed to get some friends to start fighting Muslims! See you on the streets :)

you're doing gods work

You didn't do shit you swedecuck

I will never NEVER pay the jizya

I'm removing pieces of shit from my nation

>implying a swede will do anything
Come on, habibi

If that is the only way you could get these guys to join your club then that's pretty lame. Bribery. Besides, who wants 72 nagging women for the rest of eternity.

>skinhead trash
cool, dead meat when you're done being useful idiot

Based desu, you should covert to sikkhim for the time being you will get a free pass to carry pic related in any case based

We will take over Sup Forums brothers, Inshallah.

you will if you value your life, kuffar

guess he needs 70 more

>Snitching on yourself

Not a shy swede who allows shitskins to live in my neighbourhood
At least I'm fighting for my people, the fuck do you do?

Yes we know kaf- I mean habibi, post video when it's done

looks like a fancy shaving blade, user

may be good for a makeshift circumcision though

>the fuck you do
slaughter you when you're done being a useful idiot. Hitler slaughtered his SA soldiers and the rest he sent to frozen Siberia. Just untermensch

ok poojeet. Sikhs are the worst possible example when it comes to dealing with Muslims. Sikhs literally lost most of their homeland, including their capital Lahore and areas where they outnumbered Muslims significantly. Those dull fucking knives didnt help them out much and now Muslim Pakis control the ancient Indus Valley instead of Sikhs. BRAAAAAVOOOOOO

>implying I'm a nazi
I'm a nationalist and I'm trying to keep my country safe. You won't slaughter anyone, at most you'll speak up but I find that hard to believe

Wow you did a really good job of representing history from one side
What is partition and how was it done?

>not a nazi

Never said I support those faggots. Nice strawman


Pakis were fucking outnumbered there too. How did they get a disproportionate amount of land from the Sikhs despite Sikhs being the last known power in undivided Punjab????

Answer: They were weak beta fucks.

the who do you support mr swedish nationalist? youre not a do nothing fence sitter are you?

mashallah brother

>converting the weakest cucks
>an achievement
mudshits are the lowest animals on this planet.

you are lying Achmad. Fuck off

uuurrrrrgghhhh just the crazyness and lies of these brain dead people. Say the west is perverted when your culture and faith are perverted as well like any other religion. 2 idiots on the same coin. Thank fucking allah ( pun intended) we are entering a sixth extinction anyway cuss of tards like you.
This species deserves an eternity in hell.

you go off now wasting 5 prayers a day.
I'll be having and fun and enjoying life while you feaster and rot from all the brainwashing hate thats been put into your heads. Theres no bare individual soul left in their. Just a programed machine running on autopilot cus a programmer programmed it to. No soul left just a repeating blob of the same old words for 1400 years. nothing, new, nothing original, bland, stale, boring, exhausted ideals, taking infidel checks to live because muhmuhmyprivlage.

SHUT UP kafir, you'll never find peace, that will be hell for you.

>Indeed, those who disbelieve - if they should have all that is in the earth and the like of it with it by which to ransom themselves from the punishment of the Day of Resurrection, it will not be accepted from them, and for them is a painful punishment

If I were prime minister I would seriously have us invade Sweden, no joke Sweden needs to be saved and brought under the British imperial umbrella. Them and R*mania because fuck them, they will be wiped off the Earth

If you don't accept Jesus Christ as saviour you will die in Hell, this is a fact. The Koran says the Torah and gospel is true, so the Koran even says be a Christian not a Muslim

Mashallah brother

The Quran says Torah and Gospel is corrupted. And I accept Jesus, as a prophet. MOVE now with your false trinity doctrine before I go full jihad

we all accept prophet jesus the messiah you fucking ignorant nigger

Mashallah brothers, we're everywhere on Earth

Who says I believe the pagan trinity? This is 100% false and was a concept invented by the Roman pagan Constantine, who single handedly corrupted Christianity. The bible though is uncorrupted, the bible says there is but one God, it says Jesus is the son of God who is standing at the right hand of God in the kingdom of Heaven.
The Koran on the other hand says Adam is God, it says the angels bowed to him and worshipped him, but Satan didn't so he was an unbeliever. YOU SHOULD BOW TO NO ONE BUT GOD! Every Islamist isolator pagan needs to be whipped and hanged

Like cockroaches

>Quran says Adam is God
pic related

No you accept Muhammed, who is not a true prophet. Why did God never speak to him? God spake unto Moses, Jesus is standing at the right hand of God. What about Muhammed? The angel came to talk to him, well the bible warns that Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light, this is why Islam is so evil and corrupt because it's a religion started by Satan. Just look at the Koran there's inconsistencies in each chapter! What about the fact that you believe Moses is jesus' uncle? This is blasphemy! HANG THE ISLAMIST!

Quran 2:34
And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers.

Why is Satan a disbeliever because he refused to worship Adam?

ooooh big words for a poo in loo, we'll see how gan*sha will save your dirty azz from the Day of Ressurection

They were probably protestant anyway so not Christian to begin with.

Catholics are idolatrous trinitarian pagans, the fact is every big church is pagan and not Christian.
Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian, orthodox all pagan cults.

MOVE, he ordered them to prostrate in order to honour his new creation, not to worship him, IF HE WANTED MEN TO BE GOD HE WOULDN'T TELL THEM TO WORSHIP HIM ONLY. Retarded leaf.
And we accept Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. Nobody cares what your retarder Bible says. If Islam was evil it wouldn't tell us that Satan is the enemy of mankind.

Eternal reminder that Mohammed was a dirty goat fucker and child molester.
Plus, he was the prophet of Satan.


You're just another part of the Jewish horde into Europe. You will be crushed by the white man, goat fucker.

This is not and will never be /ourmuhammad/, bi'dnillah

Swedishness is a disease, and Islam is the cure.

So why does the Koran say not to do as Satan did? Satan refused to worship Adam, prostrate means to bow down, I don't care what any Islamist says when you bow down to something or someone you're worshipping it.
So since you are not to do as Satan did, you SHOULD bow down to others besides God.
Islam is a false cult started by Satan, you will die in Hell if you are a Muslim, every Muslim needs the whip and the rope, their temples to Satan torn down, the Koran and their history wiped off the earth. The bible supports this

Deuteronomy 13:6-9
If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers;
Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth;
Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him:
But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.

Because Islam is started by Satan, you worship Satan as God. Allah is Satan! The Koran says Allah is the greatest deceiver, the Torah says God cannot lie!
You worship another God, and our God says we should put you to death

I support the people who are not threats to our nation and the people who are rightfully here. Anyone else will be either forcefully removed or killed

> Arabs come to France.
> Get assimilated into our values
> French prisons are now overcrowded with sandniggers.

>Meanwhile, I'm fucking the living shit of my Tunisian GF.
>Assimilate my white dick
>Make SandNiggers White Again !

Am I doing "God's Work" ?

Discussion of True Islam Doctrine and Yakub here - Hooray the Nation of Islam

Okay until then I was trolling but you're seriously retarded. It requires a lot of mental gymnastics to make a religion look satanic when the religion itself blames satan and wars humanity against his tricks.

And Jesus spoke aramaic, God in aramaic is "AaLah", and the Quran don't say Allah is the greatest deceiver lmao it says he is the greatest plotter because in this Surah, Allah plotted against THE JEWS WHO WANTED TO KILL JESUS. How can plotting against the enemies of Jesus be satanic?
Stop listening to your 4th god david wood pls.

No, fornication is a sin, leave that woman middle eastern women are seductresses who will lead you away from God.
You're an idiot, look at the evidence I provided you. Why would it openly say "I'm Satan worship me" the Jews and Christians of the Middle East wouldn't have converted if they were told that, but it's in there you can see in the Koran that it's obviously satanic. Yes, Allah means God, but if I call bob down the street Allah that doesn't make him God, calling Satan Allah doesn't make him god either. This is why decolonisation was a mistake

You're basically becoming this.

There is no evidences lmao when Christians kiss or hold statues of Jesus that means they're worshipping the statue? For them no.
The teachings in the Quran to go to paradise are practically the same found in the Bible, but this is satanic right?
Yeah satan would totally forbid adultery, fornication, sodomy, idolatry, right?

You're so retarded please kys.

Yes it does mean they are! It's idol worship!
Look, you're an idiot. It wouldn't explicitly say "hey you need to fornicate, commit sodomy, be a fag" the Jews and Christians knew this is wrong, they wouldn't convert. How do you trick people? Sprinkle a few truths into the lie. This is common sense, grow up and read the bible being a Satanist is for the edgy 14 year old kid who sits in the corner and listens to dragonforce

It's a lie there is no 72 virgins, they trick uneducated terrorist(most of them) with it to bomb themselves.
There is no 72 virgins.

KOMON user dont bite lefty baits thet're at it since yesterday ALLOVER THE PLACE



Sup Forums you will deserve what you get if you don't clever up.

Does Swede ban gun ownership?

No, look you're totally retarded.
Even a non-Muslim will see that the Quran is against Satan. Jews can do the same with Christianity, take the Bible and say "oh yeah it says to people to love Jesus but it's trick lol!! it's satan hiding actually".
wow some christians are really retarder af, at least saying that Allah is a false god would be more understandable than saying His word is satanic. Grow up and read the Quran, being believing blindly christcuckity is for the autists

Too bad all thise virgins are male.

You need a license for that

I am reading the Koran, that's where I'm getting my evidence that it's satanic from. Don't you find it weird even the first chapter has inconsistencies? Because Satan isn't as smart as he thinks he is, he make sure mistakes. God doesn't

>86 replies and 23 images omitted

Not happening, I'm stingy with my money and you camel fuckers Shan't see a cent

Which inconsistencies? Lmao it's not the Bible though, it's not full of contradictions

The bible has no contradictions, when you're looking Satan in the eyes and he's laughing st you for falling for his tricks you will be sorry. Now go worship your black cube idol