Why is the media forcing this story down our throats?

Why is the media forcing this story down our throats?

It's really nothing special in terms of news yet it's been one of the biggest stories the past few days and considering all the shit that's going on in the world that's saying something.

What is their ulterior motive in pushing this story so hard?

Other urls found in this thread:


>you have to never ever do anything that a minority doesn't want you to do, even if the minority is an unreasonable, selfish little prick who hates and resents you

What is this story? Is he a terrorist or something?


Stop trying to derail the outrage train.

Nah, some chink with a problem with authority and the conditions of carriage of his cheap air travel ticket.

They want to foster scepticism of capitalism because they're all liberal arts majors who were all born wealthy enough to be socialists.

The thing about this story that annoys me is that nobody mentions that United are one of the cheapest airlines on the market, and this is this kind of shit you get when you pay for a cheap ticket.

literally this

it's a shitty thing, but wow, it's not that shitty.

companies have done thousands of worse things than this.

I looked it up. Two questions:

1) Where were the deadheading employees going? Were some of them pilots due to fly flights later that day? If so then why should one person be allowed to cause delays for possibly hundreds of others on other flights?

2) All of these people who were videotaping this. If they were so outraged at his treatment, why didn't one of them stand up and volunteer to leave so he could stay?

This is why I don't pay attention to the news.

It doesn't matter. People still want cheap airfare and will be willing to put up with the unlikely event that they might be delayed.

God I love capitalism.

>Why is the media forcing this story down our throats?

To get us used to seeing bloodied asians. Korea is kicking off soon lad.



Anti-capitalism is code for "purge white men".

After I saw this and the story about the AirBnB denying a customer because she was Asian, I started to suspect that the mainstream meteor was going to start running a bunch of stories to get Asians to hate whitey.

They're just sowing the seeds of discord.

Its to pre-shame the airlines and condition the public over the flood of gooks we will be seeing after Kim blows up his own country on his birthday. Lots of gook refugees will be flying united and they have rights. simple as that. gooks will be the new somaliis.


It's sad that this is the biggest story of the entire year.

even more annoying was all the stupid faggots on my kikebook who kept spamming shitty memes related to this. i am pretty curious as to why this story blew up so much.

>chingchong disobeys instructions from crew
>crew escalate to police
>police instructs chigchong to leave
>chingchong decides to argue and call lawyer
>police escalate
>chingchong squirms and falls into arm rest

weather the airline was right or not if the crew says you are not flying then you are not flying. get the fuck off the plane and then call your lawyer.

that airbnb story was also bullshit
>all those screenshots
>none of the owner agreeing to let the chink bring 2 extra friends and their dogs
>pingpong crying like a bitch

There's nothing in the Contract of Carriage about being removed from a flight to make room for United employees. Stop sucking corporate cock, they fucked this guy big time. Not sure why people are trying to make it about him being Asian, nobody gives a fuck about Asian men or considers them "oppressed"
>getting picked at random to make up for the carrier's fuckup with their own employees
This is bullshit. All the same, he shouldn't have physically resisted and caused a big scene like he did. That doesn't give security the right to fuck him up, it's not like he was a big guy.

United fucked up with the employee situation, and security fucked up a lot worse.


>that airbnb story was also bullshit
I thought it was weird that she was supposedly in tears after just finding out about the evil, racist AirBnB guy, and immediately found a news team on the side of the road that just happened to be doing another story and she approached and gave them her sob story.

it was either the chink got off the plane or an entire flight would get fucked over at the destination.

>airline runs algo to pick who gets bumped
>unacompanied minors and disabled less likely to get chosen
>premium passengers less likely
>frequent flyer status less likely
>regular y class fare less likely
at the end they chose someone on a cheap fuck y class fare cause he contributed the least

everything about the story was stupid and when the owner said "typical asian" or whatever it was probably related to asians being cheap frugal fucks that try to milk everything (doubling occupancy and bringing faggot dogs along).

Airlines regularly overbook because people don't show up, which saves them money and makes your airfares cheaper.

People always book with the cheapest airline.

If you don't like it then fly with someone more expensive.


> There's nothing in the Contract of Carriage about being removed from a flight to make room for United employees.

You're fake news.

The only people outraged in that video are wealthy housewives who don't have work in the morning.

Because identity politics. A hivemind race like the chinknese is extremely valuable to trigger

Also, nobody is really pushing the view that he was probably high as a kite.

He was wandering around the plane after the altercation saying "Kill me".

because its a form of free advertising/ fake news for a crap airline owned by porky in america.

to get people to fly a shitty airplane, if it happened on a train or a bus no one would have cared because people can just drive but OH NO A PLANE I COULD FLY ONE OF THEM! is there excuse.

Yeah its your fault for flying to amerilard land where they get to physically remove people for retarded shit.

if this was anywhere else in the world it wouldn't fly.

Haven't heard anything about. Maybe because I don't watch television.

>it wouldn't fly

Fuck you, man.

race baiting

See how quickly they forgot about the little autistic boy that got hand raped by a TSA agent but they won't let this story die because it's some old gook that wouldn't give up his seat?

I don't understand this at all. If the United Airlines was willing to give him a refund or another flight why did he not just get of the plane? It's not his property and he was trespassing at that point, how the fuck else were they going to get him of the plane without dragging him off? Do people not understand the concept of private property?

I remember reading it was 4 people and like 2 were pilots and 2 were flight attendants.

He's gonna sue the shit out of them & laugh all the way to the bank.

Beating up a 69 year old doctor is just a bad PR move lel

Jews trying to knock down UAL stock price before earnings get released.

>People still want cheap airfare and will be willing to put up with the unlikely event that they might be delayed.

1. united are overpriced and not cheap

2. people have had enough of americans strongarming people on flights and spying on them using the internet we see it coming now

>God I love capitalism.

well support open markets that will create competition and force united to put a stop to this shit.

> United are overpriced

This guy was on a budget ticket.

> Force united to put a stop to this shit.

That's not capitalism user...

He fell. Wasn't beaten.

they should have just waited in the lavatory
they were only on a 1hr flight from chicago to louisville

he had to go to work the next day and the next available flight was the next day in the afternoon

The air travel system is not ruled by capitalism regardless, memester. It is a heavily regulated industry with winners and losers chosen by the government.

>Airlines regularly overbook because people don't show up, which saves them money and makes your airfares cheaper.

The CEO admitted the flight was not overbooked.

Yes it was. The CEO is a worm trying to save face.

>t was either the chink got off the plane or an entire flight would get fucked over at the destination.

This is false. You are just making shit up to rationalize the State-corporate dictatorship.

how does admitting that the flight was actually not overbooked "trying to save face"
if anything it makes his case even worse

Admitting the flight was not overbooked makes them look worse, not better you fucking contrarian faggot. They wanted people bumped so employees of the airline could be transported. They were not customers. You're such a faggot.

>It's not his property and he was trespassing at that point
It's not trespassing if you payed a ticket to enter.
All they had to do was deny him boarding and follow what says in the contract you sign when you buy tickets.
They didn't deny boarding, they have to transport him to destination.

>Yes it was. The CEO is a worm trying to save face.

So everyone is lying but you have the inside scoop. Can you provide any proof?

You know, people used to say " it's a free country"

Now all I hear is "he wasn't following orders"

> The air travel system is not ruled by capitalism regardless, memester. It is a heavily regulated industry with winners and losers chosen by the government.

You can't argue there isn't competition though.

What's the fucking difference you retarded Americans?

Well that is a tough situation but if the owners of the property tell him to leave what basis does he have to refuse?

FAA regulations United agreed to that stipulates once a person is seated on the airplane they are entitled to be transported unless they cause a safety risk or disturbance. He didn't cause a disturbance until United started shit.

Fake news.

They aren't entitled to anything until after boarding is finished. The doors on the plane were still open.

Free market babyyyyy
>passenger is pinochet'd in accordance with company policy
>everyone disagrees with the company
>everyone hates that company now
>free market punishes company for shitty policy accordingly

The media as usual tries to spin a narrative of racism and whatnot, but they are just trying to get views for money, thusly inadvertently causing the free market to act on United.

This is a good thing, as it exposes a shitty policy the customers may not like. The politics attached is what draws views, they don't care about the long effects of the narrative as long as it's there.

"whitey kicks good Asian boy off aircraft and fucking almost kills him" is different from "passenger injured when fighting forcible removal from aircraft".

If you disagree with the narrative switch the station, or read it online with an ad blocker.

Everyone else stopped replying to you, and so will I. You're just here to be contrarian and you don't even know what you're talking about.

Except the pilot was returning home though.

He's setting up to throw that particular flight's leadership under the bus to save his own ass.
How do you not see this? Have you never worked a corporate salary job before?

> Can't prove me wrong.
> Gets mad instead.

that was the most enraging part of the video:
>"hurrr why cant the crew rent a car and drive to loisville?!?!!"
>not realizing that crews have mandatory rest times otherwise its illegal for them to work the flight
>not realizing that travel time does not count as rest time
>telling people how to do their jobs

and the pilot is required to have x many hours of rest before he is able to fly again so they couldnt put the pilot on a later flight cause it would be illegal to do so.

>> Force united to put a stop to this shit.
>That's not capitalism user...

why not? people can simply boycottt them until they go out of business.

Well it looks like their sales haven't decreased.

They want people to be outraged about a nonwhite being forced of a plane (never mind the fact they were chosen by an RNG) to stoke more anti-white anger from the populace, and especially in this case: Asians.

>the contract
post it

They should just bid for fucks sakes. With real cold hard cash. 1000 dollar people would have volunteered. Even if it had to be 2 thousand, so fucking what? Just 8 thousand total, big woop. Better than a PR nightmare.

Its on uniteds website

go read rule 21


clear contract violation on uniteds part

Yeah I know but he could just sleep where he is stationed.

well i wont fly with them for one if i ever go to burgerland, besides norweigan air is the cheapest.

>own prviate property
>(((state))) regulations tell you you can't remove someone from it if they park their ass

This is some advanced kikery holy cow

This faggot gook deserved it. He agreed to get the $800 and left the plane. Then, he runs back on like a fucking idiot and gets pulled off.

Plus, this is a distraction and the guy is a degenerate. Distraction from all of Drump's failures.

>What is their ulterior motive in pushing this story so hard?
it went viral, mostly due to some funny pictures, people jumped in the train. gotta get those click through rates, man

Well they were doing their jobs in a haphazard, unorganized manner, this is why they are in this situation now.

Overbooking isn't the problem, but if they wanted to reserve those seats for their employees, they should have had that information beforehand and don't let these people check in to reserved places.

You missed this bit.

They did try to get volunteers to leave and they would have gotten a new ticket and a night at a hotel, but no one wanted to get off, understandbly.

They probably would have had at least a few volunteers and a hell of a lot less legal losses and better pr if they upped the compensation to a grand or so.

This is the oldest jew trick in the book. (((they))) are pushing the stock price down so they can swoop in and get an airline for pennies on the dollar. Anyone that can't see what's actually happening is willfully ignorant.

>it's not like he was a big guy.
to you

Jesus, this.

Interesting angle user.

>people want cheap flights
>people dont want airlines to overbook
>government makes it illegal for airlines to overbook
>once all seats are booked airline can no longer take bookings on that flight
>plane now leaves with empty seats when a passenger no shows
>people who wanted to fly that day can no longer do so because they were not even allowed to book that flight because it was already 100% booked
but social media is full of industry experts with their "lulz why does an airline sell seats day dont hawve durrrr?!?!"

then they wouldnt have a flight crew in Loisville and that flight would probably get cancelled

distract you from WW3 about to happen

>You missed this bit.

Wrong rule retard.

Here you go:


Clear contract violation on Uniteds part

no you idiot
the CEO is ultimately responsible for all actions of his underlings
how do you not know this? clearly you're the one who has never made it past minimum-wage

>buy United stock, goy!
>they are trying to trick you! You must take advantage of the inside knowledge I'm giving you!

United violated SKY LAW, deal with it, sweetie!

This is why I hardly believe to most media, nowadays. Only citizen journalism I can trust

Funny, they always explicitly say "denied boarding"



Read this clause (the one I pasted).

"All of UA’s flights are subject to overbooking which could result in UA’s inability to provide previously confirmed reserved space for a given flight or for the class of service reserved. In that event, UA’s obligation to the Passenger is governed by Rule 25."

Citizen journalists are the people that brought this one to light before it blew up on Twitter.

Bit of a mixed blessing really.

What you are witnessing is kikery at it's finest. There are dozens of vids of people being dragged from airplanes. Somehow this one has the (((media))) in a frenzy. Nigga, puhlease.

I meant to say "should have kept" bidding. And as mentioned with actual money, not a voucher that expires in a year.

Kept bidding to regain one of their seats?

The contract that every passenger agrees to says that United can deny reservations to people on an oversold flight.

You are clearly not a programmer or a lawyer.

First, the part you're quoting is outside the scope of the rule which governs this issue.

Rule 5 does not define when or how a person may be removed from inside an aicraft.

This rule may therefore not be called as a function to remove someone from the plane because it implements no method to do so.

Rule 21 does that but lacks an implementation which allows for it to be called for the cause of overbooking.

Therefore you are plain wrong in your argument.



That's the problem. Ever since obama bailed them out which only made the ceo's rich they think they can do whatever they want.

Then when a flight is underbooked instead of giving passengers some actual leg room they delay the flight 12 hours.

Fuck the greedy fucks. Sick of 2hr checkins and getting molested by some fat nigress all because of muslims.

The flight was NOT overbooked.
I don't know why people keep posting that it was overbooked. The reason they wanted people off the plane was to make room for the 4 United employees they wanted on the flight.

They forced passengers to leave because they fucked up and had employees that needed to go somewhere.
They picked their employees over their passengers, and now they're facing the public backlash for it. United is an awful airline that fucks the American people whenever it can along with the rest of the monopoly. Fuck them.

"deny boarding"
And I didn't even said it was violating their contract (It might despite what their PR department wants me to believe) I said it was a dumb decision from a business perspective.

>The contract that every passenger agrees to says that United can deny reservations to people on an oversold flight.

Yeah, they can deny people access to the plane but according to contract a person cannot be removed from inside the aircraft for cause of overbooking. Only things like national security ie. government request, criminal activity, actual threats, medical, flight cancellation, fire on board etc.
Rule 21 of the contract

Fuck everything we should all just die.

United is the only non-jew owned airline. The media outrage and pushing it down your throat is to short the stock and a push to replace the CEO with a jew while buying up 100s of millions of dollars in stocks at a significantly discounted price.

The dude was denied his reservation before boarding had finished. He had no right to be on that plane.

He was in breach of the Contract of Carriage BY NOT HAVING A FUCKING RESERVATION.

Possible. Still maintain they fucked up though, but I guess (((their))) airlines don't get burned when they threat their customers like shit.