She actually looks like a shitpost too which is a good sign.
Please tell me Pauline will be the next Australian prime minister
what is her platform
is it nationalistic "pride" or "I'm a boy who puts dicks in my ass and want to brag about it" pride
nationalist pride as fuck
Last I checked Australians get fucked on commodity prices, civil rights, world trade and legislative capacity
this seems like a lot of issues. Is she going to build a wall to keep the abos out? How will she win?
We need this for meme fuel, user
she got seriously btfo in the recent WA state election, WA being right-wing heartland. Can't go a week without fucking her narrative, she takes obvious bait too easily. She surrounds herself with sycophantic, incompetent nutters and continually picks pointless battles to fight. Basically she's dumb and is led by her emotions, ie female.
She'll never win.
She has far too much bad history following her from decades ago.
The party might do alright if they had a charismstic leader but she is fucking useless
Pauline isn't leader of the One Nation WA political party you stupid kike. She could give less of a fuck.
This. I love her but fuck she is a dumbass. I feel second hand embarrassment whenever shes in the news for whatever new controversial comment she's made.
>Pauline isn't leader of the One Nation WA political party
that's because it doesn't exist anymore, kek
fuck off shill. Pauline is the most down to earth, relatable politician there is.
To be honest mate the political establishment in Australia is thanking their lucky stars Pauline somehow made a comeback instead of a new populist party making ground.
Pauline is an idiot, and the stigma surrounding her party is insane. There's no way One Nation will break 15 percent of the national vote so long as she is leader.
I hate to say it but it's true, we won't be seeing the far-right resurgence that is being seen in other countries, at least not the same extent.
she didnt even do badly in that election. problem is she isnt good enough, doesnt have the credibility to run a country, no one will ever trust her enough. plus she sounds dumb. we need someone better. I think she has a cielling, porbably the best on offer right now though
pretty much
FYI down to earth & relatable aren't synonyms for successful. And honestly you've got to laugh when the part leader is an anti-vaxxer and one of your party members is hospitalised with measles in the same week as his election was deemed unconstitutional.
It's a bit boring tßh because her failure has been telegraphed for the last 20 years, I'm more interested in Bernardi's shot at an Independent Senate seat.
She's a liability to the cause and anyone who can't see that is a hack. I'm as right wing as it comes but even I know she is nowhere near articulate or charismatic enough to be any more than a slight annoyance to the Nationals.
I accept that was a laugh, but it the official one nation policy was that parents would be able to choose if their kids were vaccinated.
I honestly believe that Pauline needs to go to a speech therapist or some sort of vocal coach so she can become a better public speaker. She always bites her words and stutters constantly which seriously dampens any delivery of her lines.
Good to see some likeminded ausfags thinking the same way. not sure bernardi has the charisma but hes got the right ideas, need someone with self made success image here (like trump but not as silver spooney, not a fish n chip shop owner either)
That you princess mary?
Kek too funny mate