Has Shia labeouf been found?
Has Shia labeouf been found?
Why would anyone want to find him?
He's being held hostage by the globalist elite for failing his duties. Pray for Shia.
Sage goes into the options field if you must respond.
Fight blatant shiaposting.
wtf is this pic? can you explain ?
I hope once he's found we can all sit down and have a nice chat, drop a redpill or two.
Hell yeah.
he is here. found in a day old thread from Sup Forums.
old thread :
No, and this is a shoop.
Some people claimed to have found Shia. We're grouping people up for an expedition to drive to lapland, but money has proven to be a problem. Gas isn't free.
just go to the museum and livestream with him. ask him personally where his cuckshack is
This picture is photoshopped and the cabin has been already checked alongside with dozens of other possible cabins by Ylilauta.
It's Lapland...
Imagine if someone dressed up as Santa and knocked on his door claiming to be a neighbour
Is this a complete shop? Or did /ourguys/ actually get the flag that time?
poor shia has completely lost it. his childhood and fame has gotten to him. he is completely off the rails now. he honestly needs professional attention
I have got my shit ready to hunt down Shia. Wish me luck
You just missed a thread. On mobile so I can't find it.
As we speak, there are lads from Norway out on snowmobiles doing recon. They'll be at it until Monday or until they find him whichever comes first. Keep checking back for updates
I would if you didn't choose a nigger for your miss universe contestant.
no its real, and youre not a fagget
wheres the gun?
>Shia's mom is awesome
What did they mean by this?
Nearest village: Sellaniemi
Region: Lappland
Who cares if they did or didn't? Meme it into truth.
good luck based finfam, ps, black women are beautiful
Godspeed, user!
It was a femanon that got the glag, the timestamp was a grills handwriting
> Not calling her a jewpsy
Missed opportunity, senpai.
Not sure why the user deleted his post but this is what it said
>I have got my shit ready to hunt down shia. Wish me luck
Someone raise this flag
Comon boys
The OP pic is shopped (it's very obvious), nevertheless, Finnish spurdos already visited that cottage just in case.
Poop down the chimney ???
Show me some moxy and live in a cabin in Finland in January. This is what happens when your parents are hippie drug addicts.
Is he going to fucking mount everest?
Would be absolutely amazing
But to stretch things out and cause maximum crazy for Shia
Park down the road, hide in nearby woods, make scary big foot noises
Holy shit
Shia has been all over the world and has fucked some of the most beautiful world in it. You have been to the movies and fap every night user.
Man looks defeated. Alright back of pol. Save shia for another day.
Nice proxy Shia.
we need one last op to assassinate him
It helps to be a rich child actor with a pedo dad that can hook you up with some nice jailbait
He might as well go vegan at this point
So much wroong in that pic. d_d
norway bruh here.
not curently in the region, starting on monday if someone else dont find him before then.
Shit I'd go camping in the woods with just about anybody. One of us could go gather wild edibles while the other constructs some shelter. Build a camp fire and cook up some wonky bush meal just to say you did it. Poke the fire and listen to critters for a while. Maybe do some fishing. Shia's got the right idea. He needs to calm down. Nature is where it's at. Happy camping libtard.
so scouting have not yet started. will begin in a few days. (no point dooing this whilest his stream is down)
Pics of the time stamp? The last thing I remember was that they told the camera that they couldn't cut it down
If someone finds a plausible location, I could check it out tomorrow. However, most of the ones people have linked have too many things that don't add up with the background in the image.
We haven't heard anything about Rönkkö's family and friends' cabins either, which would be possible places.
All we know is that they are in Lapland/Lappi, they use a gaspowered generator as there's no electricity, each of them in a cabin of their own.
I would also assume they're not too far away from a town, as I assume they have supplies brought weekly (as he had an apple). There's probably people outside, as well as a car as close as it can be, for security purposes. It's probably somewhat secluded to not cause too many people to get curious, as well as there being no electricity proving it.
There's also the case of mobile reception and enough bandwidth to stream the choppy video, limiting it somewhat.
norway bruh here
want to divide labor? skal sjekke kilpis og nært rudt på mandagen,
Not same chair tho.
Maybe we should wait until he gets cocky and puts the feed next to a window so we can see outside, opening some ways to discern the location of the cabin
It's a stupid wodd house in a museum or something.
You go in there and there are 3 tv's streaming muh-live-blog. One of them is pic-related.
It's superior cancer
Vel, jeg kan alltids ta en tur til kilpis i morgen, men må være mer definitivt enn det er for oyeblikket.
A big thing would be to determine how his cabin looks and what kind of setup he uses to geographically limit him in regards to reception.
I imagine he's in a room that look like this, since there seems to be an angle and there's natural light coming from his left side. Most places seem to either be to low in the angling or too high up.
Isn't Shia's dad a pedophile
skal oppover på mandag uansett. men om du har sjekka i forkant post det hær, så slæpp æ å leite vest andre har tatt det. e jo også fint å sjekke fake's så man kan avkrefte at det ikke e på de plassan..
med det sagt så e streamen nede og neppe oppe for mandag, som betyr at han ikke nodvendigivis e dær atm
Anyone else want to just go get tea with him? He seems defeated... I would just accept our victory honorably.
Has anyone got the picture of the eternal Finn
the guy on the left in the picture
nice artwork
> do you work for shareblue?
Sounds like a honeypot to me.
Bor i Kiruna själv, hur kan jag hjälpa till?
Is the location even confirmed in Norway? I'd be in to checking it out. Bergen anyone?
find him
You think if brought a fresh HWNDU flag to his cabin he'd hide it again?
Unless he gets cabin fever after a while this is pretty boring.
So jews are admitting themselves to concentration camps now? what a zany world xDDD
Use reindeer you damn Yuropoor's. Shia is getting away
It's in Northern Finland, Lapland/Lappi. That's all we know location-wise.
Hmm, I actually know a few people from that area who shitpost here all the time (because of course they do). I'm gonna' call 'em up.
>Not striking whilst the iron is hot
And you dare to post under an Anglo flag.
Viktigste er å redusere arealet man skal lete i, for Lappi er jævlig stort. For oss i Norge og Sverige er nordvest Finland det området vi burde fokusere på, men det er ingen vits hvis vi ikke kan garantere at han er der.
The most important work is making an estimate of how his cabin has to look like. Perhaps also using the positioning of the sun, as well as areas with suitable mobile reception. Also, he's probably not too far away from a place with an airport and not too far away from a place with a store.
It's a shoop
This guys needs to try 2nd round and be more sneaky.
One last move in this grand game of capture the flag, One last act to end this grand saga .
You guys should go to suspected areas and flash his picture around to the locals and local business owners and/or grocery stores. Tell them he ran over your dog, stole your snowmobile, or stole one of your sheep. Or killed a wolf (that's illegal over there right?)
No need to search every cabin
Reminder that Americans have lower wages and standards of living than most Western Europeans.
The Yuropoor meme is projection. Americans are piss poor.
poor man he's broken he just want to talk at this point
no more bullying
I was in the thread with user when he posted it yesterday. It's the one from season 3. The one in the middle of nowhere Tennessee. It's not a shoop
Why is the stream down?
do you think he is armed in that cabin?
Someplace that starts with an L I forget, but there are videos on youtube where he is hinting at it.
Also the autist that visited him casually asked about the HWNDU flag and Shia claimed that they were "working on it" or something to that effect when asked if it was going back up. Sounds like not only is he doing this but the flag will be back as well. I was thinking how you could fuck with Shia and it seems like the thing that triggers him the most isn't blatant real life shitposting but subtle things like a pepe or asking a question referencing something that upset him.
For any anons that want to fuck with him that's what I would do anyway. Just act like anybody else and hint at something related to meme major or whatever. If dozens of people throughout his day ask subtle questions or mention something without overtly exposing themselves it will probably drive him to insanity faster.
its Good Friday
[Citation needed]
Maybe if you live in Switzerland where you basically don't partake in well... Anything that might be the case. The only poor people in the US are mexicans and niggers because they don't work, your average white American is better off, especially now with the mudslime problems other countries are having.
She looks like a gypsy...
>your average white American is better off
Doesn't like 10% of white Americans live in trailers?