Le white masterrace
The fault lies first with the turkish animals
enjoy your Assad 2.0 regime
those animals would smash your head to a fucking pulp if you ever disrespected one of them 1v1 you fat piece of shit.
enjoy getting cucked
enjoy being a fucking turkroach. worthless of living islamic piece of shit
A talking roach!? WTF.
>T*rkish football fans think they are hardcore
You wouldn't last a day here cuckboy
We'll see. Muslims like to attack in groups. It's rarely one on one with them.
Why haven't Turks produced anything of value throughout their entire history?
Try that again with the Brits instead of the French. Are you honestly surprised that France surrendered at the first sign of danger?
worthless monkey, go back to jungle
becase of your mothers pussy
Cockroaches assaulting people over football.
bulgarian hools always smash turkish faggots at football games
greeks smash turklets too
I'm 6'2 and 220 pounds i will eat you little man
>get completely arse raped by Russian Ultras
>think they can do better against Roach Ultras
lol ok
t. cuck
fuck off gypsy im not giving you any money get lost!
There it is boys the fabled cuckfield, where the cucks go to graze.
>french surrender
How is this news? They're like the worst eurotrash, down there with Russia.
>with the Brits
British hooliganism is pretty much dead.
football is haram you fucking kuffar.
take it from a real muslim you secular turk munafiqs. I am a gulf arab. you are turkic dogs.
your mother is a gypsy little turklet
why wh*Tes are so weak??? no wonder why their women choosing alpha black and muslims instead of them
Don't make Brazil angry, he's crazy when he's angry.
poor irrelevant fucker
cmon fuck off yürihabdu egüyaümü
Wrong. Turks, like niggers, only attack when they have a numerical advantage.
Haha French fries fucking rekt.
I hope Le Pen wins but even then you guys are fucked.
pick one
fuck off bongshits
t.american who likely never saw a turk in real life thinks his opinion is worth anything. lmao fuck off
Lmao, you Turks are all mongol rapebabies mad about never being relevant past 3000BC
> Turkish
> Football
Kek you guys are a joke everyone knows Greek, Serbians and any Eastern European ultras always buttfuck you. It's easy to start some shit against Lyonnaise pussies.
>turks act like savage animals
Fuck off roach
I saw a roach once
In America I'd just shot you
fuck off mcdicks
fuck off shitty toothpaste
> and muslims
never seen a white girl with a muslim - then again, ive never been to sweden.
>a real country
this is you
Why are you on pol 24/7? Get a job.
I gotta say you roaches are making it way too fucking easy for Le Pen to win.
What's the turkish word for deported?
>white girls are attracted to niggers irl
Stop watching cuck porn, Roach.
Make the fire rise
I will be in the frontlines the day we retake Constantinople
Avé Maria
ive never seen a white girl with a muslim either and i live in fucking toronto
this must be exclusive to eurocucks
say that to my face not online faggot; the post
how many greeks does it take to screw in a lightbulb
no that's you
get the fuck out discount spain
Uh ok
>doesnt breed and disappears
Its a christian religious holiday, the death of christ, why would I be working?
get a fucking grip burger youre making us whites look bad.
Why are there always buttblasted cockroaches making threads insulting Europeans? Is your inferiority complex really that bad?
Sorry that you're a mixed bag nigger brained dirty cockroach, by the way, your cockroach empire got exterminated
bring it on you turkmeni piece of shit
>the roach speaks, we musn't listen
what's it like having skin that is literally the color of shit?
what's it like reeking like a filthy animal and having people cross the street / leave the room to be away from you?
you're so jealous of the white master race it's pathetic to see a little roach like you squirm
>tfw Beshitktas lost
>1v1 me irl
fucking child, pathetic
>having a cuck link ready within seconds
>worships a delusional Arab goat herder who claims to have seen the archangel Gabriel in a cave outside Mecca
>pretty much the Middle Eastern Joseph Smith
>established an empire over the majority of the Arab world for several centuries but was barely able to hold it together and constantly needed Western modernization to keep up
>gets his fucking shit rocked during the First World War because his soldiers were faggot pussies
>pretends the subsequent Turkish state was some kind of revolutionary movement which threw off the shackles of the Ottomans when everyone in power was just an Ottoman shill who was licking their wounds
>"hey Sup Forums turks are human"
try that in italy, they will throw your kebab ass in the colosseum.
Damn whitebois are pussies. They can't even take a little scrap at a football game. "le master race" my ass. The white race will get breeded out of existence because the men are sissys.
Using Christ as an excuse to slack off huh? Nice.
Just admit you still live with your mommy in the basement.
Lmao, Turks are just dumb beings bred and brainwashed for fighting an Islamic war.
It's always those damn sand assholes that attack every living thing out of rage and hatred.
Don't think there will be no consequences in the end little roach.
t. Turk toilet cleaner in Canada
Im arab. you are white.
your country will fall to islam like the UK
>Running away
wow i am shocked
>why aren't you working on Good Friday
You're a good goy, aren't you?
did you actively search for a thread like that, or was it already open in your other tab?
We remember the Euro and the russians, the anglo hooligan doesn't exist anymore.
you could at least try to behave yourself abroad.
Butt blasted roach
reminder canada is fag nation ruled by fag and here in the UK we have Sadiq khan muslim mayor we win
The turks were throwing firecrackers and homemade explosives from above.
stop saying goy nigger
keep humilating europe turkbros.
found OPs fb
good riddance, roach.
Lol Beşiktaş fans are nu-male degenerate commie pussies. Yet they can make eur*peans run.
Hey, OP, I have a pet hissing cockroach, and I value its life more dearly over yours.
You are less than a cockroach
T-Turks are v-very good m-military w-w-w-we would easily w-w-win a war w-with the w-w-west
sorry, have never gone a week without a job since i was 17. currently 33. living with parents this year (after 10 years renting solo) but have saved 50k for house deposit, which might get you a shoebox in sydney.
anyway, enjoy obesity and being a virgin 4 life
I've seen a lot of you, and he's pretty much right. Every muslim roach acts like a nigger, every secular roach acts like a normal person and hates muslim nigger roaches. And by the way you act I can see you're not the secular type.
>there are currently people in the world who are unironically proud to be turkish
>tfw shitskins are so dumb they are arguing with one another and calling their opponent "White"
You both are trash of this planet thriving on cuck nations.
Turks got clapped in the stands lmao.
>attacking women and children
Classic kebab
What's it like being from the third world?
faggot bong thinks we're jealous of his stupid cockroach pet
fuck off you failed guinea
Stop downloading
I saw a dirty Turk in real life, almost puked all over him.
Smells like feces and rotten insects