In fifty years all Americans will look like this

In fifty years all Americans will look like this.

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all the same?

They do have good teeth though

NJfag here they look like regular italian americans

Hopefully we have better technology by then and aren't burning fossil fuels or coal


I hope so.

Pic is what Brits will look like in 50 years.

Pic is what finns will look in 50 years

Nah, more like this.

>when you honestly don't care about skin colour, eye colour or hair colour and think intelligence is possibly the only heritable trait that could ever matter
On that note, east Asian intelligence is overrated and south Asian intelligence misunderstood.

>not obese



Fixed that for you

still better than Germany in 50 years


So 75% will be attractive and not obese? Once white people are lesser things will get better?

they look brain dead. like they have no mental capacity beyond their own narcissism

Highly disagree, they look too withe.

In fifty years all Swedes will look like this.

Gypsy girl

Italy wins

>"regular" American

sceglierne uno

Well, at least the niggers will all be on suicide watch. They imagine "People of Color" means nigger. So when they gloat about how "we proud and strong PoCs and we finna take ovah nigguh bix nood" they literally imagine America turning into South Africa instead of a Germanic-Mexican hybrid where blacks are still on the bottom.

That's what they look like now

East Asian intelligence is highly cultural, they're academically brilliant because rote is almost religious. When you actually attempt a conversation with them, they usually turn our dull and unimpressive. This isn't intelligence, this isn't logical skills, this is "getting good results skills." The deep of it is this actually makes east Asians unintelligent in my eyes, quite despite testing brilliantly by every metric.

Indians are misunderstood. Not only are they not a singular ethnicity or culture, two people from the same city could be as different as an Andalusian and Finn. Besides white people, and even then only Germanics, Balts and Mediterranean, Indians are potentially the only other interesting people and even then only if you find a Brahmin, or the right Vaisha and the occasional Kshaitra or Rajput, as in not the sleazy douchebag. That being said, talking to some Indians is honestly like talking to an intelligent dog, it actually does somewhat understand you, but it's just not capable of responding.

If you want to raise a better human, I recommend either keeping to northern Europeans or being highly selective about Indians and Mediterraneans. Ultimately, it's high intelligence, and by that I mean real intelligence, that lowers crime, creates a productive work force, enables self sufficiency and basically builds functional civilisations.

Duh, they share a powerful hive mind


Wrong, chin people are high iq and extremely poor only empathetic morality makes functioning society, non euros are morally not intellectually deficient.

>Wrong, chin people are high iq
Oh.. okay, I guess I better just believe you. Did you get this from the Marxist Chinese government? Or the quasi fascist "lol what otakus" Japanese government?

>extremely poor only empathetic morality
..which is usually a sign of low IQ when you understand things like enlightened self-interest.

Why can't Sup Forums admit east Asians actually aren't that intelligent? Of course it seems like that when your government only imports the best and brightest, but here we get all Asians of all sorts.

To really understand, I want you to know Hispanics here are really intelligent, even if Hispanics in America are really unintelligent. Why is this? Could it be that immigration policies across the Pacific are more selective?

>fifty years

Moral deficiency is a sign of a stunted intellect

There is literally nothing wrong with Jewish people turning everyone into one mushy colour with no identity so they won't revolt and be good consumers

You literally cannot win

Being Jewish rocks!

when whites as a race are drowning, you dont need a discussion to survive, you need air to survive. a white country and only white country as a place of refuge for whites world wide, is that air.

if East Asian intelligence was only an illusion due to rote learning then they wouldn't do so well on IQ tests.

>Just not legally

You guys should kick out those mexicunts, based Honduran telling you that they are no good.

>In fifty years all Americans will look like this.

There all Muslim Transvestites?

God bless amureeka

In fifty years all Norwegians will look like this

NJfag here too. These look like the Puerto Ricans mixed with the mexicunts that invade my town.

Untrue, IQ tests are highly dependent on mathematics skills and a branch of mathematics called logic. For instance, you will test notably higher in IQ tests if you do a computer engineering degree, which involves mathematics and logic, but this obviously does not reflect your inherent intellectual abilities.

Basically, IQ tests are something you can study for. Your obsession with them is evidentiary of your ignorance. I don't want a society of mathematicians, I want a society of high understanding abilities. There are many theories of secular morality, but none that can be understood by low intelligence people. You can know calculus, but if you cheat on tests you clearly don't understand the categorical imperative. Guess who gets caught for cheating the most in Australian universities (after the douchebag Indian, of course)?

Highly, highly overrated minds.

Don't even bother with that guy. I've been thinking the same general things that you have written about but could never articulate as well. Seeing any footage of how their society makes the difference evident between Euros and Asians. I have also been curious as to how much of their stated IQ is just studied for. They pretty much kill themselves for those tests with their level of study whereas the west is rather uninterested most of the time.

You're a retard.

we'll look like Sicilians?

Oh wow, you got him with that sweet rebuttal.

depends on how they estimate it though, if it's through actual individual testing using things like raven matrices or just using things like school results
the latter seems something psychologists take interest in, probably because it's cheaper to try and make some wild estimation with them than actually testing more traditionally

obviously the quality of education is gonna affect IQ estimations if the second method is used

>In fifty years all Americans will look like this.

Hopefully Medigan

That's diversity you're looking at pal!

Are you saying there aren't a lot of high iq Chinese?
Obvious intelligence isn't the thing for a functioning society that only affects your posistion of power not the well being of society that comes from morality and socialization of people, asians have little to no empathy, euros the most.


there is absolutely nothing wrong with future american women being qt3.14 brown chicks. i'm starting to think all racial nationalism (white,black,brown,jewish) is closely linked to homosexuality because no straight man would ever turn down even a butterface of another race. males are biologically programmed to spread their seed so being repulsed by another races women is unnatural like homosexuality.

Painted on eyebrows?

In 50 years Argentina will look like this

>but what about muh dick
t. Tyrone Zhang El Burrito

This is why the people in white countries live better.

quick to call people faggots, huh.

I think you meant

Tyrone Zhang El Burrito Goldberg

dem eyebrows

In 4 years all arabs will look like this

>says person from the most genetically diverse nation in europe
giuseppe giuluigi strombolli look in the mirror. mama mia!

all arab women will be BLACKED like Allah intended.

That's cultural, but the effects of culture on real intelligence shouldn't be underestimated.

Absolutely not, of course there are plenty of genius east Asians, but it's just too common for me to meet an east Asian with a +3.5gpa who stares at me blankly for anything that involves even a modicum of creativity or critical reasoning.

What I think Sup Forums should really focus on are Indian minds. If I meet a genius woman she's almost always Indian, at least in Australia where most other Caucasian women are feminist which is about a 10-15 point hit to intelligence. If you're a man looking for intelligent women you absolutely must consider Indians, but, again, of course there are also intelligent east Asian women.. As there are Mediterranean and Germanic women.

Ultimately, be selective and consider the mind the most important characteristic. Don't discount anyone, not even Africans, Ghanian and Nigerians also have high intelligence ethnic groups within their borders.

in 4 years, all fag enablers will look like this

>says literal mongreland
t. le 56% man

Do you mean all the men will have been phased out? :^)

lol as if we give a crap about race and skin color.

it's all about faith brah.


Wait, they don't look like that already? The internet has given me the impression that your girls look like that.

Not my daughters because they'll be nonexistent

Literally this. Cognitive dissonance at its best

>Fag car
>destroyed by rear end shunt
story? Its almost like it was deliberately hit

Italy may be younger than the US as a nation but you guys were ahead of the curb in terms of race mixing.

more like ten

Show your boipucci


>ayo ma I's be projecting n sheit!

n-not now nazi-kun...

>that insane lack of genetic distribution

Holy shit. Dad got cucked hard. Literally all that's there is the mother's genetics.

Saudis are pussies anyway

he isn't even german. prob some syrian who wants to dom your saudi behind for revenge for destroying his nation using my nations corrupt politicians.

>tfw we're double penetrating syria and managed to turn the entire world butthurt

what a time to be alive


>its a saudi fucks the lives of other arabs and muslims episode

Yes, blind dogmatism, totally what I want to select for.. If I were an authoritarian bootlicker raising a nation of sheeple.

Arabs sure are impressive people. Islam has totally made them great.. uh.. great.. lungs for yelling atop of minarets?

"White" is a dead end, I admit white skin is very beautiful but it's completely pointless against intelligence.

Only intelligence creates civilisation. Everything else is a waste of time.

Yes, being permissive of your elite class selling weapons of mass destruction is tantamount to raping a small child and quite understabably makes people like me upset.


You managed to invade the world centuries ago and stilll believe you and your barbarous Persian propaganda is relevant.

More and more I've been realizing how lucky I was to grow up in an area that's almost all Germanic white.

Im russian and im more nazi then the krauts

>Only intelligence creates civilisation.
>[citation needed]
>implying civilization is a goal by itself

>saudis are pussies

Nice one jewish kike, get outta here


Yo waddup common filth

A better civilisation is the only goal, whether your a fascist and want to enforce your idea of morality or if you're a libertarian and want to find alternatives to authority. In the latter case, when intelligence correlates heavily to crime, it would seem you could even replace the police force if you replaced the dumb people.

>Holy shit. Dad got cucked hard.
The dad is likely the mother's cousin.

>A better civilisation is the only goal
"better" is all but a well defined idea
I don't want a "civilization" where "better" means the destruction of everything that is sacred and different for the profit of a small internationalist elite who takes advantage in having a consumerist homogeneous mulatto underclass with nothing to fight for.

And as far as intelligence go, having a group of highly spatially intelligent but highly antisocial individuals is probably worst for civilization than a group of normally intelligent but highly social individuals who can actually cooperate without chimping out every year.

>"better" is all but a well defined idea
How about you don't try to weasel out of this by hiding behind relativistic arguments? Lower crime, higher productivity, higher likelihood of charity, all these things correlate with intelligence.

>I don't want a "civilization" where "better" means the destruction of everything that is sacred
Sacred is even more subjective than "better civilisation" we could sooner agree that being able to walk out of your home fearlessly is a characteristic of a better civilisation than anything sacred.

To me, only information is sacred and what an ironic turn of events that intelligent people better understand information than non intelligent people.

Came here to say this. Except I'm not from Jersey.

>Lower crime, higher productivity, higher likelihood of charity, all these things correlate with intelligence.
correlation != causation
all those things correlate more directly with the level of social cohesion of a country

>we could sooner agree that being able to walk out of your home fearlessly is a characteristic of a better civilisation than anything sacred
not if the only thing I'll see out of my house is a bunch of identical mulatto consumerists ready to serve their jewish masters

keep your definitions of "better" to yourself Zhang