Don't start a hobby
Anus Mcdildoer
Gapin MuhAnus
whats wrong with hobbies?
Does anyone by any chance have a picture of this guy's asshole rebelliously sucking a dildo in, BTFO'ing SJW's in the process?
he looks so weird without a beard
Gavin thinks hobbies are for boys and men shouldnt have have any guy time outside of having a family
Nothing, but prepping the bull isnt a hobby.
Anyone who has a family knows hobby time doesn't exist. If you're a man with a wife/kids and you have time for a hobby you're neglecting something somewhere.
Also hobbies aren't manly. Even the word sounds gay. Hobby. Hobby. Hob-by.
hey los, traveling outside of Honduras?
I imagined that last part spoken by Stan of American dad
not quite but almost
>listening to a guy who isnt properly shaved
You wouldnt listen to a hobo in the streets either.
>Taking advice from a guy who opens his arsehole on camera and gets his small cock out
No thanks
I'm going to start a family soon. I know plenty of guys with hobbies and families. Stop being a fucking killjoy. This isnt fucking Gookland where people work 18 hour days and wondering if an abulance will be called if they casually get run over.
WTF is this pic? And why is it saved on your computer?
>unironically taking advice from a guy who shoves dildos up his ass on live tv
He's a tryhard entertainer. Very little of what he says is insightful and his opinions aren't well formed or are only for shock value alone
>This isnt fucking Gookland where people work 18 hour days and wondering if an abulance will be called if they casually get run over.
No, the only people running anyone over are the camel fuckers you let into your country because you were too busy doing macrame or some shit.
>If you're a man with a wife/kids and you have time for a hobby you're neglecting something somewhere.
are you such a fucking mongoloid that you have no desire to expand your knowledge on anything that doesn't involve your wife and her kids?
I have too many hobbies and a family but I'm pretty happy to fit them in when I can
>play music
>make 3D models
>read books
believe it or not even with two kids you can always find 20mins here and there to do these things, just gotta get off the couch and put away your phone for a bit
GO away gavin youre a fucking normie reee
Why are you shit posting on Sup Forums when you should be attending to your children?
also if your kids can't play by themselves for a little while they are probably retarded
Sometimes he can be funny but he's a bit of a man-child; I can't take him seriously enough to consider his insights.
He's a screaming ninny.
He doesn't understand that we're laughing at him and not with him.
Man, he's really spreading those cheeks.
and this is the guy telling me not to have a hobby? top kek
>Anyone who has a family knows hobby time doesn't exist.
>not exercising and playing sports with your kids as a hobby
Though you can have a club or something to belong to
Church events
Hobbies have to serve a dual purpose, both constructive entertainment and socializing.
You aren't going to be able to both go out bowling and build boats in bottles or something.
they're with their dad
A. friend of mine took up powerlifting in his spare time and just set a bunch of US records. He has 3 kids under the age of 6.
My dad never had any hobbies. He worked 50 hours a week and then came home and sat on the couch watching Fox News until he went to bed. I never want to be like that and I don't think it is good for kids to have someone like that as a role mode
>He doesn't work 18 hour days
This is why the US is the best and the UK is the united kaliphate
nice boipussy desu
>real manly men don't have fun
>oh god I hate my life so much but at least I'm a real man and shit
>I wish I was allowed to at least go fishing
>but that's like a hobby, and real men don't have hobbies
>I'm a r-real man..
lol what a cuck
Don't waste time pretending your doing something productive and fapping half the time any way.
Want a real hobby? Something that makes money or improves yourself. Try lifting. It's better than those degenerate anime games you're playing.
Hobbies are for children and whiney millennials.If you're older than 16, you should be working.
>"but muh stress"
Grow up. Every job is stressful.
This is a typical retarded boomer attitude.
>life is about work!
>the time you spend having fun could be better spent on more work!
>my Jew boss is always right!
>I'm fat and have no life b-but it's because I have kids ;-; not my fault
> has a swipe at the UK
> reveals himself to be a anime weeb into traps
Fucking kys
He thinks video-games are a waste of time.
You're triggered because you know he is right.
it was a joke my friend
>WTF is this pic?
it's the great, conservative thinker and role model Gavin McInnes totally showing how not degenerate the alt right is.
Get of the internet and back to work then faggot.
I don't play video games and haven't for about 5 year's now. I don't drink, take drugs or watch garbage TV.
How many of these things do you do?
Ha, my dad likes building model kits and he had plenty of time for our family. Fuck, I've even gotten into it because of him.
typical boring as fuck bong. enjoy your miserable cold, bleak, wet existence.
The biological basis for play is to explore possibilities, hobbies can often lead to financial success. Men are built to explore and play, involving the kids in the play helps raise them to be productive.
I'm sure it wasn't his first time
real men don't joke user, they work and work and then they work some more and when they're done working they die.
Oh good. Glad you're not fapping away your masculinity. Now fix your county your twat before Achmed rapes everyone you know and love to death.
I like Gavin, but he complains about people who play video games but then himself watches 3-4 hours of TV every night.
He probably spends a good amount of time talking to his invisible friend in the sky too.
>Church events
>I don't play video games and haven't for about 5 year's now. I don't drink, take drugs or watch garbage TV
instead, you shitpost on 4chånz. But that's totally not a hobby, right...
>hobbies can often lead to financial success
this. I wouldn't have the job I have now if I didn't take an interest in building PC's & coding shit at home, which I did when my son was a baby
Your post is an example of the dunning kruger effect.
Gavin got fired from Fox for making Kimberly Guilfoyle "uncomfortable"
>he doesn't know this is a Christian board
>working a job
Mediocrity and lack of ambition is ugly
Enjoy wasting your life at work until you're 65 and can finally afford to retire.
Sorry that you think drinking,smoking, doing weed and watching Netflix is socially acceptable compared to self exploration.
Keep telling yourself that you're a real man and not a slave.
Your post is an example of pseudo intellectualism. Learn what thing mean before you say them fag
>following a middle eastern cult
>current year
I wish I didn't come to this place as much as I did. The Internet was a mistake
he looks exactly like the type of faggot who would put things up his ass on tv to justify his wife already doing it
>I wish I didn't come to this place as much as I did
then don't come here, you're a grown man with a will of your own, right?
his wife embodies disappointment
Why are you here then? Stop lecturing someone on the dangers of smoking while being a smoker yourself you fucking kike
Video games have ruined multiple generations of people. Kids these days spend more time playing on their retard box than they spend thinking about what kind of work they want to be doing in a couple of years.
Most of the millennials that do work end up in IT "jobs" and sit on their arses every day doing practically nothing. This all stems from their love of computer games.
Video games should be outlawed.
If you're working 40 hours a week slaving away for a Jew boss, then video games are a waste of time and you should be putting your time and effort towards attaining freedom.
If you have enough savings, and passive income to say "fuck you", then video games are perfectly fine
Sounds like you're projecting sweetie.
Actually, here, try this, try eating healthy, no soda, no badly made goat piss sandwiches, just water and clean food and lifting, listen to some good music, take some walks in friendly neighborhoods that have been turned into no-go zones yet, no vyda games and no porn and see how you do.
he looks so much like me. scots irish mutt.
There is nothing wrong with honest, hard work. I know I am a better person than every millennial brat because of this.
Truth is, if you enjoy yourself then it's never a waste of time.
Do you always get triggered so easy?
I play 5 aside football once a week for two hours. You could argue a hobby in a way something that people seem to hate here. Yet kids would rather play fifa 9 million because their anti hobby parents bought them a console to shut them up
>Why are you here then?
because it's a fun pastime, kind of a hobby.
>Stop lecturing someone on the dangers of smoking while being a smoker yourself you fucking kike
I never lectured you on shit, you infinite retard. I just asked why the fuck you keep coming here, if you'd rather spend your time elsewhere.
I don't regret coming here, but if you do -then fucking just quit.
No way
>implying that "gamers" can even hold down a 40 hour job, let alone a real job at 60+ hours per week.
stay mad, christcuck.
I do all that now. Why are you so rustled. Are you devoid of imagination
I'm a CEO and own a small business so it's not quite the same for me. Eventually, I just grew out of video games. Don't have time for them really, lots of audio books and presentations and the like but after a certian point, with a wife and kids and all that, you have to find ways of being creative with the things you do. You don't have to justify every little thing and say "does this make me money" or not, that's not the issue. The issue is time, it's always about time.
>dont start a hobby
unless that hobby is READING or CODING or LIFTING WEIGHTS!
Hmm, maybe I pegged you wrong then. My apologies. I'm so used to shit-posting it's almost a reflex.
your wife and.... "Her" kids...
Waste of time. Learn a real trade in your spare time.
What's the point now? So many people do it and without a CS or software engineering degree you are a second-rate hire
>in school for this
if they pay is shit when i graduate im an heroing for sure
>He doesn't know the starboard stuff
>The issue is time, it's always about time.
I know, that's kind of my point. Slaving away so you can enjoy the time not slaving away is a fools errand unless it's for a short amount of time (not 30/40 years...) and you're getting a shit load of money at the end of it. The true goal in life is having all the free time (read: freedom) in the world, and still having an income stream. That way you can effectively say you're being paid to waste your time.
People who fell for the Lifescript of get a degree, get a job, put money in "safe investments" never achieve this because it takes them like 30/40 years to save enough for a modest retirement (they never pursue alternate income streams), and that's assuming they aren't a complete moron who fell for the instant gratification / keeping up with the jones meme (unfortunately, many people don't grow out of this childish behaviour). Of course, they'll have 1000 excuses for why they can't improve their situation, and most of those will be conveniently outside of their control.
Get good grades and you'll get a good job, probably. If your GPA is shit though you might as well drop out.
I know a few guys who had 3.5+ who immediately got internships and good jobs. I know a few slackers who are currently working at shitty startups making the equivalent of $12 an hour or doing shitty webdev freelancing and obviously are broke
Did he finally ditch the faggot hipster look?
when I saw this I was, like, "wow, how could they do the shoop in such a way that the clothing in both pictures matches???" Then I googled. It's not a shoop. They don't call him "Gapin MuhAnus" for nothing. He is a sexual deviant.
I'm thinking about learning how to paint on canvas
Good grades don't mean shit in the real world. Learn a trade, get paid.
He invented the faggot hipster look unironically.
Funny coming from someone who still lives at home and has no income.
Big companies don't even look at your GPA anymore. I know people with 3.9's who couldn't even make toast or fix a door.
Being an interesting person and actually having experience will net you a better job than purely based on grades.
You're on Sup Forums