Would you rather be conquered by Mongols or the British?
Would you rather be conquered by Mongols or the British?
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. Mongolian Empire > Islamic Caliphat
Hahahaha go ahead try it England hahahaj
Bongs I guess
they build railroads'n shieet in India and SA
Mongols only left death and destruction in their wake
You have more muslims than us. You have a higher % of muslims than us. What is this desperate hypocrisy germans are obsessed with?
Just remember that we spread civilisation and prosperity around the globe.
Finns seems nice, I wouldn't mind.
We could drink vodka and build sauna here.
Still better than *nglo
You are wrong Nigel :^)
t. Ahmed on suicidewatch
t. more muslims than my country
We have turks, you arabs. Turks arent as bad as pakis and co. But hey, sharia for Gb when?
t. more muslims than my country
You have fucking paedophiles inbred Pakis
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country
We did. You're carrying our mantle now.
Pakis and Bangladeshis aren't Arabs m8. Learn a bit of geography.
We don't have Arabs you mongrel.
don't kid yourself, we sent you the worst subhumans. most of those peasants we've sent you didn't even see a major turkish city and were raping donkeys in their backwards villages
Mongols > Caliphat > Birtbong slave empire.
Mongols didn't care about you, they didn't even care about religion.
>I have lived to see the day when European countries argue over who has more/the worst muslims
I notice Sweden isn't even partaking in this conversation
some mongols are muslim, but you know... they're a minority. I can't say the same for the British
It's pathetic right? We need to unite and fix the problem not argue over who has it worse.
United 4th Reich when? We really need to gas the Muslims, it'll be a party we'll bring nukes
Checked praise kek
Meh beats having scania imprinted in my skull
Anyone that says Mongols is retarded
Rather be conquered by the Russians but it is a fact that the colonies from the British empire are the best nations now compared to Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese or French colonies
And be genocided by the Mongols for dissent
Gott sei Dank!
So you're asking people if they would rather be conquered by us or you?
Come on now Portugal, you're better than this.
English slave is preferable to feee Russian
Yeah, like you tried with Québec and it failed miserably?
Joke on you, Mohammed is fucking your wifes while you are in your kekshed.
You guys were doing better bants in the past.
British defenitely
the british
Bongquest worked alright for us. Meanwhile, there's parts of Central Asia that STILL haven't recovered from the Mongol rampage 800 years ago.
I'd love it if the British reconquered us
>would you rather be ruled by Brits or mongs
What's the difference?
Rule Britannia