>$315 MILLION dollars just to kill 36 mudslimes and destroy a couple of hand dug tunnels
>$60 MILLION on memehawks missiles of which only 1/3 reached the target and only made tiny potholes as damage
Is Trump actually retarded?
$315 MILLION dollars just to kill 36 mudslimes and destroy a couple of hand dug tunnels
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its better to use them then just let them laying around
gotta spend money to make money
CHA-CHING!!! $$$$$$$
Money that was spent long ago.
>But it cost us...
Stop. We did not purchase those weapons. Those weapons were purchased years ago. They were literally sitting in a warehouse.
They did not build 60 tomahawk missiles so they could launch them. They went and got them from the MASSIVE FUCKING PILE we already have.
He's just flexing american muscle like chad now.
drumpfkins will justify this
The missile doesnt cost 360 millions, it cost 16m unit,
The reporter who said it was costing 315 m did not even read the article.
> proof in pic
>Stop. We did not purchase those weapons. Those weapons were purchased years ago. They were literally sitting in a warehouse.
Nah man, everybody knows Trump himself hops on a rascal and putt putts down on to Lockheed Martin or fucking whatever and says "I'll have 6 missiles please, gotta kill some brown people today!"
the memehawks cost ~100 million
Here's the thing. If we are not going to use our money to make America #1 don't fucking waste money on it, and not on bullshit like this!
We should have marched on Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Taken their oil and nationalized its production. Profit sharing for the American people. Military personnel reciever additional money. Imagine that, no more fucking terrorists. And if we nationalized the profit from oil production in those two countries? I bet you every American would be getting a 2k check in the mail a month. This would afford us more white children, health care and education. Never before has such a world power been so flaccid.
Fucking spending trillions on a military we use to hold hands with the enemy.
Yes, and now your government will buy new missiles to replenish its stockpile.
Kill terrorists with bomb - Waaaaaaah
Terrorists kill civilians - Waaaaaaah
Use huge bomb - Waaaaaaaaah
Use small bombs - Waaaaaaaah
Use no bombs - Whys he not doing anything? Waaaaaaaaah
Use troops - Waaaaaaaaaah
Dont use troops - Waaaaaaaaah Whys he not doing anything.
Drop Moab - Waaaaaaaahhh so many killed and expensive.
Say 36 ISIS killed - Waaaaaaaaah not enough
Dont bomb Syria for using chemicals - Waaaaaaaaaaah, why he not doing anything?
Bomb Syria - Waaaaaaaaaah Expensive and people died.
Find out some missed - Waaaaaaah Not enough on target.
Who cares, was a good video.
And who doesn't cherish their MOAB-memories in C&C Generals? That alone is worth more than gold.
You're the fuckin retard, that amount of money cost tax payers a total of 3 cents
Do your fuckin math you uneducated scum
315 million was the research cost done decades ago. They cost 16 million
>using weapons that have been sitting in your stockpile for over a decade
Kill yourself envious faggot
Hopefully bush and obama kill themselves. Trump is the type of person who could give every American a share. But republicans and democrats will do everything they can to fuck it up.
A single team of Navy Seals carrying shovels could have done the same damage as the $315 million MOAB.
I have no idea why is Trump such a retarded pussy.
>liberals believe this
>got them from the MASSIVE FUCKING PILE we already have
Are you retarded? Missiles don't just appear out of thin air, they have to be made - which costs money.
You think the military is dying to use this stuff, OP? Why not? Our military (especially the high brass) literally lives to fight.
>$60 MILLION on memehawks missiles of which only 1/3 reached the target and only made tiny potholes as damage
I want to believe Trump half-heartily went after Syria on purpose
better to leave them sitting there until they're decommissioned
Next you wanna try and infiltrate us by spewing anti trump propaganda make a good argument
or at least list a number in the billions lel
300 MILLION people in the U.S. - 300 million spent
1 penny from each taxpayer
They are made by companies that employ normal every-day Americans though. I don't get why nobody sees this, if the US stopped buying so many bombs, half of the country would be out of a job. It keeps their economy running.
And the have to be replenished, these retards believe Trump won't build tenfold of what he wastes.
Drumpf is finished
Or maybe we can just enslave the subhuman Croats to clear the tunnels for us because we're done with that shit.
this fuckin idiot is also pointing it out as if you could crack a missile open and get your money back
Go outside and watch a starving dog look for a place to die.
>conveniently ignores this
>if the US stopped buying so many bombs, half of the country would be out of a job
You really are stupid, aren't you. hurr durr half of all jobs would dissappear
>american math
It's a scare tactic and to enforce our dominance in the Middle East, we are a fucking super power and I'm glad trump is making us act like one.
>send a team of seals into Isis filled caves and tunnels, putting them all at risk
>not using a huge bomb to show of your big balls and trigger nigger faggots like you
ya fuck off your points are literally retarded
Missiles have expiration dates you colossal dumb fucks
I looked at your pic and ignored your text
Worth it - keep killing these rats
How much did onigger spend on bombs? He dropped 26000 on syria in 2016 alone
The missile costs significantly less and the whole thing was actually a message.
The missiles where already made. So, he chose to not let them rust....
You are right. All this money that should have been used to fund transgender bathroom is being used to vaporize shit skins... Such a poor investment.
So much for being a good businessman...
Russia spends hundreds of millions to flood the internet with bullshit propaganda & other assorted lies --- Putin is sooo smart he's amazing am angel sent from heaven
America bombs a tunnel network used by ISIS, if anybody got to close to it they were murdered or taken hostage, filled to the brim with weapons & intel to be used against us & our allies ---- Fuck Americans their all idiots fuck you all anyone who doesn't agree is a shill Putin & Assad are heros fuck you America
This is literally Sup Forums 24/7 being infested with Kremlin faggots
>Like Trump for all the reasons you hated Obama
>muh le god emperor
Oldfag here, I want my natsoc site back.
You guys are pathetic, you can't even listen to a decent trips.
>We should have marched on Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Taken their oil and nationalized its production. Profit sharing for the American people. Military personnel reciever additional money. Imagine that, no more fucking terrorists.
lol there are people on Sup Forums right now who believe this
actually he saved us quite s bit of money, those missles were up for a routine half life check up that is extremely costly.
>Use stock.
>Bad businessman,
It was over 100 niggers, faggot.
I don't even like Trump, but it was a fucking good move.
>used minimum necessary force
>gets Assad to stop gassing civilians
>not enough force to start a real conflict, especially given America's size
>potential ISIS fighters will hear that America deterred chemical warfare against them and make them reconsider
>brainlets get mad
Tomahawks are old and deprecated.
This was just to test the Russian anti-missile systems in place in Syria.
got us a normie here, Putin isn't the problem lmao
Foreign fags need to stop with their retarded input
They did that last time. Got sold out, didn't manage to kill any ISIS member and one of their soldiers ended up dying.
>what is hyperbole
Tomahawks don't miss you retard. They have a 3 meter precision at 500+ miles. They could fly one through your bedroom window. You actually believe 2/3 missied? How naive.
>i think 300 million is a lot of money
We got valuable intel on the Russian anti-missile systems as well. It was a win-win, but normies cannot into telemetry data.
t. Newfag shill
The shelf life for MOAB was 15 years. They were made in 2003, 2018 end of use. Trump has a year to use the rest of these.
Fucking SAGE guys.
Fuck sake.
absolutely abhorrent
>shareblue sweden proxy
$315 million was the development cost retard. By that logic my car cost several million dollars.
>redditor writing newfag
woww we dont want to offend the queer, now do we?
Wasn't it 315 million to produce 15 MOABs?
What "country" are you again? I bet you don't even have supermarkets.
Yo David brock this guy is an idiot they forgot to change the filename.actually you're stupid for keeping the filename the same name as your terrorist operation.
It cost 315 million to produce 20 MOABs.
>Croat butthurt that one American attack is worth more than his entire country
I thought Poland was fucking poor but god damn.
HE NEVER GASSED ANYONE! Totally illogical to do so. Did Hitler gassed German people? No, no logic behind that
People saying fuck Trump need to understand how Tri-D Chess works
MOAB's we're lying around unused so they we're spent long time ago.
Why didn't you factor in the cost of the tunnels that we built to shelter mujahideen
>16 million out of a 600 billion dollar budget
Fuck off shill. 16 million is pennies to the US millitary. It's completely zero.
So US developed the bomb to "kill" UBL which they thought was hiding in the afghan mountains.
He wasn't hiding in the afghan mountains but was being held prisoner in Pakistan.
US then funds a new terrorist organization to drop the bomb on to justify the R&D cost of an otherwise useless weapon.
Does Denmark even have a military?
I thought Trump was going to be an out of the box thinker as POTUS. For instance, we have thousands of tons of radioactive waste doing nothing but costing us money. Trump could have sprinkled that over Afghanistan and solved 2 problems at once. Same with dioxin and toxic waste. We could just dump in the war zones, no need to send soldiers. I have many such ideas.
>$315 million was the price of 20 of these bombs
>The bomb was already paid for, has been for years
>36 mudslimes are an added benefit, the bomb was used specifically in that area, not specifically on those people
Does USA even have a non-cucked president?
What happens if the SEAL team takes casualties? Or the chopper crashes (Like during the Bin Laden raid)? You'd be on here saying "DRUMPH GOT THEM KILLED FOR NOTHING!! WHY DIDN'T WE JUST BOMB THEM!?"
The MOAB is a psychological weapon. You'd better believe that everyone and their goat in that province felt that thing go off and are now having 2nd thoughts about joining ISIS.
So i've just heard of the friendly fire that happened during the bombing, and I can help but ask myself... Was it actual friendly fire or it is merely a cover for disposing of some POS who shouldn't be there in the first place?
Given the 5d chess mastery of Trump ( which isn't surprising given he owned a international corporation, you get to know ALL kind of peoples in that line of work, from extremely loyal peoples to utterly disgusting sharks that will eagerly jump on you at a moment notice. The fact he survived and thrived prove he isn't the one that get easily manipulated by these kind of peoples and know how to work around them/corner them in a disadvantageous position.) I wouldn't even be surprised if that camp hosted either some pretty nasty piece of shit who was given a momentary free pass because he was on the ''good' side of the war or some compromising foreign intelligence guy who wasn't supposed to be here(Mossad?Cia?) in the first place thus the MSM can't act in outrage over this else they will reveal the gig, so they twist the story to be about the bomb itself rather than who it just bombed.
Its amusing to see how easy it is to see into the MSM game once you get the gist of their bullshit, they are literally working by strict guidelines, its so obvious given the nigh identical way they all approach certain specific subject, there is a obvious modus operandi to this whole thing.
jesus can she be more of a slut?
>possibly lose American lives
>kill sandniggers AND destroy tunnels with guaranteed no American casualties
hmm... which one should I chose?
paid shill is paid to shill
but I LOVE that he atomized those goatfuckers. They are litterally shaking from fear right now, and the rest of the world just realized the pussy feminist nigger in the whitehouse is GONE!
Does your mom know you're on here?
ooh, looks like hit a sore spot
Where was all this when Colored President more than doubled that national debt?
Trump is a NeoCon now, he will be a Communist next week.
why dont you answer the question or are you having problems?
you are a stupid lefty cunt
t. based swiss bro
>barbarians kill, torture, and dismember some of our most elite and well trained soldiers
>we respond to it with massive overkill to send a message
This is how a rich and warlike country handles things. We display how casually we are willing to spend money to sling bombs in a display of power, because it's the only thing these backwards goat-fuckers respond to.
Much better than the stern finger wagging Obama used.
stop feeding trols