this is national unjewed communism at its best, you may not like it but this is what it looks like when you remove the merchants,degeneracy and rothschild banks from maoism.
This is national unjewed communism at its best...
Other urls found in this thread:
gime gime chicken tendies
>unjewed communism
Communism is inherently Jewish. If it's unjewed communism then it isn't communism.
They look so happy. Why does Trump want to bomb them again?
It's Judeo-Bolshevist monarchism for the benefit of a small elite that kills and enslaves millions and keeps the population living in terror.
Only a subhuman gook country would have
>no respect for natural rights
>no self-sustaining economy
>no due process of law
>no rule of law whatsoever
Kimmy can say "Mufuggen ching ping" and have anyone he wants executed. A system like that is fine if you like sucking the dick of an untouchable, all-powerful leader, but, otherwise, you would be living in terror, too.
Subjugating yourself to the rule of a big gook strongman is the ultimate form of cuckoldry.
Says a burger ruled by litteraly a kike and his converted bitch for the glory of Goldman Sachs.
but where are the jews with no rothschild central bank?
What a weak fucking reply. You sound like you take dildos in your ass
Anything coming out from Trudeau Canada is irrelevant. Just as Canada.
Kim fights against degeneracy and korea is his home, but trumpy owes his allegiance to cohens in israel safe in a bunker under the iron dome.
Isn't race mixing illegal in North Korea?
Didn't Kim give those U.S. soldiers who live their wife's of their own race?
>this is what it looks like when you remove the merchants,degeneracy and rothschild banks from maoism
So you get a tray of chicken wings and some sides?
wtf I love merciless tyranny now
Another pussy reply from a fucking faggot. You honestly sound like youre gonna cry.
Shut the fuck up tea kike
>Only a subhuman gook country would have
Millenials are begging for the same thing, except lead by that old Jew cunt bernie sanders
So how do you plan on finding gainful employment back in the USA after you've been pseudo-teaching English for 15 years, weeb?
The ideology itself, and the concept of a small elite ruling a population of racially identical slaves, is inherently Jewish.
Keep gobbling strongman cock, faggot.
I'm sure that degeneracy is kept in check when a small, ruling elite is allowed absolute power over life and death. I'm sure that there's no such thing as pedophilia in those Korean labor camps, right, goy? For the revolution, goy!
Race-mixing is allowed. Defectors get Korean wives.
Can anyone explain how the Rothschilds run central banks?
Be they crispy or from Wendy's
I found nothing except propaganda, and it doesnt explain how they actually control the central banks.
a redpilled bernie that stood up to BLM would have been based, if he had actually stood up against the progressivist soros libtards on abortion he would have been perfect.
Huh it says here they force women to abort mixed race children.
I don't really give a shit about North Korea. It's kind of like the chick that stays with an abusive guy, it's not my job to sort out her daddy issues and white knight for her. If these people really want to be free they will overthrow their government themselves.
Nobody is gonna cry, dumbass.
I'm not a burger, you cunt.
Now i am hungry for cheese.
>at its best
Another proof that communism is inherently fucked. Not even mentioning that this fat fuck and his cabinet whores are worse than any jew you will ever meet.
Nobody cares about your kiked empire turning into niggerland by the day.
We're all waiting for the glorious day when you finally collapse with kike masters and enjoy Lebanon 200.0
make me leaf.
but that's the only time it is used there and basically no foreigners get in so its the cleanest race.
Stellar damage control.
I'm guessing you're a, hm... sociology major? Or maybe psychology. We see right through you, anime degenerate.
i take comrade kim over mr george soros.
Lol, you have no idea about communism.
The majority of the population lives in poverty, they are deprived of any source of information that is not censored by the party, they have no future and can't hope for anything better.
That's how communism was for us.
looking at this pic - what the hell would they even need to write down for future use?
Dear Reader likey chickey tendies, check
Muslim, commie or monarchist?
he says jerking off to western rule 34 waiting for his call up to fight in a war for a rothschild central bank.
Nobodies waiting for anything you fucking wimpy little anime queer. And of course youre gonna cry. You sound like a fucking baby
Isn't that also democracy?
Totally antisemitic will suffice.
Fuck off Trudeau.
Literally no one cares. Notice how everyones ignoring you?
No, far from that.
We had no freedom to speak our minds, everything was censored, we lived in daily terror. If you dared to even do something like draw the dictator's face, your parent or teacher would destroy the drawing because you could get in trouble. It could be interpreted you were mocking the Communist leaders.
People went to jail simply because they told jokes about the dictator. Yep, you could get 20 years of prison just for telling a joke.
Try convincing yourself this is similar with democracy.
It's the total opposite of freedom or democracy.
the rothschild family along with the bearings, cohens and bronfmanns own the central printing presses and decide how much money is to be released as well as operating in the real market of money a clear conflict of intrest and an easy way to rig the market.
they buy the banks throught the united nations and the international bank of settlements in geneva which was set up after world war two specifically for this purpose.
they get the country into debt with foreign entities chiefly joint enterprises, doomed to fail it parks and the like.
Just like in confessions of an economic hitman.
they even convince western nations to do the same by investing in the global internet knowing full well it will never benefit the common man and will actually cause mass global unemployment.
they even do it to there own in israel with hire fire policies and corruption.
hopefully if the weeds can be pulled in new york,tel aviv,london and berlin the worst of this scum can be taken from power.
Sup Forums would benefit from reading Professor B.R Myers on North Korea. DPRK (North Korea) has never been a socialist, or communist state. From the get-go, it put on an act to get support from the socialist bloc, and as a result, has locked itself into it's own logic - Politically though, the DPRK is an ultra-conservative ethnic nationalist state. Opposed to "Queer/LGBT", opposed to race mixing, conservative views on gender and sexuality, very traditionalist morals. Professor BR Myers is correct when he points out that the DPRK (North Korea) is closer politically to 1930's Germany or Imperial Japan than the Soviet Union.
If Sup Forums collectively looked past liberal propaganda ("Muh starving billions - When the DPRK has a lower rate of child malnutrition than the majority of the world today, according to UNWHO) on the issue, they'd probably become fanatic supporters of the country overnight.
You know why there is high speed fibre and the like in Romania?
Same as South Korea, so people don't complain and love capitalism.
everything is softly censored here, if you are not in the freemasons your song doesn't get on mtv stuff like that.
They gangstalk people and yet they say there is no secret police.
wake up and stop buying the western narrative.
WTF, I love illuminati jews now.
Seriously, NKorea is fucked, fambilam.
That's still a leftist propaganda trying to make it sound like N.Korea wasn't created by Leftists.