If I came to you and told you excitedly that I had just witnessed a dead person come back to life and then ascend into...

If I came to you and told you excitedly that I had just witnessed a dead person come back to life and then ascend into the sky would you believe me?

So why do so many people believe a translation of a translation of a transcription of a translation of an ancient anonymous document that was cobbled together from multiple second-hand sources, when it claims the same thing?

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why do you think it's your business caring of other people business?

I'm mostly curious why so many people put so much faith in an ancient text of very questionable historic accuracy.

No one cares you gaytheist

Questionable? Bible is full of historical accuracy and prophecies, all written over thousands of years yet no mistakes or contradictions have been found. Honestly I don't know why im even responding to this low quality bait

they don't. it's not a faith.

Are you 12?

The Gospels literally start out with major inconsistencies in tracing the lineage of Jesus, how can they both be historically accurate?

If you're talking about Matthew and Luke then you're wrong

How am I wrong? They list different names and even a different number of generations.

There are all kinds of historical inaccuracies and inconsistencies throughout the New Testament.

>They list different names and even a different number of generations.
suuuuure they do

Its allegorical. Forget the literal historical thumping faggots. Most ppl on pol are self-loathing autistic unread garbage that hasn't touched a book on astrotheology or gematria.


Buy The Light of Egypt and open a book for once in your life.

We know that Jesus was an actual, historical figure: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sources_for_the_historicity_of_Jesus#Non-Christian_sources

We also know that Christianity started somewhere specific in geography and time, obviously. So we can establish that there's more to this than simple muh fairy tales. If nothing else, we're talking about established historical events. We haven't even touched the bible yet. We haven't made any claims about coming back from the dead yet. We're just establishing that there's a real person/people behind the beginning of this movement.

Okay, now what? We have historical verification of Jesus' so-called disciples being so amped-up about what they saw/experienced, that they were willing to get tortured and die over it. Again, we haven't even touched the bible yet. This is all history. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Christian_martyrs#Apostolic_Age.E2.80.941st_century

So regardless of where you fall on the verifiability of the gospels (holes in the narrative, outright contradictions, etc.), we can be fairly certain that something remarkable happened around this historical figure, Jesus. Something that most, if not all, of his followers were ultimately tortured and killed for talking about.


No there isn't dude stop pulling stuff out of your orifice. There are simply no mistakes in the bible, if there were people like dawkins or harris would bang on about it

holy shit cow if u dont worship my sky god i ll cut your fucking head off.

If these followers were intentionally making shit up, intentionally lying about what they saw, how likely would they be to willingly go to their deaths for a lie?

Nothing proves its authenticity and yet people fall for his jewish-made cult of self-pity.....

All religions are crimes against humanity, control through fear

there are simply no mistakes. the bible is like a metaphor and stuff. theres like so many ways to interpret the TRUE GODS wisdom.

its just a prank bro

Because you didn't

>jewish made.
>not alien lizard made.
oy gevalt.

People die all the time for stuff they believe is true (see Islam, see David Koresh, etc. etc.), but how many people die for stuff that they know is a lie/bullshit?

no mistakes as in it's historically accurate, the scientific facts written thousands of years ago are proven true and there are no contradictions


Okay, I'll answer your questions OP.

Fire away.


I don't doubt that they believed it was true. Does that mean we should just automatically believe all the claims anybody who dies for a cause with no further questioning?

how do you think queen ellie is still kickin man. she s a lizard.

no man the book is so long and tedious that theres like ancient formuolis to construct the ravoli formulas. it s algebraic.

First Post Best Post

Sums up my sentiment exactly.

>it's all poetic lol
>not going to the true faith of the roman pantheon
my god's dick is bigger than your god's dick

Matthew and Luke were tracing different geneologies. Matthew talks about Josephs lineage, and Luke talks about Mary's lineage. Both are descended from the line of David.
This is considered relevant because the messiah is supposed to be descended from the line of David according to prophecy

>not having anime god.
the lizards give us so many choices of gods. they are wise and caring. lets let them do more crazy stuff. yeah.

It certainly wouldn't have lasted 2000 years if the first set of believers weren't absolutely sure it was real.

according to prophecy your mother is a faggot.

And I had to listen to a statist shill academic on Australian ABC Local radio telling everyone they shouldn't take the bible literally implicitly stating people should trust the state and its institutions of academia, science, society as their new God (it's why the ABC exists here).

Why would a Jewish author at that time care about his mother's genealogy? And even if he did for some reason, wouldn't he state it explicitly since it would have been very atypical?

you know lizards simpzons show lasted 30 years so far is it reeeal.

the christian god is a fucking pussy, a kissless virgin who loves jews. Zues fucks, he kills, he drinks and parties, if you were an imortal being able to do anything, why not turn into a bull and do the slam ham with a bitch, your mother fucking zues, can do anything you want. Give birth to a bull monster, shit, put him in a maze for lolz. The christian gods 'virgin conception' jeez, how boring is that? He just had such a small dick Mary couldnt even feel it.

why would lizards care about cutting off baby dick. wake the fuck up.

It's called faith.

You do believe that out of nothing an explosion happened from which the entire universe grew.

How is that different?

Explain to me, with all the science in the world, why anything exists at all.

Of course not! But you don't just dismiss them outright, either. You investigate. You amass what facts you can.

Maybe the furthest you get is "Wow, not sure what to believe here since there are so many sources, but there's something clearly up with this historical Jesus figure."

Maybe you decide that it's all some perverted scheme/cult set in motion by some homeless Jews in the first century that ended up getting their leader killed. Or maybe you decide that this Jesus person was who supposedly claimed he was.

But there's more to this than fairy tales.

If I told you 30,000 people had witnessed the Miracle of the Sun would you put it down to mob think or would you say it was just one big grand conspiracy?

if someone came to you and say that op sucks colossal cock, would you believe them? I would

The genealogy thing is pretty minor anyway, I just thought I'd point that one out since it's right at the beginning of the Gospels.

How about the inconsistency in the story of Judas' death? Two very different accounts are given in Matthew and in Acts. They can't both be right, if one of them is accepted to be wrong then how can we trust anything in that book as fact?

Simply to prove that Jesus is the Messiah according to the prophecy through both the lines of Joseph and Mary.

Also, protestants limit their thinking, and believe that the Bible is the only source of accurate information and refuse to back it up with any other historical study or theological study. Which is why we now have less books in the protestant bible.

Not that I'm against protestants, their study of this is just limited.

Nice argument. Gonna show me pictures of the Pope washing black peoples feet next? Go play video games, if you keep ranting and spamming in this thread, it'll make you look like a manchild who is really rebelling against his parents in some fashion.

>out of 'nothing'.
>what is the simulation theory.


>You do believe that out of nothing an explosion happened from which the entire universe grew.
I don't necessarily believe that. It sounds reasonable enough to me that I'll at least accept it until somebody presents me with a better theory.

>How is that different?
The difference is that nobody asks me to change how I live my life or devote time, money, and energy to worshiping and spreading word about the Big Bang. Nobody asks me to accept the Big Bang purely on faith either.

lizards aren t my fucking parents.

I generally understood that after Judas hanged himself, his body rotted and he was eventually found lying on the ground with his guts spilled out. Pretty gruesome.

What you have pointed out isn't really an inconsistency and I'm really betting that you got it from some "list of inconsistencies" website for atheists or something. There ARE a few MINOR inconsistencies and grammar mistakes in the Bible. This is because the Bible(despite contrary opinion) is not the word of God.

A better theory? How about God? What's more rational, that the universe was created from nothing by nothing and then life formed from nothing by nothing OR that someone that's not from this realm created us?

lol. atheists can't into poetry and abstract thought.

silly atheists.

"hurr durr. I am a computer. My brain is for computing only."

lol. Jesus Christ, kill yourselves.

I'd believe it because everything on the internet is true, right?

Jew kept records of their genealogy. You weren't a Jew unless you could trace your linage back to Abraham until the genealogical records were destroyed when Rome destroyed the temple in 70AD

because we have evidence with the stories of orginans of man though the pantheon. That man came from clay, there is evidence that life was facilitated by rock formations and air bubbles deep in the earth, using clay to protect proteans.

Pantheon: 1
Christians: 0

>The difference is that nobody asks me to change how I live my life or devote time, money, and energy to worshiping and spreading word about the Big Bang.

This is just not fucking true and you know it. Fedoras are constantly trying to talk about how cucked Christianity is and how evolution is far better

Pic related, it's your average atheist from reddit

are we ready. get set. we re riding on the internet. cyberspace. interactive websites. occultists and lizards and crap.

You've gotten off the point now. I'm not even trying to argue for or against the existence of a supreme being.

I'm just trying to determine why so many people seem to have unshakable faith in the canonical gospel story of Jesus life.

Mental gymnastics

That depends friendo. Are you depending on only the 66 books of the Bible like protestants do?

oh my fucking goodness. they re fucking lizards running a demonic illuminati operaton and you re going to like it or die. now was that so difficult.

OP you have to read everything else in the Bible from the foundation of literal obedience to Jesus' teachings. Thats what no professing Christian will tell you because they probably don't follow many of them, or maybe any of them. Any "Christian" who wants to talk about their group or denominations doctrine over what Jesus said is false. Jesus is the whole reason there is even Christianity today. He is the cornerstone of the whole building. Going to church is not true Christianity, living your faith--putting your money, or in this case love, where your mouth is--that is true Christianity, the type God is looking for.
I'll let you in on a secret that not many Christians even know. Not one scripture claims that the Bible is the Word of God, even though many like to claim it is. The Word of God is Jesus. John 1 and Revelation can attest to that. Sure, all scripture is given by inspiration of God, but that doesn't make it the Word.

For me it's because the prophecies written about the coming Messiah in the old testament were all fulfilled by Jesus

Well this is anecdotal experience now but I'd estimate that at least 5 times in my life I've been stopped by total strangers who want to tell me about Jesus and how I should devote my life to him.

I've been stopped zero times by atheist strangers telling me I need to devote my life to science.

You really are from reddit.

I'm gonna take a page out from Molymeme and ask you a question, and you can consider it food for thought.

Can you prove to me that the Government exists?


Once again though, what proof is there of that besides The Gospels, written by unknown anonymous authors who obviously wanted to cast Jesus in the best light possible.

I AM from the fourth dimension. I'll admit it here and now that I am a lizard from the 4th dimension, and you can't do anything about it. Hahahahahaha stupid leaf. I can just dismiss you as a schizophrenic nutjob who is fooled by my "satirical" post about being a lizard. They will think I am joking.

But you and I know I am here to trick every single person on this planet along with my allies into believing in Christianity for the sake of my people. You will die a horrible death, hahahaha, along with your people!

>Can you prove to me that the Government exists?
No and I don't care whether you think the government exists.

Next question.

u eat bread. u be eatin jezuz. boi. what u playn' @.

Also, Christianity isn't an Abrahamic religion. It was corrupted and commandeered by the Jews to make it seem like it was an Abrahamic religion.

In reality, it emerged from a longer tradition that stretched back through the Greeks and the Platonists and the Pythagoreans to the Egyptians and Akhenaten and even further before that to Ra and the cult of Atum.

It's beautiful, really. You might recognize it, if atheist computers had any idea what beauty actually was/is/will be.

Their brains fundamentally can't work like this, though. C'est la vie.

Is there not undeniable evidence that comes out daily that the "elites" of this world believe in the bible and it's prophecies? Having read the bible then is it not safe to assume that they are in fact worshipping Lucifer instead of God?

yeah maybe because he was God?

Exactly. So there is this principle. The Government does not exist because it is simply a concept. Like God. So is the Government your God?

Atheists are, by the numbers, largely liberal faggots who think that big government is a good idea. This is because they psychologically replace "God" with another "authority" so that they can feel safe and protected. For most Atheists, this coping mechanism can be referred to as Marxism, or Communism.

Even if you can't be convinced of Christianity, it's not that hard to discover the merit with it's values compared to what most Atheists believe.

oh and cause you re a 4th dimensional being a 5th dimensional being won t give YOU a horrible slow painful death right? Wrong.

Amen brother! Jesus is the Word. If your life is centered around Him, your going to be all right at the end of the day/beginning of eternity

Yeah maybe. And maybe my neighbor is God. I can see him out in his yard right now fulfilling some prophecies so he must be, right?

You believe me, right? Don't you have any faith?

Look around you. I've already won. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

OP just needs to read the small story of the Tower of Babel. That's the last time humanity has tried to become equal to God through their own means, which is what elites of today are constantly pushing for through their policies and technology.
Spoiler alert: God doesn't let them get that far in the story, but on the second time around (NOW) He's going to let it slide for a while to see who is going to side with truth and righteousness over lies.

Atheism is just as silly as theism.

Now thats a ridiculous comparison lol

No. You haven t. There s something you re hiding. And you DO NOT want us to find it.

Why? Why is my word less reliable than the accounts in The Gospels?

I agree with your logic. But once you become open to the POSSIBILITY that there could be spiritual or supernatural things in the universe. Then you realize that PERHAPS others could simply be in tune with something you are not.

In the same way that Shaolin Monks are in tune with their Chi, in a way which others aren't. It doesn't make it any less real or any less of a possibility to be real.

Which is why you are here asking questions in the first place.

Also I'd like to get your point of view on this. How come everytime someone has a NDE or a vision it's always about Jesus. Thousands and thousands of people have had NDE, some are undoubtedly fake but they can't be ALL fake, right?

fi you ve won turn off your computer 'bro'. walk away close the screen. cyber bullying isn t real. unless it s coming from the likes of YOU.

Oh wait. you re still afraid of a mass awakening. That s right. Your Media Corporations can only hold for a certain period of energy. You know. You Aren t Gods. Or The Goodness. Cause you re sick twisted beings.

because you're a fedora posting on Sup Forums, no one takes you seriously

My understanding is that random neuron firings in a failing brain can cause hallucinations. That sounds pretty reasonable to me.

Can I see some source for your claim that all NDE's relate to Jesus?

Lies of the nonbeliever. You know you're going to hell right?

Constants Variables. It doesn t matter where you are in a System Network. if you can locate a constant it s true everywhere.

>I'm mostly curious why so many people put so much faith in an ancient text of very questionable historic accuracy.

Blind faith mostly, that's why Buddishm is really the only true religion on earth, based on facts and non-retarded shit like kikes surviving 40 years in a desert...

If I were you, I'd make myself aware of Super String Theory. Super String Theory is a mathematical theory that has expanded on Einsteins theory of relativity.

Super String Theory shows that there is probably at least 10 higher dimensions of space, and that everything around us, in this physical world is artificial in a certain sense.

Look up the CERN theory and you'll see this is true.

Vid related is a Ted talk about it, and an interesting clip from a movie related to math



to always question the 'constants' we are fed is truly the only way forward. to experience. to care. to understand. to never make hasty conclusions.

I've read about these things a little bit already. My brother is actually a physicist and gives lectures about things like this and has papers published and stuff.

It's all interesting, but from what I can understand most of this kind of theorizing is very speculative at this point. I always seem to hit a lot of walls where the physicists say "According to the mathematical laws of physics as we understand them ______ COULD be possible.

>So why do so many people believe a translation of a translation of a transcription of a translation of an ancient anonymous document
Since you're talking about witnessing a resurrection, I assume you're referring specifically about the gospels in the new testament.
The diatessaron, written in the 2nd century, merges a couple of events from the gospels and alters the order a bit, but the events written in what we consider to be the original manuscripts is still there. Our current literature is faithful to both of those sources, so it's safe to say that what he read in the bible today has not been altered to fit an agenda.

>wtf how is this a particle AND a wave???

how can a temporary being end up on hate or love and peace. it s sort of baffling dont you think. that choice in such a small world exists.
