McFeels is coming back. Are your asses ready?

McFeels is coming back. Are your asses ready?

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hyped so far this episode is fire

Any word from Halberstram?

He is coming back as well

seems like not everyone is willing to get doxxed by 8ch paranoics over a podcast

shit, 8ch fags have been sperging over them lately that they want all of them doxxed, why can't we have nice things

he is coming back. Go listen to the daily shoah this morning. It has jazzhands on it and he explains everything

are these kikes still making their shit podcasts?
after they've been found out as literal Jews?

The doxxing is going to be less and less effective the more they do it. Soon enough we'll have Bulbasaur and Ghoul back.

downloading this right now

butthurt 8ch schizo detected

who the fuck were bulby and ghoul? they sperg about them often

ghoul was the 3rd host on the daily shoah

>*deep breath*
>yeah dude
all kidding aside I'm excited. they say when?


you just rolled snake eyes my man

did he bail because he was embarassed for working with a suposed kike or faced doxxing?


thats misinfo from antifa. he didnt dox anyone

oh nice, I can't wait!
>episode titled "The Mother Of All Blackpills"
d-do I want to listen to this one?

I'm asking if they threatened him to be doxxed? I know the antishits push the angle of "ghoul doxxed them, kek! ;-)"

ya its good

I also have reservations.

We are back get fucked antifa

Is Hyde redpilled or is he playing 88D Starcraft and just panders to the white edgy demographic?

He got doxxed and is laying low.

>no Ricky Vaughn to debate with Jazz

God dammit, (((Enoch)))said on twitter it was gonna happen!!

he's blackpilled

Seems to be both really


sorry theres simply no coming back from that


Bulbasaur was a death paneller who doxxed in January. Very intelligent commentator, Kentucky accent. Solid replacement for Ghoul.

Seems like I started listening to the Shoah after most of the quality guys bailed. All the butthurt form 8ch shills really made me check it out.

It was pretty good during the Trump election, but the doxxing made at least Enoch go a bit mental. It's this kind of earnest, angry white nationalist thing now, which is a bit less appealing than the earlier comedic tone. Being angry about shit 100% of the time makes you a broken record.

I blame 8ch for that. We do this everytime when someone attracts attention: go nuts and stalk them until they blow their brains out. I think crackychan ended up doing herself in for something similar.

He is /ourguy/. He's made rants on facebook and leddit a few years back that are in line with us. He does pander a bunch though. He is a tad past civic nationalist.

>made at least Enoch go a bit mental
no shit since you live in jew york and have a nigger halfbrother. Seems like TDS was his coping mechanism and the way to vent frustration but 8ch think in their derangment that didn't go far enough they are controlled opposition or some shit.

at least he isn't dangerous, he is the jester of the alt-right I guess

So far it's OK...
Still waiting on the black pill suppository

are they gonna reup the old episodes?
i never got to finish them

>Seems like TDS was his coping mechanism and the way to vent frustration

That's how I read it. Some guy with a Jew wife living in Jew city surrounded by Jews became a bit anti-semitic and larped online as Hitler-chan, then got doxxed by other online Hitler larpers.

It's hard not to feel a bit sorry for him, but at the same time it's also pretty funny to know that there's this underbelly of fat IT workers that secretly want national socialism and a divorce.

there is a lot of TRS stuff scattered on youtube, just search, even full FTNs


>It's hard not to feel a bit sorry for him
I'm sure most far righters are in similar position. The rest are frustrated virgins.

>have Jewish wife
>get redpilled
>start a white nationalist podcast
>"Honey? What are you doing?"
>"N-nothing d-dear!"

Alt-right Andy is the major YouTube uploader/archiver, but if he is asked to delete shit he will. Anglo asked him to do it for the young hwytes back when all this happened. No clue if McFeels asked him to delete old FtN episodes though.

t. G-Man

Let's be real, there are Jews in here that want to gas the Jews unironically, she could be red-pilled too?

He should do a special podcast at his next family reunion. I want to hear a roundtable with mum, dad and the inlaws involved.

He rolled the dice and it came up snake eyes

But Enoch's wife was on at least two TDS episodes. She knew about the show. They lived in an apartment in Manhattan and he did this for hours on end in a room by himself for several years without her asking about it once? My ass. She was in on it, and is a jewish supremist, like Kutchner, to boot.

in on what? who cares

Back to antifa Chan

>But Enoch's wife was on at least two TDS episodes
how do you know it was his wife?

In on money and being controlled opposition. Kike Enoch's wife was president of her Bnai Brith (jewish supremist) chapter and is very pro gay and tranny. She didn't unironically support TDS, yet she was involved in it.

As long as Enoch keeps redpilling other white people about the jewish question and keeps on promoting white nationalism, I'll support him. Besides he got married to her when he was an unaware libertarian.

Because she came on as Enoch's wife and later admitted it. This all came out during the dox. Want me to link you to her singing career on jewtube, Jesse?

>controlled opposition
>creates largest white nationalist radio network on the internet

Ya you are dumb and are 12 years old and dont know what that word means.

>controlled opposition

That one always seemed retarded to me. I can see how you'd think Milo or that vice news guy could be considered 'controlled opposition', but I somehow doubt that a guy doing a podcast called 'the daily shoah' which is 50% 'the jews did 9/11' fits the bill.

It's just amateurish and staffed by people that are dysfunctional (so pretty representative of the Sup Forums user base, I guess).

Everyone ignore the 8ch shill. He thinks having a jew wife means TRS was a trick because apparently redpilling thousands of people is jewish strategy

If redpilling thousands of people on the JQ is jewish trickery then the JQ is a joke. This is the logic that the 8ch live with.

Definitely /ourshows/ in my opinion, I agree with almost all the shit they say and it's hilarious to boot.

They should have just stuck to trying to be funny. Getting sober and serious reveals their lack of actual knowledge.

I liked that episode where they had the saffa on. He was more interesting than most of their guests. Seems they do better at being hosts with knowledgeable guests than acting as a panel and trying to tackle big issues themselves.

I hated it TRS the last week, they've been so utterly blackpilled on Trump, it's as if illegal border crossings haven't decreased, we haven't brought close to half a million jobs, or have arrested over 3,000 pedos, probably thanks to Agent Spencer messing with their narrative.

>Getting sober and serious reveals their lack of actual knowledge
pretty much this

you sound like a trumpshill from r/the_dildo, those statistics mean jack shit, I'm won't adress more of your dumb points

Oh no! I've been BTFO'D by da blackpill xDDD
Listen to yourself, user. You're not making any sense and sound emotionally attached to your arguments.

>/ptg/ bitching about spencer almost 24/7 the last week, oh but 'he's just becoming less and less relevant'
Someone even said that he and antifa orchestrated that protest/counter-protest thing together (with others agreeing 100%)

Worth remembering that both of them were of age during the Iraq invasion, and the thought of another jewish war over spurious allegations of wmds is a bleak reminder that purging neocons is easier said than done.

It is probably pretty difficult for a lot of us trump supporters to deal with him departing from the campaign rhetoric (promise of isolationism) so quickly. It's that "I've been tricked" element that makes people hopeless depressives that aren't fun to listen to.

Following Trump blindly is how the Jews get their way.
Being critical is... Critical.

That is why I belive the anti-Spencer shilling happened the moment trump shits were scared that Spencer is tainting the (((movement))) with his vile nationalism. It makes perfect sensem taking into account the antispencer threads were full of stock photos and nonarguments. I agree Spencer isn't perfect but goddamn, he has a bad time on chans because of the_dildo army and the 8ch morons who feel threatened that the alt-right will spoil their natsoc larping.

The 8ch guys got one thing right: that man is definitely a pillow biter.

These... fucking... jiggaboos...

Fuck yes, when?

E-celebs are shit. Especially TRS, since it shilled here so hard over time. If I had to guess I bet the TRS people in general feel like they can get a lot of donation shekels with the current blackpilling if they ride this wave and really exaggerate it for pity points.

I know, he is a fag, but who cares? he drops a lot of redpills in a calm formed manner and isnt a typical nazi meathhead with a swastika on his forehead

Hmm, that actually makes some sense, I'm 22, so I was just a little shithead, too busy playing paper Mario to care about what happened in the news, but I guess I'd be mad as hell if we were to invade Syria. Invade anywhere South of Italy for that matter. I would probably drop Trump too if we invaded the middle east again, it's just stupid jew protection for no fucking reason other than "if you don't do it I'll Samson option the fuck out of the world"

Thing is Trump is delivering in many of his promises, at least here in the US. You should not act like a damn woman disregarding the big picture over a small detail, and on top of that, get emotionally invested in disregarding as hard as you can. The Spencer sperging for syria and for that spic woman to be president in 2020 is just fucking pathetic. If you ever needed evidence to know that guy is controlled OP that right there is it. Dividing the fuck out of the movement, pro

Yeah, even worse it seems like everyone thinks its spencer himself posting those threads or some shit and not people trying to get others to hate him more and more. (pic you posted is exactly how I feel as well)

Fuck off trsodomites

stay in your 8ch cellar buddy, no one cares, go fap to Spicer talking about hilter not gassing the jews and how much of a clever dog whistle that was

I don't think there is even a single one.

>they are taking away my nazi larping reeeeeee I have nothing left reeeeeee

Hey pal what do you think about Trump's recent actions?

Some of us actually want to listen to something coherent and entertaining rather than read 6000000th shill bait thread

They were all some kind of lolberg just until a couple of year ago. Nowdays they just larp as "fashy goys".

the thing is Spencer is a victim of the_dildoers and 8ch, if it werent for them he would be /ourguy/ here, instead people are d&c that he is a shill or something while he is a human face of Sup Forums

I don't overestimate the power of Sup Forums but a friendly hand would defenitely help him spread his message.

It's just proves how kiked out the US is.

>No true scotsman
quite typical for a turk rape baby, also isn't the leader of the golden down a shitskin?

If it's good enough for Andrew Anglin, it's good enough for me. Frankly I don't give a damn what some 8gag cuck thinks.

So you agree with Enoch then?

Fuck off nu-Sup Forums. Sup Forums at large never accepted e-celebs. Just tolerated the existence of some at most. They aren't /ourguys/. None of them are. All just want either your ad revenue or your donations and don't give a damn about actually furthering white nationalism.

what did you acomplish for the white race, buddy? had children with your sister? step aside you moron

k cucks keep listening to some fat greasy jew larper who gets his turbo jew faghag degenerate wife to make oven jokes on his shekhel baiting podcast

Yea thats why Spencer goes out there in front of hostile crowds

Can confirm, I basically went like this.
>too young to care> Centrist liberal>libertarian>LOL XDD NAZI HITLER DID NUFFIN WRONG>Right Wing libertarian (Pinochet-tier)
Hitler did some things wrong, like take the guns, actually gas Jews (he could have just shot them/deport them (I know the Brits stopped them from doing that)) and go after Russia.

>pol has never accepted e-celebs

This is Sup Forums not 8ch.

Sup Forums is built on lolcows you stupid fucking 12 year old

Fuck Fash The Nationa/Daily Shoah. They bailed on Trump as soon as the boat tipped. Richard Spencer is controlled opposition.

I'll probably tune back into the Shoah in a few months when they get over their Trump bashing.

seems like a struck a nerve there

Why is it bad for white nationalism content to be profitable?

>Some of us actually want to listen to something coherent and entertaining rather than read 6000000th shill bait thread

>Any dox on the Norwegian Lauritz von Guildhausen?

I think this is an orchestrated action to move away the alt-right from being a trump apologetics guild and do other stuff.

Charming use of the kike narrative there to defend your designated handlers, "fashy goy."

The way trsodomites abandoned Trump so easilly is fascinating actually I wonder what their endgame (other than making shekhels) is. They probably want to move to the center and create a kosher more palatable alternative (((media empire))) like a larper "fashy goy" young turks.

I can understand not wanting spencer to be a 'leader of /pol', since all Sup Forums is just a discussion board but it follows this notion of that being the only reason he's doing anything he does, is to 'take over /pol' or something

Who hasn't turned on Trump except the retards in /ptg/? The man is a fuck up.

that's right pale boy, don't adress my points and go cower in your basement, maybe your favourite anime just published a new episode?