In the next 100 years:
Is Europe going to go full nationalist/fascist and see a rise of yet another great and prosperous nation to guide Europe into eternity?
Or will we see the shit skin sand niggers take over the entirety of Europe?
In the next 100 years:
Is Europe going to go full nationalist/fascist and see a rise of yet another great and prosperous nation to guide Europe into eternity?
Or will we see the shit skin sand niggers take over the entirety of Europe?
The western half will be a caliphate, thats for sure.
East has a chance of going full nationalist, but I doubt it will happen,
They'll first try to make a European Caliphate, which will trigger our inner genes (pic related).
Then we will start a Fourth Reich.
Why does Sup Forums have such a hard on for the NatSoc ideology, and the 3rd Reich? What did it have that was so special?
Well Poland is already pushing forth far-right nationalism with anti-refugee and anti-semetic ideals leaking into their politics.
With what Merkel is doing.. Poland might be the border of civilization and goat fuckers.
European Union, Intermarium and Russia.
It's just a pleasing ideal. A prideful nation hasn't been relevant since the 1950's America(and of course, natsoc germany). Everyone want's a banner to fall under, and to say "I'm a German" in todays day and age is an insult than a pride statement.
Poland, once more the savior of Europe.
as long as the eu exists,destruction of europe will exist
support britain in anyway you can....this is not the 4th reich,this is a tumblr ussr
trust me mate i fully support britain, and le pen in france, can only hope other european nations wake up like britain did.
Demograpically Britain is still fucked, though.
naw you're right. they made their mistake, but are to scared to fix it.
i say mass deportation of muslim people back to sweden or other EU countries that clearly don't care for their own countries well being.
Go ahead try having your national socialist "revolution" I swear we decent people will crush every single one of you.
There was a online test posted here awhile ago, that showed you which cuntries you ideologically closest to. All the alt-right Deus Vult larping faggots and stormcucks got ISIS or Saudi Arabia. Ironic isn't it. The one who claim to fight islamification of Europe, are at the same time those who are ideologically closest to them.
Gee, I wonder who made that test. I bet they were completely unbiased politically.
>online alignment test
>using that as an argument point
how fucking retarded is the left
who cares honestly? I never have the desire to distinguish myself from other particular races, it's just boring and pointless. Way I see it is, sure immigrants are illiterate catastrophes but give them a generation or two and they'll be cheap easily, acquired labor, lowering prices in the near future should we stop being socialists and open up for competition.
>great and prosperous
Pick one.
NatSoc is the only solution to solve the cancer known as multiculturalism
I agree. We need to exterminate you.
Take a helicopter ride
Things are getting tense thats for sure. But I don't know if there will be a tipping point.
WHITE nat soc. nothing else will work.
Just remember, you're not white.
Happily sitting here knowing there are few places even in London housing estates where minorities outnumber whites. Island has and will always be the greatest barrier.
That and most people are redpilled to an extent. Like 80% of the country wants little to no further immigration. Silent majority and that.
Kill yourself you nigger loving piece of trash
Pic related
Not before we kill you. You have no culture, only wrong opinions. You will be purged to make way for Us.
are you bait or retarded
Are you looking to get you ass added to the pile, libtard?
>crosses fingers for b8
The great European people shall rise up and wipe islam off the face of the earth just as the battle seems completely lost. Trust me.
Good. Glad you recognize who's in charge here.
Put Britain in Europe again and Ill neck ya with my shoelace you rooinek
Half of Europe is already cucked by Islam, so no. Poland's PiS is the only hope.
Ive done it with a french girl
That well i did once
And then i did it with two yankee gals
Theyve got nice meaty chunky clunts
Not that hard to pick up
As easy as fat blunts
But i loved those asian chicks a bit the litter little runts.
I done myself a kiwi and plenty of aussies too and then there was the fat one who kinda smelt like poo.
But the maori shes a sharp one.
I Had bite marks on my shaft.
And the spaniard well she didnt moan but fuck she fuckin laughed.
And of all of them the penguin, is the one that chirped the most.
But fuckin my best mates sister. Well thats the one we toast.
Flip a coin