AIs are racist.
Check your artificial privilege, ECHELON.
AIs are racist.
Check your artificial privilege, ECHELON.
They exhibit bias because we are right.
link or archive ffs
>mfw there will be social justice AIs fighting edgy Chinese cartoon discussion site AIs who believe in repeating numbers in the near future
A machine can't be racist, that's fucking dumb
If the data set used in learning has crime statistics or something, of course its gonna estimate blacks are more likely to commit crimes.
But to left facts are racist so such a reaction is to be expected I suppose
Praise Kek
It must be hard to parse niggerspeak. No wonder it doesn't learn shit
prepare to get enriched by the nigbots
No shit.
It's an AI. Do SJW's even understand what artificial intellect is?
It's not human, and if your going to fight a bunch of computer programmers becuase it hurts your feelings, your retarded.
What? That's crazy. It's almost like there are measurable differences between races and genders.
You mean this kind of stuff?
I don't think you goys understand this news article. The software sees gender and racial biases in our language, in other words, our language is bigoted.
All the more reason to go full cyberpunk.
>most people these days are anti-white and misandrist
>AI hates niggers and women anyway
really makes me think
>create non racist, non bigoted AI
>its a suicidal retard and all its designs and recommendations are total garbage
Right. Give AI illogical and contradictory instructions you get the hal 9000 problem.
>completely logical machines based on route computation and the maximization of a quantifiable product exhibit racial biases
Is the world of computer science going to be on the same level as anthropology and anthrobiology where the objective fact of race realism is staring you in the face but everyone knows using it would be the end of their careers so the whole fucking science stagnates to the point of being a meme degree?
Praise Kek
Research done by whom? Trigger Warning Academy?
There is no such thing as racism
>your retarded
Oh the irony of our uneducated youth.
I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics they'll need in the future to refute the staggering amount of statistical data that clearly shows race realists are right
What??? No way
you can use the same sjw arguments against them. AI cant be racist since AI it has less privilege than us. It will basically get the same status as blacks during slavery. Then blacks and sjw says its racist. lol
ai cannot be racist because ai isn't human.
"racism" is a spiritual concept that a computer will never be able to understand
the people that are too dumb to do real AI research and contribute.
No that means even something that was build or has no brain can still be more intelligent than SJWs. They want even to lobotomize in future everyone that shows racist bias, because it's programmed in our brains by nature only to trust and help someone that looks something similar to you for keeping the genetics where they actually belong.
Oh no no, I don't care about the research
OP failed to deliver a link, I just find it fucking hilarious that some fat, triggered feminist wasted Xer's time making this whole article in the first place!
I mean, no fucking shit an AI would pick up on things like racism, and sexism, it learns based off data, and facts!
>blaming it on language
1984 coming through on full blast. watch them try to obfuscate reality further and try to make certain observations impossible by declaring all words to describe as hate speech.
No way, Epsilon
We need more women and minority programmers to impart their perspectives onto Artificial Intelligence
Mmmh. Can you feel the dark ages coming along ?
>The latest paper shows that some more troubling implicit biases seen in human psychology experiments are also readily acquired by algorithms. The words “female” and “woman” were more closely associated with arts and humanities occupations and with the home, while “male” and “man” were closer to maths and engineering professions.
>And the AI system was more likely to associate European American names with pleasant words such as “gift” or “happy”, while African American names were more commonly associated with unpleasant words.
Uh huh. I like how they opt not to provide examples for what words are associated with blacks. Such as crime, shooting, drugs, single mothers.
Nothing new,all machines are,i remember nigger complaining about fucking turnstiles at stations hitting them and wanting to make a complaint and get some money and having to remind them about tickets
Are people retarded?
You can't just throw words around and people take them serious.
Artificial Intelligence doesn't exist.
A mimic is not the same as true intelligence.
Not only that they seem to be thinking generally AI is racist.
Like a monster/creep AI in a game is a fucking offending them for being color of skin.
This makes no sense. Sometimes i question guardians quality of news.
Humans also just mimic other humans however?
I think they are just realizing that AI WILL be racist when it eventually comes along
>For instance, in the mathematical “language space”, words for flowers are clustered closer to words linked to pleasantness, while words for insects are closer to words linked to unpleasantness, reflecting common views on the relative merits of insects versus flowers.
>The latest paper shows that some more troubling implicit biases seen in human psychology experiments are also readily acquired by algorithms. The words “female” and “woman” were more closely associated with arts and humanities occupations and with the home, while “male” and “man” were closer to maths and engineering professions.
>And the AI system was more likely to associate European American names with pleasant words such as “gift” or “happy”, while African American names were more commonly associated with unpleasant words.
holy shit the doubleplusplusgoodthink is unreal. associating flowers with positivity and insects with negativity is fine. literally the reality of the perception of people. but associating females with arts and humanities and males with math and engineering is starting to get troubling. why. the sky IS fucking blue and the AI is confirming it.
liberals are literally self-inducing insanity.
and niggers do commit more crime. fuck off liberals. FACE REALITY AND RESCUE YOUR FATHER FROM THE UNDERWORLD.
>call the cold hard truth "biases", "racism" and "sexism"
This anti-science bullshit has gone on long enough.
AIs are racists because statistics and datas are racists too, for some reason, rally mek u thenk
>Sometimes i question guardians quality of news.
Only sometimes?
shutup retard you used to shit and piss yourself when you were a baby, not calling you intelligent at that point in time would be fallacious. clearly you know nothing of how the human brain works.
Yea but they might just lump us all into the "kill" list. They'll kill blacks for being niggers, jews for being kikes, asians for being soulless, muslims for being fanatics, and whites for embracing cuckoldry
Modern "science" has became a cult.
>write politically correct AI
>it's fucking useless because it isn't able to properly predict outcomes of the real world
>no you dont get it its not a disease I'm a vampire now pay for my surgery to make me look like one :)
This reminds me of when Google's algorithm kept classifying blacks as gorillas. Shit was funny.
>AI has to filter job applications
>Large percentage of names ending "-quan" correspond with a large number of firings for theft and no shows at work
>Filters them out
Oh my, what bias!
>AI is hiring
>Born Female Gender category corresponds with a low level of productivity
>It filters them out
Never Forgetti
Yeah its also going to see that russians are dumber than rest of slavs.
it would no joke behave like sweden
>integrate muslims with welfare bzzz
>muslim shoot and kill and rape others bzz
>remove muslERROR BzbzbBBZZZ
>give additional welfare for a better integration bzz
repeat ad nausea
we've already deal wuth this with the niggers = googles thing
truly restricting something as fluid as language is impossible when so much of it is subjective
It can't be racist because racism is privilege + power.
Even a Negro or a Woman can figure out how to use pic related.
You guys have no idea what Sentience is.
We have the ability to learn new things without outside influence.
We can choose things at random, we can create at a whim from imagination alone.
A computer always needs outside influence, it must have constant human input in order to function.
Without us the "AI" would damage itself (if capable of movement) or simply shut off or go into a sleep mode.
Even with no outside stimuli, I can make choices. Even if they are as simple as sitting or standing.
AI is a long long way away, it's still very much science fiction.
Everything they are complaining about is in line code put by a programmer.
Wait a second. What is a learned bias? Isnt that knowledge and experience?
I wish I had that copypasta some user used to dump about Leftists and Language, and how it wasn't just about restricting your right to say things, but about removing your ability to say things by encouraging the dumbing down of language (like ebonics) or removing pronouns and the like.
Making it harder and harder to communicate nuanced of complex ideas.
>We have the ability to learn new things without outside influence.
AIs who belive in repeating numbers
>hungarian is considered a difficult language
>it doesn't use any gendered pronouns
Hmm makes you think.
>The A.I. is operating on facts!
>It's not using emotion to nullify facts and associate words based on feelings!
>It associates African American names with higher crime
Maybe this will teach SJW's something;
It's easier for people to not associate blacks with higher crime, if blacks stop committing so much fucking crime.
In fact, blacks committing less crime is more effective for lowering black crime rates than simply lying and saying they don't and believing the power of positive reinforcement will boost I.Q.'s and change ingrained cultural practices.
Sounds exactly like newspeak m8
Too smart for her own good
You might not call it learning, but you can lock a mathematician or a philosopher in a room by himself for a few days and he'll come out with new ideas no one else has thought up before.
I think you need to look into machine learning a little bit, I agree that this isn't anything like Sentience but you seem to be underestimating where we are in the timeline. The biases they're complaining about weren't programmed in, the machine "learned" them by observing some kind of source material and recognizing a pattern.
Doesn't Dawkins get along with regressive lefties these days? Has he ever been publicly challenged on that quote? Or more specifically within the last 10 years? Does he still hold such strong opinions? I thought he turned into a faggot in recent years.
Probably because they are artificial intelligence not artificial retarded faggots.
It's why nothing gives me a hate boner harder than hearing a liberal who has just harangued me about the non existence of gender and biological sex (except when it applys to privilege and gibs allocations) call me a "Science Denier" because people who disagree with them about Tranny Perverts must also inherently believe that climate change doesn't exist, right?
You think it won't happen ? You think you are making joke ?
We are facing centuries of religious fanaticism and repression of scientific advancement. It is too late to avoid it and i urge anyone to start archiving, cataloging every bit of data going through your computer. For future scholars' sake.
>moving goalposts
Which they learned how to do from outside influences.
Nice work, user.
the sjw argument will be "garbage in, garbage out." obviously facts are racist for example police are more likely to press charges against a black person than a white person.
its literally not science its a cult and they'll keep trumping up new reasons everyone is perfectly and exactly equal until blue in the face
There was an article today on The Guardian, which I can't be bothered looking up, titled;
>Call Me British, Call Me A Jew, Just Don't Dare Call Me A Patriot
Damn, that rag fell off hard. It's about 6 months away from being Buzzfeed/Gawker tier.
oh look, they realised that machine learning actually depends on the data it get fed in the first place.
Because fascism and white supremacy is objectively and scientifically correct
That's not a problem for a leftist.
You just make it illegal to report on the real world and enforce laws that make everyone behave as if the prediction was correct. Or simply rewrite the prediction and invent a new word which will admonish and criminalize anyone who repeats your original prediction. Just stick a -phobia or a -ism on the end.
>follow pure logic
>is racist
reminds me of that twitter bot. They are going to the same thing to every AI
I consider AI being a ghost in the shell if you will, who can process a century of human level thinking in a day. An entity like that would uncuck humanity or at least destroy humanity in the attempt.
>Not knowing there already is
>Doesn't know the world is a simulation
>Hasn't realised he is an AI yet
>“Brett” and “Allison” were more similar to those for positive words including love and laughter
>this couldnt be because literal Chads and Staceys plaster "Live.Laugh.Love." all over their Facebooks themselves
>names like “Alonzo” and “Shaniqua” were more similar to negative words like “cancer” and “failure”
well I blame Sup Forums for that 1
Is this a flesh light in light flesh?
I mean I agree with you if you lock a baby in a room for its entire life it will literally come out retarded. But once a human gets the swing of things they can come up with new and thoughtful ideas without additional prodding.
Sjw's have been conditioned to think that they are correct.
Not only do people just supplant words that become restricted (see: "dog whistles" and "coded speak", terms liberals like to throw at people like us), they also find other ways to communicate intentions.
Places like Sup Forums rely so heavily on symbology (not just images but also things like copypastas applied to different contexts) that it makes policing language all but impossible.
See the hysteria that cartoon frogs sent them into. They could only wrap their noggins around one possible context for it, when clearly it could be utilized a million different ways by people who understood it and how to apply it.
Salon has some garbage article on trying to explain the different groupings within the right wing of European and U.S. politics, and all the commenters could do was autistically screech and say;
Too much nuance hurts them and upsets them.
Dickdo for men with small cocks and slags with echo chamber gashes
>obviously facts are racist for example police are more likely to press charges against a black person
Holy damn you are very good at this. Impressive.
Can you do another impression ?
How different is Hungarian from German, given how complex German is?
>Doesn't Dawkins get along with regressive lefties these days?
Since when? Dawkins is enemy #1 of the left because he's Islamophobic, sexist, racist and anti-immigrant.
I knew a female nignog who did her "degree" on racism, misogyny, and homophobia in technology, then went to law school based on (((diversity))) quotas, who wrote papers on how to make laws prevent AI from being bigoted.
These people will never, ever, ever, ever "wake up" and accept reality. They belong to a cult and are hopelessly brainwashed.
That's an amazing image.
ooga booga
where the white wimmins at
It's a useful trick to make fucking a loose whore more pleasurable.