Evacuations planned by Japan as North Korea vows to "mercilessly ravage" America
Evacuations planned by Japan as North Korea vows to "mercilessly ravage" America
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und es hat boooooom gemacht
this thread is better
>und es hat boooooom gemacht
Is this real
Come to germany, all japs are welcome.
oh fuck
>anime will stop existing in your lifetime
so who is allies with who now
>"mercilessly ravage"
Sounds kinky, can't wait for my Nork qtp2t to ravage me. Although most of their women look like they took a frying pan to the face.
I think Russia still back North Korea, well they want USA to use diplomacy
Operation: Kaiju Dawn.
What can we do to make sure we win?
If we can collectively find a flag in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, looking at nothing but the sky, we can win/prevent a nuclear war.
No we don't back it. Tear it apart.
Japan AND Nordkorea nuked in one day? Can't get better!
We want diplomacy to avoid casualties among our people since radioactive dust clouds could cover Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and etc. Generally we agree that nk should be denuclearized and democratized.
Digits confirm. rip in peace nips.
Russia never backed NK, only china did
I just hope every fag country involved nukes each other and we can finally have some peace.
How is nuking NK stop it from Nuking everyone?
The day of the noodle!
Thank you based frog
I'll miss u jap bastards
fuck japan and fuck america. let the weebs die
Will China and US nuke NK together?
yes it can, Europe and America are going down aswell! and Russia will plagued by mutated and deadly europistanis and wildlife
Seriously? Nuked in both world wars?
Should the US act on NK??
>and Russia will plagued by mutated and deadly europistanis and wildlife
It pretty much already is
Is this really happening or is just like any other happening thread on here that never truly materializes?
We must secure the existence and a future for North Korean women
Come on, you're going to miss a perfectly good chance to shoot nork T-62 with T-90A while filming it all in 4k. You could even try out the T-14.
For fuck’s sake…
Alright, Word Of Power time. It’s Grinman. Always has been, always will be. Not Cockmongler. I’m not saying this towards the trolls who’ve flooded this thread with Cockmongler shit – they’ve no hope already. I’m saying this for your benefit – the Anonymous onlooker. You may be new and know nothing about this yet, or you may be old and just plain ignorant. But it’s not Cockmongler. It started a few months ago, and it’s everywhere. Take it from me. It’s Grinman. You don’t have to believe me, but I recommend that you do. If you don’t, just keep it in the back of your head…the last flickering candle of truth. He’s the Grinman. Not Cockmongler. Have some Longcat too (not Cocksucking cat).
Kim, if you're reading this, can you please nuke shit up today?
I have a family gathering to go to tomorrow that I really want to get out of. And WWIII is a pretty good excuse.
k thx
Kim backed down said they would test on their own terms
Could be pulling a fast one though who knows. I forgot to take all my money out of the stock market but it would be worth it for Le Ebin Habbenings.
>nukes japs
>artilleries Seoul
>Zerg rushes his troops into China
Goes out like an absolute madman
Und mit seiner bombe den kimmy weggeweht
sorry i dont speak arabic
Both. I doubt a nuke will be used (or if one is used there's a pretty good chance it will be disarmed mid flight due to how old an NK nuke would likely be) but there is s chance US and/or china can launch an assault.
>Russia never backed NK, only china did
Russia fucking made North Korea in the beginning of time.
>A vote for Trump is a vote for peace, Hillary will drag the world into wa-
Dude let them nuke Japan. You saw how good the first nukes were for them. This will send them to the next level beyond humanity.
thanks based gook
Soviet Union and Russia are 2 different things, people who ruled during soviet times were the oligarchs putin booted out
It's happening chaps
what if they shoot it off and its trajectory fucks up and lands in pyongyang
>2020 Paralympic games will be dominated by North Korean irradiated superhumans
Literally nothing is going to happen.
The war ships have been in that position outside Korea many, many times before. Trump is not going to do shit because he is not dumb enough to risk nuclear war.
NK Yongbyon nuclear facility with its reactor, spent fuel processing and uranium refining factories is going to be leveled pretty bad. All workshops and design offices related to either nuclear or missile programs will be receiving cruise missiles too.
This goddamn timeline I swear to god
It is not happening an hour from now
The most likely time will be eight hours from now as north korea always do their shit around 6 - 9 am period
War? nah more like, massacre.
will miss you Nippon.
2/3 world wars. Nukes didn't exist in the first unfortunately
Wtf I love the glorious leader now
I got to see a world war
I died a virgin
I don't know if I'm ready for these feels lads.
he may not, but what about the korean fatso
Followed by China installing a new puppet. This was tge agreement made recently, hence the toned down Chana rhetoric from Trump. It was actually pretty smart on Trumps part.
We bomb nuke/missile sites to hell, secure remaining nuke material, and China will be allowed to maintain the buffer and install a new puppet.
The alternatives brought to China during Trumps meeting with Xi had beem met with two options.
Option 1: China doesn't help, loses buffer, one Korea backed by US, combined with hordes of fleeing Norks to China causing crisis.
Option 2: We bomb/ remove all things nuclear, allow China to install new dictator under the terms new leadership doesn't seek nuclear progression, thus keeping buffer, avoiding massive hordes of NKoreans, and everyone is happy.
They had to choose, no other choice. Option 2 is obviously the better deal for us both.
ETA most likely tomorrow. Takes at least 3 days until ready after loading the tunnel. Also, they have to scrap device if not used once loaded, as things deteriorate rapidly, especially the rocket fuel of at all being tested this time, might just be underground blast.
If it is the only reason this is reasonable then
Just drop 10 MOABs at once during the parade, right?
Glad to see I am wrong
I've been searching for that one, thanks
I feel like a battered housewife.
Time and time again I get let down by these happening threads when nothing happens.
Yet I keep coming back in the vague hope that something will be different this time
Please Kimmy, please just do the nuke test so a real honest to god happening can happen
kim will puss out. been larping hard here for three days but every year is the same.
pretty sure vice went to see a NK logging camp in Russia once. the loggers thought they were still in NK
>and then pretend like you dont know what happened
>"those kooky gooks accidentally bombed themselves JimJam"
>tfw anime will improve even further
wtf just nuke it already kim!
Yes he is as bold as dumb and he will press the nuclear button if triggered
been to every Nork sleepover since '13 and it's always disappointing, but this time it sure feels different
fake and gay
lmao what a madman
id imagine he'd nuke south korea too or some shit man
a battered housewife is an accurate way to put it. i like it.
trump is the difference and things are cranked up WAY more than usual. i still have a slight bit of hope for happenings.
It very well might be different, if only because we have a new president this time. Obonogo was too much of a pussy
>Evacuations planned by Japan as North Korea vows to "mercilessly ravage" America
>Implying NK can do shit
bro everyone was given the same opportunities and everyone has to deal with the same shit that happens
don't be upset if something happens that you, yourself, cant change.
but if NK nukes someone theres literally no way in hell russia or china would back them lmao chill out boi
they have subs you know. they've slipped through our radar before.
i hope lots of americans and gooks will die today
Is it time now, we goes boom?
>trump is the difference
>Obonogo was too much of a pussy
Obama was the biggest fence sitter I have ever seen
this, the world will be 100% less degenerate
As usual, everybody "freaks out" and writes it on the keyboard like this was tumblr but each and every one of you know that NOTHING is going to happen. Smoke and mirrors.
This leave japan just fuck America
Let a man dream
my digits proof you wrong you fuck
Nice sources faggot
shitskin opinions topkek
being this mad for "shit skins" opinions
every thread has germany in it being a mega sore ass over everything
what the fuck is your problem
Nice job
wow wtf is this random stream
How crazy would it be to see a nuke or artillery fire live?
We do not know fun, just efficiency.