Huffington Post Blog Suggests it's Time To Deny White Men The Right to Vote

Clearly this author has gone off the rails. She blames white men for electing Trump, and as a sore loser suggests that if only white men couldn't vote we'd have Clinton-as if Clinton would be the solution to all of the problems in the world.

Ignoring the fact that it's taken centuries to allow voting for everyone, she wants to throw it away by setting the precedent of the ability to deny the right to vote to whatever group du jour doesn't meet her political ends. This would quickly and easily backfire because of course, it's can't *just be done right.* What group will be next?

There's so much wrong with the entire post I could go on and on.

More coverage.

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't click the link it gave me a virus


She also goes on to suggest that white people have power in South Africa.

Tell that to the 70,000+ whites murdered since 1992.

>no archive link

I aint clicking that shit link

You guys should support this narrative of taking away WM voting rights.

It will redpill tons of people same as

>should support this narrative

should be supportive of this narrative

me too, I got the mind virus of liberalism

post archive links you fags

do not give them clicks



The only thing the Huffington Post is good for is toilet paper.
Reading anything from there and actually giving it credence and relevance is retarded.

The author of this article doesn't exist

So how exactly do they think "white people" will react when they stripped of their rights and their property forcefully removed from them (but only for 20 years :^)?


>So how exactly do they think

Liberals thinking, oh boy how the hell are you on pol.

Liberals just OBEY the Jew they don't think by themselves

Trump needs to drop a MOAB on The Huffington Shitpost

There will be calls for removing the rights of other groups that she supports. Of course it's going to backfire on her glorious plan.

Make sure to go to the bottom of the article and "suggest a correction", guys!

I'd go on a killing spree. Kills as many women and children as I possibly could before the cops were forced to kill me

Where does this idea come from that white men didn't earn their influence?

This is like having a great team in sports that frequently wins and then going "Hey what if we banned this team from playing, we are tired of them winning."

She cites Dylann Roof

>let's try and take away the rights of 110 million people, most of which are armed

I look forward to this

It's time to rev up those right wing death squads.

So the South African purge is about to begin.

>copyrighting a meme

They assume their influence was gained through force and violence, and that it somehow invalidates the fact that white men have created more wealth for everyone than ever before in the history of mankind.

looks like some mentally ill tranny

Sounds fantastic. Take away the last reason that it's worth to hold back for.

Let the death cries of college educated leftists drown out all other sounds in their cities.

Let their blood flow in the streets like Judas' blood flowed when he killed himself for betraying Jesus.

Let the heads of the professors that indoctrinated them be on tall spikes for all to see and behold our righteous anger, that they may understand that our compassion, our empathy DOES have limits.

And above all, Shelley Garland and others who have called for such similar things would be forced to stay alive. No sadistic torture any edgy person could come up with would be able to compare to that of having to witness and be reminded that what you preached was the trigger that set off the pain & death of the people you allegedly claim to love and support.

Why should we worry about calling monsters when they take away the thing that keeps the beast within us at bay?

Take away the white man's vote and white militias will pop up all over. Take away the white man's vote and I & my militia will take Africa and turn it into New Europe.

Yeah let them do that, it's the best way to piss off white men. And they'll go full WWII germany.

>And other fucking lies man-hating feminists have told.

Nice try, I identify as a female african american :^)

>We want equality
>fuck the white men though

How is this not racist and sexist?

Definitely a tranny.

This guy gets it

Instead of autistic screeching amongst ourselves we need to be sharing this everywhere, its a good thing. Everytime (((they))) put out an article like this our numbers grow.

don't click the link
it gave me dick cancer
then it castrated me
but i still have the cancer, bz it spread to my balls

Timothy McVeigh would have been a better example.

Now multiply him by a couple hundred thousand.

Okay Rachael Dolezal, I mean "Nkechi Amare Diallo"

I wonder what bars and restaurants huffpo bloggers like to congregate at?

Do you retards realize they make sensationalist articles on purpose to make more money and by you being so engrossed and captivated by this instead of living a good life, you are helping them?

They're just waiting for whites to be a minority before they let the mask slip

>implying I made it and didn't save it off Sup Forums

look at the filename

Good idea... Let's make some memes and spread them to plebbit and kikebook.

Shelley Garland is an activist and a feminist and is currently completing an MA degree in philosophy. When she’s not gagging at South Africa’s unique brand of rainbow politics, she’s working on ways to smash the patriarchy.


>Author: MD in Philosophy


>South Africa
It's just another chimp out in a black country. Move along. Nothing to see.


She doesn't even have it yet.

How can you be sure this isn't just clickbait?

write an inflammatory , insane article, all of you rush to click on it.

i agree with the claim except the white race doesnt exist just like no race exists (people's difference cant be summed up in such broad terms ignoring all the subtilities + identity is based on blood and heritage, not on skin colour, but 50% 1/8 irish 1/8 malinese amerishits will never understand that)

huffpost and neopol are same tier

>cuckington post
>by some champagne socialist saffer
My only hope is that this woman is raped and murdered by the human filth that inhabit her country. If this does happen, I wonder whether in her dying moments she will realize that she was manipulated and lied to? Even so it doesn't matter, if there's one thing kaffers are good at, it's killing people.

That's a good idea

Yes, we know they have the worst kind of SJW blog posters. What else is new?

This article seems like satire. Like it was written by some Sup Forumsster in an attempt to troll. Is this person actually for real?

>people's difference cant be summed up in such broad terms ignoring all the subtilities + identity is based on blood and heritage, not on skin colour, but 50% 1/8 irish 1/8 malinese amerishits will never understand that
Thank you.

meme the huffpoop as white feminists supremacists

>its a tranny
surprise surprise

I want to believe this is elaborate trolling poking fun at based white men for wondering why women and niggers ought to be allowed to vote.

She thinks it's because we want to "redistribute" wealth to ourselves. We want gibmedats.

We don't. We create the weath. All the gibmedats are stolen from us. We want to be allowed to keep the fruits of our labour, and to tell cunts and niggers to kill themselves if they don't like it.

holy shit this can't be real. KEK

100% agreed

These people never joke around, you should know this if you want to survive, soon enough they will be calling for our castration and then genocide

Wtf is that?

It's diverse because they're women.

They've already called for castration.

This wtf


Remember when they posted that photo on Twitter and someone replied: 'Y'all don't hire black people?' kek

>Judas' blood flowed when he killed himself for betraying Jesus.
Judas hanged himself.

There's copious amounts of this shit.

fucking virus attempt lul

why dont these people all move out of western nations if they cant stand white men?

>that vice article
>Literally calling for sterilization of all men who aren't attractive enough so that women can all share them

I refuse to believe that there are people like this. There is simply no way.

White guy here. She's right. We must pay penance for for our past evils.

Jesus, it looks like Adam Devine in drag.

sage this shit

Whites have more wealth in South Africa because they worked their asses off to build a first world country (at least it was one before it got ruined by niggers) in the middle of nowhere. Does this retard think whites stole it from niggers that had nothing but huts and sticks there? It's my understanding that virtually all of the niggers in South Africa aren't even native to the country, but they're economic migrants from neighbouring countries. Does the author think that someone should come and strip whites off their wealth and redistribute it to nigger migrants?

It's insane that these people are given a platform in major western media outlets. If it was some dindu bitching from a dindu country, all the power to them, but whites letting anti-white racists run their countries is unbelievable.

>These people have always existed.

Although the internet has been a great invention, it's also given a voice to all the mentally disadvantaged people the world over, who wouldn't have been able to without it. Worse still, it's allowed these idiots to find other idiots who agree with them. Hence the slippery slope.

People who take the time to create an archive link because the shill OP won't deserve a (You). Also nice get

Majority of white women voted trump too. So they would have to take voting rights from the whole race. Reminds me of something.

I created the link...

Can we do the whole "No taxation without representation thing?" basically I'll give up my right to vote in exchange for not paying taxes. What a fucking deal that would be holy shit. I'm all for this if I no longer have to pay taxes.

This is compelling.

>commies still ignoring all history

Your analogy is called "the Patriots" And when they banned the QB from that team, what did he do? Come back and win even more.

These LibCucks don't realize that if they did try this, White Men(tm) would kick some serious ass taking the country back

Fuck Huffington

what happened to racism being power + bigotry?

this seems to be non-whites exerting power to enforce their bigotry on white males.

Historically this has worked so well, especially in south africa where this nutcase lives.


Within their own liberalist feminist and racist groups they've redefined what they think of as racism to be something subjected against the minority. This hasty rationalization allows them the mental ability to believe what they're doing isn't racist because it's against the majority.

Thanks for complete version

But white south africans are a minority group aren't they?

What's the excuse now?

Rich old whites may hold loads of wealth but they aren't exactly sharing it with younger whites. This seems like a blatant attempt to oppress the white boy

Does anyone have this whore's email?

>This is a blatant attempt to oppress the white boy

Praise kek!

I tried vaguely scooping for information. I wanted to see if she was jewish or trans. It seems like she is a new writer as this is he sole account and i couldn't find her twitter profile in less than 5 minutes so I got bored.

I recomend not using that recommendation thing. Wait for her to upload more articles and flesh out her online prescence a little bit more before you destroy her.

Attacking her right now means she will just pop up elsewhere under a different name and we lose a valuable oppurtunity.

>Author: Shelley Garland

naah, bitch.
that's a dude.

>This is a blatant attempt to genocide the white boy


>Deny white man to vote
>Suddenly every ar-15 you know is turned on libtards
Good idea libtards give us a reason to fucking slaughter you all.

Again? Pic related was not so long ago, it seems like they are up to something!

Dan (((Schneider))) in drag?