Typical Sup Forums user: It was the juden.. trump is not my president. why i still don't have a gf??

>Typical Sup Forums user: It was the juden.. trump is not my president. why i still don't have a gf??

No you piece of shit. Trump is LITERALLY killing it right now. America is back on the world stage in a BIGLY way! Heil Trump!

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Stay in your shithole Achmed. America is back. You're never gonna be relevant on the world stage!

I'm as relevant as I need to be you insecure little tard. I'm thanking God thank I wasn't born American, at the end of the day I can forget all this shit while Orange Man continues to dig deeper and deeper into the hole that the US has dug for itself.

You forgot to turn off your proxy, fellow burger.

Even the Washington Post agrees! He's doing great!

Don't insult the fuhrer.

Trump is bombing the shit out of ISIS
Trump is telling the world who is boss

America is back and it's bigger and more powerful then ever before!

Ya, you Canadians have such strong leaders

Well it's either 4 years of the ((( media ))) attacking Trump on being in bed with Putin or show em that America First! I hate to say it but it is 4d chess and he is WINNING.

yep and I dont give a fuck how much it costs to kill sandniggers

drop bombs on these hajis all day Donny

You're a troll, I like you.

You, on the other hand, may actually believe that. Trudeau is annoying and needs reigning in. You think that attacking third world countries shows strength?

This guy gets it. God bless America


This is a fake quote and I hate when people use it because there are so many better, and real, ones.

Spend less time flying goy flags polluting our board and more time calling out this shit if you want to prevent assbooting #110.



When you see it..

When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.

>One Jew is.. 1:50
>Two Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:781,250,000,000

They will just take over Europe because of Trump and his Jew friends. Better start praising Allah now paddy, before it's too late. Your Pope already is.


Trump is gonna take out ISIS, build safe zones (meaning no refugees in Europe)

all those failed foreign policies by that muzzie Obama is gonna be fixed now thanks to Trump!

So do you actually think Assad used chemical weapons or not?

No proof so no.

But I agree with the MOAB on ISIS and telling those North Korean gooks who's boss.

Btw, why are white nationalists like Spencer and Duke disavowing Trump? Trump is getting rid of EVIL shitskins all throughout the world. God bless him for that.

>take out

After Iraq descended into chaos, with the benefit of hindsight, it was so clear that the inter-tribal conflicts that have wrecked the entire region would be an obvious consequence. And some did actually see that before the attack. You can't just waltz in somewhere blow up a bunch of shit and then draw a curtain over the events, mission accomplished style.

>telling those North Korean gooks who's boss
>getting rid of EVIL shitskins

You're an actual moron, the real thing. You should come back when you've developed the ability to construct an argument and string a few thoughts together. You know, like they used to do back in the hey day of Western culture. Western culture, something that you're blissfully unaware of.

Be you
>Earning the name potato nigger through willfull ignorance
> Ignoring the FACT the Jews dominate the global bankster class. Plus ignoring the FACT banksters are psychopaths. Therefore Jewish cultural belief system produces psychopaths on an industrial scale.
> Ignoring the fact the Jews dominate and own most of the media and push their own agenda. A secterian Jewish agenda you dumb cunt. Therefore they control the narrative and what you ultimately think is (((normal))) but is always counter to your personal and societies best interests.
> Ignoring the fact the Jew neocons dominate and control American puppet politics along with European puppet politics by default as Europe jumps to the JewSA tune.

It was Jews..it's always been Jews

Now fuck off you naive brainwashed goyim cunt.

Wow that's very anti-semitic. Reported to ADL, you POTATO NIGGER cunt

>You're an actual moron, the real thing. You should come back when you've developed the ability to construct an argument and string a few thoughts together.
Houston, we haven't an argument

Be you
>A literal retard living up to the potato nigger slur
>An actual Kike

Pick one

>Uses a meme that clearly demonstrates trump narcissistic personality disorder will drop the worlds biggest bombs, just to brag about it.

Irish Kike detected

Kike get the fuck out of my country

You're like a nigger who blames everything on whitey.

>It was the JUDEN

Fix yourself, the JUDEN don't control your destiny.

Fuck you kike shill
>comes to Sup Forums and somehow doesn't learn a few FACTS about Jews.

One Jew called Shatter pushed to multiply turd world immigration to Ireland and gay marriage. Corse you agree with both policies kike.

Get a better proxy flag

>Jews don't control my destiny

Is that right potatokike. Jews only control the money, wars and brainwashed women though..and I don't live in a material world do I. Cognitive dissonance or just a lying kike? Ummm really gets my noggin joggin.

Now you're just talking shite conspiracy theories. Go outside, it is Good Friday btw

Go outside yourself, it is good Friday by the way.

Whilst you're out there, take a short walk of a tall cliff..Kike


>it's all conspiracy theories

Backed up with FACTS

Drink a bottle of bleach you fucking cunt

BTW I am outside in the beer garden

What pub is selling drink?

>be german
>part greek/italian
>they all hated kikes
Sorry,you potato shlomo but my ancestors all were right.It was always the kike.

>Hitler blamed jews for all of Germany's problems.
>Sup Forums blames jews for all of the world's problems

Trump & America is fighting for stability in the world. It'd be stupid and just sit back and let NK and ISIS get more powerful and destabilise the entire world. It's just common sense and not the JUDENS fault..



>America is back on the world stage in a BIGLY way!
By the numbers "bigly":
GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast
— weighs 21,600 pounds
— costs $16 million per unit
— 36 ISIS fighters killed @ $444,444.44 per fighter.
>Trump is LITERALLY killing it right now.

want more bang for muh buck