Slav subhumanness.
Slav subhumanness
Slavic superhumans :-)
Slavs are superior to wh*te cuckbois.
Poles are the only real men here in the UK. Native whites are just little cuckboys. They are scared of me when they hear my accent.
>salonik area full of slav genes
There is a reason you are hated
>not subhuman
20-30% of Greek males in Greek Macedonia are slavshits hahahahahaha
Kärnten and Steiermark basically R1a. Is Arnie a crypto-slav?
>all R1a is the same
Everyone is superior when compared to american subhumans
Basically half of the Austrians in caranthia, styria and burgenland are dirty slavshit subhumans that became germanized.
Funny how people say that balkans are slavic..the majority is not even slavic.
Fear us, cuck, we´re in the transport ships heading towards Canada at the moment.
We're a mix of slavs and "natives" (dinarids aka illyrians) that already lived here when slavs settled the area ~600 AD
We're the original slavs, the slav migrations went the other way around, other slavs mixed with snownigger natives
Read some goddamn books, cucked faggot
Slavs moved to Central and Southern Europe from their homeland in modern Belarus-Ukraine-Poland common border area
Google Antes and Venedi
No you are Turks and Albanians.
Slavs moved to Europe from terrain of modern Iraq, check mate niggas
Western Poland was never Slavic until 1500 years ago during the migration. Even eastern Poland wasn't Slav. Slavs should go back. Bohemia is german land.
Indo-Europeans, you stupid Pole
We´re the branch of Indo-European languages
It originates from the Central Asian Steppes
>Illyrians again
It seems like you want us to beat the shit and deport you again. Anglos are real men unlike you pussy slavs who cry when they hear the Anglo cock around the corner
Before your homeland in Russia Slavs came from northern India and depigmented as they moved north.
Average Slav is basically a depigmented poo in loo.
Thank god finland is clean from this subhuman blood.
they probably didnt want to racemix with mongols
That's false as the moon being made of cheese, We know it and They know it.
It's propaganda, don't listen to it.
that's wrong, there is no evidence that Indo-Europeans didn't originate in India, it's actually very likely that they did.
Simply because
1. genetically: R1a is found in the highest frequencies in South Asia
2. linguistically: Sanskrit has Dravidic influences (and vice versa), and many Slavic languages have Sanskrit influences , but Sanskrit has not a single Slavic influence ; there is also an issue with the form of colours, while Sanskrit has f.e. Colours, Ancient Greek doesn't have any term for colour (because it was lost)
3. culturally: the only place where actual indo-european culture survived so far is South Asia. That is because it's the only place where the religious authorities still exist (indo-european culture relies on oral tradition from father to son) - while in other places they either vanished or never existed in the first place.
That's not true, Slavs are as a "metaethnicity" racially in their majority reduced cromagnoids, while India contains from australoid, to palaeo-mongoloid, to unreduced aurignacoid almost all races.
pic related a current map of all the living human races
FFS, how can you even be so stupid?
First off, Yeah, South-West to South areas were germanic. I don´t count Germanic migrations, because they left the land peacefully.
Eastern Poland was Slavic, it was the direction, whence the Poles came.
Bohemia was left abandoned, so the Slavs settled in its land.
Slavs should never go back, because we have more than earned this place for ourselves by defending Europe from outer threats.
I like being a subhuman
It's pretty comfy to be hon, famallam
Retard, this is bait, no?
Well, Indo-Europeans split into two branches, one heading towards India, other heading towards Europe
All the Indo-Europeans are your ancestors too, Canadien, so just sit down and cry for being such a cuck
Countries not infected with Slavic scourge genes and ancestry.
Cunts that should be embarrassed of their infection:
I always wondered why Norway have more R1a than the rest of Scandinavia.
The ones heading towards Iranian plateau, Afghanistan, and Northern India were the Aryans. Once the Aryans arrived in India, they mixed in with the native Dravidians already living there and thus creating the modern Indic race of Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, etc..
So are Poles pure Slav?
Oi, m90, stop it with that banter. I don't see talking that thrash outside, you little eejit
>believing in the official migration meme
Slavs originated in the Balkans,under different name, but in reality originated somewhere in Persia, and really we're distant cousins of the Jews (Shem->Sam->Sarm (Sarmatia)->Serb->Slav)
>real men
Ok m8 I think you've had a bit too much to drink.
poland is talibanz and shiet
You know what the funny thing is, leaf? Poland is bigger thank Canada,
Lol stop posting user,original Slavs where described with fair skin and rudy hair,something dinarids are not.
>be ruthenian
>have the highest concentration of r1a
>parents from carpathian mountains
Master slav coming through
> Poles are the only real men here in the UK.
Ther are little brother of ours. Just imagine what russians are capable of!
>when you're so supperioir you have to go to ANGLO Land to clean toilets
>Ther are little brother of ours
Canadian subhuman
>when slavs settled the area
>slavs settled the area
>whole Balkans have barely 20% of slavic genes
pick one. you guys are no slavs.
most people here have light brown hair
>we wuz kangz and da human civilization originated from da serbz
Actually there is evidence that a lot of I2a came from the Belarus/Ukraine area during the slavic migrations, same as the R1a is Germany isnt necessarily slavic either
Seriously Canada wtf can you talk about you have French blood and like they all sound like crap
Your biggest export is snow and shitty hockey teams
Oh yeah hockey? You mean that game you guys started and everyone else is better at? Oh cool eh?
What are we then genius?
Sorry for grammar - I am high.
And last time i checked Croatia is only 34% Dinarid.
Slavic slaves.
Or just "slav"es.
It wasn't about grammar you nigger
I2 and R1a most dominant haplogroups
same are not native to Turks and Albanians
natives. ilyrians, your case turkish rape babies. there are people in the balkans who originate from slavs, but they make up less then 20% of the overall balkan population. how the fuck can you guys be slavs. who the fuck would pick that identity freewillingly for himself? you guys have legit right to denounce slavic identity.
something A LOT of slavs would kill for. i never met a proud slav in my life. because itßs something that noone can be proud of.
What the fuck happened in Norway?
>There is only 24% of Native Balkanic DNA in Serbia the same amount of R1a in Croatia who is by your theory also supposed to be Ïllyrian"
It is time to stop posting.
You don't want to know
Now I really want to know.
I2 isn't slavshit. R1a is slavshit and serbshits are only 16% R1a. The rest are Turkish and Albanian rape babies with some Greek and Romanian sprinkled in.
But Pooland.
Russians are engineers. As well as poolanders.
Except russians build atomic stations, and poolanders fix toilets.
I2a is a Migrant Haplogroup from Ukraine.
It might not be Slavshit,but it is not Balkanic subhuman either.Sorry to disapoint you and the kraut
more then 45% of Croats have the I2a haplogroup. Only 20% of them have R1a, half from which is already a mutation.
You guys have little I2a haplotype because you mixed with Turks. and you have even less R1a then the Croats. There are no original slavs in the Balkans. The Slavic identity is just a construct of the church and the religious and cultural influence of the Bysantine Empire on the Balkans and East Europe. You guys were christianized from Constantinopol. You recieved the slavic language and alphabet through the process of christianization. Thats how you became slavs linguistically. but your genes and blood are not slavic.
t. chink chong pong dong
Btw speaking of "Albanian rape children".
>a fucking leaf
Kys french scum
>I2 isn't slavshit
no haplogroup mutation is tied to a specific ethinc group
>rape babies
they are not r1a, but l2a south slavic.
what is poland accent like?
Unless he was a mouthbreather as a child, his weak chin is a Slav or Asiatic feature, so he very well may have shitty Slav genes. If you look at pictures of him now, however, you'll notice he got a chin implant.
some slavs are ethnic like poles, hohols, bulbashes and ruskie and some are cultural like the rest
>south slavic
no such thing. the term south slav is just a political construct that started being used in the early 19th century. If I2a is slavic, how come more then 65% Sardinians have that haplogroup? Are Sardinians also Slavs?
>Norwegians and Hungaryans are more slavic than Serbs and Croats
Really activates those almonds
papist propaganda, or describing some descendant group
Low Rez, what does it say? And yes Serbs are rape babies.
Except I2a might not be Slavshits,but scientists know it 100000% not Balkanic.E1b and J2 are Balkanic and Croats only have 16% of those,Serbs 24%.
And before you start,E1b and J2 are different subclades then the ones found IN Turkey.
So you logic is I2a-Balkanic,e1b and j2-rape children.
When it is actually wrong,but alas it is a common mistake among poltards.
You probably also think Scandinavia is 40% Slavic,but in reality the R1a in Scandinavia is Z-284 subclade,while Slavic is M-458 subclade.
Yes hanso that is true
Low Rez for a phone poster the pic has 2.82 MB rape child.
is nice
Last time I was in Canada I met this Polish guy and we made friends.
He wasn't that well built but he was a hell of a lot better built than most Canadians we met.
We made friends with a bunch of Canadian college kids.
I spent all night laughing as the Pollack was hitting on the only girl in the group in front of some sour faced cuck that had a crush on her.
The girl was fucking jumping at the sight of a real man, laughing at even the stupidest jokes he made.
The fuckboy was just staring at them trying to join the conversation and every time he spoke, Pollack started to talk over him or just forgot his existence.
In the end the chick took the bait and walked off with him while we dumped the, now drunk and bitter, nu-male on somebody's lawn since he was being annoying.
I think he went back and married her last year.
I love Canada, it's like life on easy mode.
1/4 Serbian males are e-v13+j2b. In other words you are rape babies hahah.
Rakija is absolutely disgusting.
>Rakija is absolutely disgusting.
the drink of subhumans
Sardinians are I2a M-26,South Slavs are I2a L-621.
Stop ignoring subclades.
ooo kurwwaaaa
They got so lazy and degenerate that they kidnap children from slav immigrants instead of making their own.
I'm not joking.
Lel,when did Albania occupy Serbia?