should RT be banned for fake news?
and anti-american news?
RT=Russian Propaganda
should RT be banned for fake news?
and anti-american news?
RT=Russian Propaganda
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shill thread
kindly fuck off
Where does one get redilled news from ?
rt = real truth
real trotsky hours
/who woke/
ignore flag
from my experience I would trust RT with most news that is not directly or indirectly related to Russia
How are they fake news? i thought they were the most impartial news outlet yet?
1. Not your land, habibi
2. Not israeli, just visiting for the holidays
Christ will rise soon brother
RT shouldn't be banned, but the people that believe their lies should be prosecuted as traitors and shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Whoever runs their twitter account retweeted some gay Lenin account, so they either need a purge in their echelons or something.
no, they are propaganda but so is Fox News and all the other channels, you only see that clearly with the contrast, no RT no contrast. Plus they host intelligent critics like Thom Hartmann and Max Kaiser and other libtards. You cant see what your delusions are without something to compare to
But Congress conservatards will probably find a way to ban them
i don't know
Russia is banning western NGO's and suppresses western media in their country
while the west just let Russian run rampant in their countries...
Do you really think other news outlets tell real news?
CNN = american propaganda
BBC = UK propaganda
The only question is which one you'd rather be indoctrinated by.
No CNN should
he will unite us
RT is actually quite unbiased when they're not reporting on anything Russia-related.
>Do you really think other news outlets tell real news?
RT plays in another level compared to CNN and BBC in terms of lying...
how can you watch this and not feel stupid?:
> The only question is which one you'd rather be indoctrinated by.
Western propaganda as I am a westerner.
Not even the BBC is independent or trustworthy nowadays.
Independent, unbiased, unmanipulated news doesn't exist anymore. (if it ever really did)
Better than CNN