Don't try to defend them.There are no good Jews or bad Jews. ALL Jews as collective group are cancer that is ETERNAL enemy. Even person that is 1/16 Jewish is biological enemy.
The world will see no peace because this Satanic tribe doesn't get rooted out.
Every Jew is a Jew
Yes, burn diaposa jews
Nice to see you agree with me.
I know way too many whites that take end up finding out through one way or another that they´re 1/4th or 1/8th or 1/16th Ashkenazi or Sephardic or some bullshit.
Nigga, those niggers are worse.
Even person that is 1/128 Jewish is an enemy too
OP is Jewish or an idiot. Saying "all jews musta die!!!" doesn't hurt Jews. You may offend a few sensitive ones (every group has its hot heads). But ultimately, it humors or bolsters them. People like you are nowhere near to their level of understanding.
Case in point.
There is no case in point there. Israel runs subversive pro-diversity and anti-nationalist operations in Europe and Western colonies.
But I'm 1/32th sephardi and I'm against extremism ideologies
Yes, the people of israel all come along to some big round table , 6 gorrlion chairs are needed and we discuss how to do it.
I have a hooked nose, have "Berg" in my name, but I'm not a Jew.
I'm 1/2 Jew and I support extremist right-wing politics :^)
No you don't . You are just a subhuman cancerous ethnic group.
yea but you only do it because you hope america hands you a giant slice of the middle east
your just a greedy smarmy jew
>yea but you only do it because you hope america hands you a giant slice of the middle east
Nah, because I want to see a pure Europe.
I'm mainly European; About 3/4ths. Maybe it's just a spiritual connection, but I have disdain for the modern state of the West.
I would like to see Israel take more muzzie land by force, but I care marginally less.
t.18 century village near magadan dweller
not even 1 / a power of 3
t. insane inbred nigger
You are subhumans even comparing to modern Russians, already subhuman lot
Vasya i think some Jewish girl left you cause you just squat and eat semichki?
Worst Hasbara performance I've ever seen
Look, you are disgusting part black subhumans. Anti-Semitic is a normal healthy and natural feeling
i have a question. if that is true than why dont you see us jew participate in mass shooting that you whites and blacks love so much?
looks back at your time line. there will be one my fellow kike.
What about the anti-zionists one in the England? They say they are the real jews who follow the ten commandments.?