Guys help, I'm stuck in the President Cruz timeline

He just sent the US military into the Vatican and dethroned Francis, appointed himself the True Pope while declaring the United States a Catholic Theocracy, and declared a final crusade against Islam.

Do you take refugees? Because that sounds damn sweet.

No they were all purged.

Sounds comfy. Are you planning to enlist?

I'm a pansexual atheist who wears a TNG era Star Trek uniform to work (command color with captains pips) where do I fit in?

Ha, you should have checked out Mitt Romney's timeline
The entire nation is Mormon now and I sleep in my majic pajamas.

I mean refugees from other timelines. I'd like to apply for dimensional asylum.

Sounds nice, can I come over? The only thing Trump has done is bombed some towelheads.

I think you're in a pretty good place, all things considered.

wtf i love ted cruz now

Let us toast

Sand niggers need bombs too

gratz m8. was hoping i would be in a cruz timeline but had to settle for this one

its been pretty disappointing so far but i can't imagine how anons are coping with the hillary timeline

Oh, yeah. We do that.

We've already taken all the Christians from the Bernie timeline. Well, the ones that weren't beaten to death for the Shekel Redistribution Program.

>tfw you will never experience the utopia that is the ¡Yeb! timeline

Transmitting presidential portrays through the timelinegate is hard work. They seem to get all mixed up

Now run that through Faceapp...

>This is the popehood rising!

Sounds like best timeline. Does Kekism still rise or is Christ still supreme?

You're in s timeline with back to back presidents are born in foreign countries? Are the Dems attempting to impeach Lyin' Ted for being Canadian?

>still believing Soarin' Ted is the enemy
Lion Ted was God's candidate, The Don was Kek's.

Based Ted

The pope is a cuck. Bobby hill would rather be a clown than be the friggin'

in the oven