This is the truth, you've now been redpilled
This is the truth, you've now been redpilled
God will punish those who dont followed the catholic church in the next world.
Sad! but true
>my desert religion is better than your desert religion
I hate christards so much.
Protestantism is the only true way.
Catholisism=Run by a cucked dictator that loves Islam.
>eternal hellfire > the one true church
sure thing mate
Looking at your disappearing nation that must be true
Reminder that the Bible is all that matters, not what type of robe the paedo in your church wears.
>Reminder that the Bible is all that matters
Thats why protestants have thousands of idderent sects, because "the bible is all that matters".
You gasbags can't even decide on wether children have to be baptised without the Holy Mother Church declaring it so.
>Reminder that the Bible is all that matters
Yeah only the Bible is important! Except ofc the parts that Luther decided to scrap or alter...
The point I was making is people should just follow the Bible, not divisive denominations. If you honestly think the Catholic Church today is holy then you're clearly an idiot.
god, protestants have to be biggest retards of christianity
what's the point of upholding christian values and morality if you gonna go to hell or heaven regardless of what you do since the day you were born?
>not divisive denominations
And what if people agree to follow similar things? Your reasoning is lacking something, namely that people naturally want companionship and they will always form denominations. Even Sup Forums is a sort of denomination
If they agree to do so, let them. But they should understand the Bible genuinely as opposed to listening to whatever corrupted shit that your shill priest says. We just shouldn't be so hostile towards different denominations.
>reformed isn't protestant
EU4 tier understanding of christianity
Presbyterianism was a sect of mainstream Protestantism, a more refined version if you ask me.
Following Jesus' teachings literally >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (((Denominations)))
>your shill priest says
Every denomination has its hierarchy. Protestants have pastors and they also talk about the Bible, same goes for any self-education circle
Jesus is the way amen! The rest of this crap and traditions will be settled at judgment
non-denomination >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Catholic/protestant/orthodox,methodist, mormon, etc.
Protestant grills are best grills
The true Church is the Eastern Catholic aka. Orthodox Church.
Q:Who was the rock the Church was built on?
A:Saint Peter (Matthew 16:18)
Q:Where were the disciples and the church community first called Christian?
A:Antioch. (Acts 11:26)
Q:What was the name of the church at Antioch?
A: Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch. (
Rome fell into heresy and Protestantism with its thousands of splinter denominations is a natural, evil, outcome of heresy.
Orthodoxy is an appalling load of idolatry
literally worshipping >a >fucking >painting
Orthodox will defend this, just like they will defend their collusion with the tsarist regime in oppressing peasants
Catholicism is so redpilled... check out this cool Polish guy in an old cathedral
Protestant countries are no.1 source of current degeneracy and cuckoldry.
>muh sola scriptura
Go fuck yourself Sven
the truth will set you free
The very reason what makes the white race stand out from others, like asians, is because of the reformation but Deus Vultist keep contributing it to Roman Catholicism.
>Following Jesus' teachings literally
Daily reminder:
>Luke 22:36
>He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
tåget över bält
4th century frauds of Constantine
>Implying religion has merit
Wow you almost memed me OP
(((orthodox)))(((catholic)))(((protestant))) all fruits of the deceptions and lies of Constantine
Catholicism is Christianity with the remains of European paganism attached to it. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, adopt a nationalistic view, and abandon the cuckold values Christianity preaches, while keeping the European values.
Christianity was a tool created by the Jews to control, and as it conquered Europe, the Catholics practiced the old pagan ways in secrecy, but most don't even know what they mean to this day.
A few examples of this are the old Germanic fairy tales, the Brides Races and Knight's Tournaments.
>muh skydaddy!
jesus, when will this stupidity end?
Protestants are god's chosen people
Guarantee this idiot thinks Christmas is """pagan""" too
Christian Identity is the truth.
Jews are the offspring of Esau who is the brother of white Jacob (Israel).
Esau went on to marry two women of Canaanite decent and had children with them.
The Canaanites are of the serpent seedline of Cain, who is the offspring of Satan and Eve.
Today, the Jews, who are Edomites of Esau, are trying to steal back the birthright given to Jacob by Issac.
The Jews are trying to destroy the true Israelites of Jacob as payback.
It is why Jews look "white" but they are not.
This is the fundamental problem facing White Western Civilization and why the Jew has been at war with us for centuries.
Jesus didn't wrote the Bible. He founded a Church.
Christianity existed without the Bible, but not without the Church.
Study. And repent. You're an heretic and there's a place in hell for you. But the Lord is mercyful.
Why didn't you go to Norway instead Wladyslav? Better pay
I'm an idiot how, you beady-eyed Anglo kike? Nothing but an ant who only listens to the words of his masters.
>Seventh-day Adventist
>Rome fell into heresy
Harsh words coming from a schismatic.
That image is tl;dr
Already told you how you're an idiot
Read a book and get off of Sup Forums
If anything that's an argument for Christianity, not Paganism; how are you going to reform the West under a mythology? I was there myself, but face it, you're LARPing. Just stick to cultural influences it may have.
325 AD
>Constantine was the first emperor to stop Christian persecutions and to legalise Christianity along with all other religions and cults in the Roman Empire.
"muh Bibble" still isn't written yet
Damn, you sure showed me lad
Yes, because the cult of saturn was so productive for the people of Rome and couldn't possibly have Jewish ties, despite them being similar in many aspects.
I'd rather be dead than to lobotomize myself and be a part of that cancerous ideology desu
The texts were written in the 1st and 2nd century.
Just because the Orthodox Church didn't compile them into a collection yet doesn't mean they didn't exist in 325AD.
Friendly reminder that Israel/CIA/Shariablue create religious threads in an attempt to cause infighting among us. It's classic D&C (divide and conquer). Ignore religion threads: the OP is NEVER sincere with his questions or points. It all just to start a fight.
Those digits confirm it.
Funny how protestantcucks talk about how catholicism is cucked when in reality is only the degenerate pope, meanwhile their entire protestant countries are full of degeneracy that claim to be secular atheists but their naive protestant spirit still with them that's why they will most likely extinct embrace Catholicism to save yourselves.
the battle that took poland
Here we see the Catholic brain at work. The Catholic brain is incapable of fundamental and basic function without being told what to regurgitate by an official, namely a priest, or a pope, or a monarch. It's all the same to the Catholic brain. The Catholic brain needs an authority. It can not think for itself. It is wholly incapable of original and abstract thought.
Uh huh
It's only lobotomizing if you're pretending to be Christian, and don't actually know who Jesus was. The ones who aren't real Christians are the ones who say JESUS LOVED EVERYBODY LET THEM ALL IN, when in fact, Jesus brought the sword. What would Jesus do today? He'd bring righteous vengeance. No...they just want the feelies and equivalent his words to a kindergarten poster, but it goes far deeper. As opposed to being what, Atheist? I'm sure the fact that Atheism is at it's highest now has absolutely nothing to do with the fall of the West as of now.
That is because they're Catholic. They believe everything that has ever happened ever under the term Western Civilization is only because of them and they claim it. And if you disagree, they will murder you and burn your books.
That was how the Jesuits won the counter-Reformation. It wasn't long before all the nobles and monarchs of Europe discovered their confessors to be Jesuits. All intelligence gathered and used tactically by the Black Pope.
It's all fascinating history but in the end natural law can only be bent, not broken. Thanks to Abrahamic breeding protocols and the spread of ignorance, misery and holy war it won't be long now before a natural cleansing takes place. History repeats. May not be Black Death but something similar no doubt. I had faith in AIDS but looks like something more drastic is in order.
>still believing in bronze-age fairytales
I'm laughing out loud at all of your lives.
Where were your pagan gods when these "puppets of Jews" erased paganism as a serious religion? Why didn't they come to Europe's aid when their people were being converted? If paganism is such a stronger religion, why did it lose so utterly, that it only survives at all because a few misanthropes try to resurrect it from the quaint little scraps left behind after its demise?
>tfw you will have eternal life because you are saved
Feels good, desu senpai.
If we can get an ideology to control the masses that will usurp Yahweh's chosen, then I say it's a good thing.
I'd much rather have the masses worshiping a version of Abrahamic religion that destroys the other two, than the current mess we have today.
We'll remove him soon.
>worshipping a painting
You mean having a painting to show respect to the holy? How is that worship? By that logic anyone who has a painting of any person is worshiping whats on the painting...
Where were they? They were defeated, most of it was destroyed, demonized, warped and bastardized.
European paganism did not go down without a fight, but it succumbed to the system that was designed to control the vulnerable.
European paganism was not created with that in mind, it was more of a science and teaching people how to be good, well-adjusted folks, than anything.
>That was how the Jesuits won the counter-Reformation. It wasn't long before all the nobles and monarchs of Europe discovered their confessors to be Jesuits. All intelligence gathered and used tactically by the Black Pope.
Why do you think confession is such a big deal to the Catholic?
Who knows all the secrets of the town?
Methodism is the only answer.
The Catholic Church didn't canonize these Apocryphal books until the 1400s at the Council of Trent. Nice try ((Catholic)).
proddies are literally satan
I only follow orthodox because Dracula and shit
Paganism > Organized Sca.. Religion
Heretic traitor here.
Good evening to you, Sir. :)
Literacy destroyed Catholicism. That's why it can only survive in backwards countries. (e.g. Mexico)
Cult of Mary worship....
("I don't care if it rains or freezes, as long as I've got my plastic Jesus...")
>can't even spell Catholicism
kill yourself heretic
Chalcedonian isn't a church, it's a doctrine held by Catholic and Orthodox churches.
Also why they burned all the bible not printed in latin.
>I hate Christians.
Good thing you're going to go where no Christians are then, m8
Friendly reminder that Lutheranism is the denomination of Xtianity most hated by Jews.
Indeed. Which is why they don't listen to logic and reason from anyone on this site, because they only listen to those in authority over them.
Men they put between themselves and God.
The pope washes prisoners feet, saying he's some oppressive dictator is a leap
I am referring to a united Christian church with a toned down Pope and autonomous Patriarchs working in mutual agreement for the betterment of Christianity.
Anything else is heresy, St Peter and his successors would be the champions of the faith, and the successors of the disciples would be the messengers of Christ.
Pope Pius XII ran the Holocaust with no more resources than this current false prophet.
Duh. We fought for 80 years to separate from the dirty catholic spanishits.
Authority is a fact of life, without authority there is chaos.
I don't hate goofy protestants, I think they're insane
Yes, you're talking about the emergent apostate church, whether or not you know it.