>You land in Armenia 1915 as you are now
>See an Armenian qt about to get roached by Turkish soldiers
What do you do?
You land in Armenia 1915 as you are now
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Help them kill that subhuman rat
Kill the roaches, then behead this roach too
Kill the roaches obviously
Only correct answer
>implying armenians weren't shitskins like turkroaches
i would tell them to 1v1 me faggots lll rek ya
Second post is always the best post
Go back home and warn my Race that the jews will plunge us into two world wars and that Poland can be sacrificed in order to unite our people.
Turn 360 degrees and walk away
Did my bottle of bottle of RAID survive the time travel ?
Nothing I'm neutral in this war :^)
Kill the mudslimes.
whip around the ar pistol I ccw and mow down every fucking thing in front of me.
recks the mudslimes
kys faggot
kys fag
fat faggot
Armeanians should be exterminated. Pure and simple. We don't have Turkish problem in Russia, but we have Armenian one
What's the Armenian problem in Russia?
join them
Are you having some sort of epilepsy caused by the potato famine, you nigger?
achmed spotted
Why the fuck there are subhuman Armenians in Russia in the first place?
Government sponsored refugee committee refugee.ru
Guess who runs it? Armenian goblin
RT ( the anti-nationalist shills ) - Armenian cunt in charge
Anti-xenophobic organisations? Kikes and Armenians.
Flat robberies? Mostly Armenians and Georgians
There is no "we", untermensch. You are not European and never will be. If Turkey decided to genocide Armenians once again, I might even volunteer to do some killing
Only appropriate answer.
I am not going to white knight some unibrow having Armenian bitch and get myself killed. Might as well get on good terms with the winners.
>only subhumans X hate subhumans Y
Go shill for "genocide", tigran
Watch in the bushes, with my hard cock in one hand and my balls in the other.
I'd probably be roached alongside, being unarmed and non-turkish.
The only subhumans are Russians.
t. Tigran the kurdish spawn
Subhuman Russians are like niggers, don't ever visit Russia and if you do, watch your back. I can see why Hitler wanted to exterminate them.
Hmm. Thank you for showing your true allegiance, Ivan. Perhaps we should remove your military base off our land and invite NATO, since they have been asking Sargsyan about it for a long time.
Kurds are responsible for the armenian genocide.
Berate the armenian for being a racist and say she deserves this for stealing everything she owns from POC obviously. Then
Kill the Armenian. Its probably a ancestor of Kim Kardashian.
At best I'd be killing a crypto jew.
Pray that it's one of the Kardashians
Go into VATS
Triggered subhuman? There is a reason you don't live in Armenia.
Wut? My allegiance is to purity of bloodlines and European races only
Ignore it because Armenians aren't white either
>Find their commander
>Ask him with thick German accent if he can get me back to my German buddies
>Spend rest of war killing frogs on western front like I've always wanted
>Why the fuck there are subhuman Armenians in Russia in the first place?
Because you're a multicultural shithole with no border security
I don't know why non-white subhumans think people like them, just because they are Christian
Watch and fap.
this picture turns women on. guaranteed 100%
Gas the roaches with raid.
>Wut? My allegiance is to purity of bloodlines and European races only
Exactly why there is no reason to support you in any way.
>Implying Armenians are not also shitskin roaches
It's because they are fair skinned really
If they were some dark nigger shade or more sandnigger dark nobody would give a flying duck about them
How dare you demonize armenians as a generalized whole! My landlord and renter is armenian and she is the sweetest person in the world and a productive member of society who works in the court system. These people have suffered enough already and just want to be left the fuck alone! All they care about is family that matters and trying to live another day. Not undermine your country! The fact and reality that we treat each other as demons and things to satisfy a sick pleasure of killing or oppress for decandent privilege only grows and upholds my conviction and dorn that humanity is undeserving of a merciful god or paradise.And I'm alright with there not being one and turning to dust.
Nice copypasta
Also, Armenians still shitskins
Underrated post!
This feels like a copypasta
don't judge them from a few bad apples man. We wouldn't have System Of A Down without them
I would turn off The Young Turks and find something better to do
Underrated post. If that traitor bitch Ana Kasparian is in this situation, I won't even do shit.
There white mediterranean dips hit, hence the tan.
There not arabs
What planet do you live on?
>Implying only Arabs are shitskins
They are subhuman kurdish-semitic mongrels
Define white.
its not. >Philosowiseass over here
Full blood European, you subhuman Tigran.
Turn 360 degrees and walk away because I don't even know where the fuck Armenia is.
I remind Roach on the left to properly clean and maintain his revolver. I offer a small sum to rape her in an unused orifice, then chill with an Efes while they dump their nuts in her guts.
Everything east of Austria = sandnigs so no problemo with the Turks doing to Armenians what the US should do to all its spiggers and nics. Rape, kill, kill, rape, exterminate then deny it happened for profit.
Define European, you fucking dumbass.
found the Armenian shitskin
so are you a jeweler or deli operator?
Wrong stereotypes, here in Russia we dominate in business, finance and healthcare
What he said. My point exact.There whiter than think. Remember its the middle east. suntans for everyone.
this. if anyone deserves to get genocided, it's the armenians
t. lived in an Armenian neighborhood in LA
That's cool but rape is hot and murder wins demographic war.
Fuck the Turks in their hairy boi pucci
How does a Turkish guy pick up an Armenian chick?
With a pan and brush
>he doesn't know what genetics and races are
Your "genoicde" is not real then, subhuman rat. Define Armenian
Never been to Glendale, but if you judge the Russians by Brighton Beach in NYC, then Russia should be fucking nuked.
let them do it
armenians are jews that followed a coin rolling into a church
Here in Russia you scrub the floors of supermarkets and get beaten by skinheads and chechens
After Putin's demise, there is going to be open season on shitskins. Jews and Armenians are hated the most
Move my fez tassel to the other side as though graduating
Oh, genetics? You mean like these? Sorry pal, but we're whiter than you by genetics :^)
i lived in little armenian in hollywood. it's a shithole and armenians are nigger-tier
aahhh fuck its this heartless dehumanized fuck again.
>Here in Russia you scrub the floors of supermarkets
Funny, you said the exact opposite here >get beaten by skinheads
Skinheads? Is this the 90s? Fuck off shill
In the past, Armenians were natural rivals of Jews in trade and banking, but now the only relevant Armenian left is Kim Kardashian.
> unarmed
> Russian
You would just get drafted into the Russsian Imperial Army, Boris.
>muh Lavrov
id join in. armenian women are qt
>this ass-blasted "Russian" kid ITT
I told you that Islam has infested Russia, you didn't believe me.
Kill the roaches, marry the Armenian.
That was a purely Christian genocide whereas "The Holocaust" was NOT purely jew genocide.
Armenian genocide was more sinister because of this.
I'd teleport behind them with my trusty katana and slash them in half obviously.
Well. His gun is cocked and if he discharges his weapon, he is going to kill the roach behind the lady.
So, this picture must be an allegory for sex, as in the roaches are going to fuck the lady? Probably so. Judging by her attire, she totally deserves it. Completely degenerate in circa 1915. Of course if I were a kraut, Id offer to prep the two bulls.
>He actually believes in MUH AREMNIAN GENOCIDE
So then where are the bodies?
Draw hentai of it.
Fucking told you cucks I was right!
>don't judge them from a few bad apples man
That's the other way around.
There are a few that aren't rotten, a lot of them are thieves and liars
Go to Deir Al Zor you fucking schmuck, and ask there. OH SORRY. Roachy backed ISIS is currently gapping the sand right now.
Fuckin pol made me radical islamist. I see so many turks like '' uh we'r not all muslims! we'r atheist and shit plss approve me :(('' i was one them(secular atheist alcoholic atafag) but since im shitskin, its my only salvation after realizing that im shitskin i convert to islam prayed Allah for 5 times and even i pray for the prays i missed in the past before islampill. we'll conquer west and make ''white genocide'' real i promise.