Thing that you can't live without
american top 40 music
You fucked up ever trying that shit. If you have bad anxiety it's like heroin.
Tranny and cuck porn
this you need to stop if you can
Man i cant even take that without blacking out it just doesn't agree with me
Seriously dude. The withdrawal is worse than heroin. It's one of the few withdrawals that can kill you.
Why do you take this pill?
My BlendTech blender
Idk, I was on Xanax for a while and I didn't have any problems coming off it
Adult-onset epilepsy. It seems to have a load of other uses as well, but none that apply to me.
>0.25mg Xanax
>Doing anything at all
Sage goes in each and every field
Who said I only take one pill?
You fap with your left hand?
Back into the oven
Nope i still black out benzos are not my thing
Zoloft, Lithium, Adderall
I was eating over 20mg a day and was having seizures without it.
You don't have anxiety. I barely feel anything when I take it, but I've seen my coworker come down from a panic attack in a few minutes from .5. He was just sobbing and puking everywhere and then it was like it never happened.
Yes but I am BI dextrous
semi-daily exercise and meditation
20 mg A FUCKING DAY? Nigger how. No shit you'll have problems coming off that, I'm talking about 1-2 mg, which is a normal fucking dosage.
Neck yourself
LMAO at israeli hardheads who fried their brain doing MDMA to counteract the PTSD from killing Palestinian children and can't feel a fucking thing anymore.
His nexk is very well rested thank's to My Pillow®
Sup Forums Sup Forums
Hey serotonin syndrome isnt too bad aside from 2 weeks of brain zaps and forgetting how to do grammar
Man I knew a dude that was in the 100 mg zone in rehab. Dude had seizures all the time. Dunno if that guys even alive anymore. Felt bad for him
Sounds like a huge fag
Most dangerous drug out there, stay away from this shit.
I think GHB messed with my tolerance for benzodiazepines. I used to take a little oxazepam every day and if I took about 50% more, I got high. Then I started taking GHB and after quitting it I never experienced that warm comfortable feeling anymore. RIP.
>tfw have anxiety but this shit is hard as fuck to get in Finland because doctors are paranoid about benzo abuse
The NHS gave me oxazepam and it felt like I could finally think normally. Haven't been able to get any since.
Does it actually work for depression?
In America, they get the xanax powder from China or wherever and press them into pills to sell illegally.
it's not meant for depression treatment
duh. how else do you use the mouse, faggot?
Internet anime and videogames
only pussy ass betas take xanax
Mostly Canadians who do this.
My Sugar Star
Air and food.
This. I finally quit after ruining my life and every single relationship I ever had.
I quit 11 months ago and still get withdrawal symptoms. My life is horrible.
Short term? Yes
bro i'm in no position to judge you since i'm an H addict, but bro.. xanax and all benzos seriously melt your brain, bro. everyone i know that has had benzo prescriptions for 10+ years can barely hold a conversation because they struggle to form thoughts. benzos shred apart your mind, man, please be careful.
pic sorta related : drug harm scores with breakdown of cause.
how long were you eating 20+ mg a day?
how long did your taper take to get off it?
American Pie fucked my shit up
dude.. 100mg of alprazolam a day? holy fuck.. imagine eating 50 bars in a day.. dude i black out for like 6 hours if i eat 2-3.
W E E D man
started at 14, haven't been sober for more than 24 hours since 16
>22 now
i dont smoke huge amounts but i smoke little amounts CONSTANTLY. I Smoke a bowl or a small joint about every hour.
sad part is, im spending about 500/month on weed and im only making about 1200 a month
>addicted to benzodiazepines
collegebro here
xanax is literally a degenerate red flag. its a tranquilizer sold to middle and upper class american kids, and if you rely on one, congrats from suffering from middle school issues well into your early adulthood
also, wtf is "anxiety?" more like making yourself too drunk to care about stress, too stupid to remember your daily embarrasments, and too lazy to find true happiness
ofc tho, i realize that some people actually need xanax. but i also realize that 1 person needs, 10 others get perscribed to
Tolerance builds up quick. It was nothing at the height of my addiction to swallow 5 bars at one time. I wouldn't even black out from that if I wasn't drinking alcohol.
do it like me and never taste weed.
>Xanax meme
Is everyone on Sup Forums except me enslaved to some shitty kike drug? Speaks volumes
So you only smoke over an ounce a month but are constantly smoking a bowl?
I call bullshit. An ounce a month isn't much.
it's very effective but if you take it every day, you're fucked
that enough mobey for 2-4 ounches monthly, dho. depending on location
I was getting prescribed 7 Ambien a day but now I just do weed.
take some Valerian Root instead, romans would eat before battle to sooth anxiety
yeah man, that's true.. seems like all GABA drugs have insanely quick tolerance build-up. gabapentin, pregabalin, all benzos.. very true that tolerance builds quickly.. but damn..
i would never let myself get to the point of 10+ mg a day just because i know how dangerous benzo withdrawal is and tolerance is a good indicator of dependence.
Enjoy cancer lol
In the digital age, fapping with your left hand and scrolling with your right is the best way to go.
cheezburger cats
i get those bob marley drinks that have valerian root as well as other natural sedatives like rose hips and lemon balm extract. but yeah valerian root is the most legit 'herb' for anxiolytics
hey look at my YEE lol
I just got the same thing with YEE LOL!
500 = 2 oz where im from
thats about 2/g a day friendo :)
just wanted to make sure that you're aware this is complete horse shit
why do people do bars
It doesn't even make you recreationally "high". is it just a niggerfad?
I have anxiety and use it and it hasnt ruined my life, i only take it when i need it otherwise i force myself even if i do get a bit anxious, youre not suppose to take it all day everyday, just when you need that bit extra. I take it when i meet new people but if i meet the same person again i wont take it because i know the anxiety wont be as bad anyway, its there to help not cure.
yes. i took 3 bars ONCE i never took any other drug but weed but the one time i took 3 xanax i flipped my car on my friends neighbors lawn, and i didnt even feel good or high i just felt thoughtless and braindead
Damn dude. You need to chill out with that weed. Its killing your wallet.
I suggest making a grav and just using that. It'll save you lots of everything.
>mdma frys your brain
People still believe this shit. If you take anything in excess it will cause problems, but frying your brain isnt one of them, serotonin syndrome is however.
fuck yes love me some interracial fun
I only drink once a week, but i eat a lot sometimes. I guess my only vice would be food and my bed.
my future wife keidi
Hey man, haven't seen you in a while.
You can't just stop bro,once you got hooked up it's for life.