Why are brits stil pretending thath they have an empire? The tipical brit thinks so high of him/herself like they were the cunts who've controlled the conquered the world. Even tho theire parents were just stupid peasents.Without the EU they are worth nothing, they can't just steal the colonial resources anymo'
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Haha, why should Muhammad Ali be so proud of his boxing career? He died an old, brittle fag.
>Your logic
You're welcome for that infrastructure.
>A poo,
kill yourself
Fuck off gypsy. Don't you have some handicapped children to abuse?
>be gypsifag from romania
> accestors from India
>go to UK
>No designated shitting streets
>only job for poo skin is begging and stealing
>Have to leave cos Brexit
>go back to shit country
>post on pol and be madfag
No one is saying we have a empire, what we're saying is why should we want your poor coming here to work? We have enough dumbfucks here already, our own native dumbfucks that we sadly can't drop into the ocean with helicopters. Probably of EU law or somthing idk.
Where are we meant to go? Eastern Europe? and get paid 100 euro a month? Southern Europe? Well there's no jobs to begin with. Well that's over half the EU worthless to us. The rest of the EU countries are just importing more of the religion of peace which we don't want.
I'm not against the idea of the EU, if it was for Europeans and not for Merkel kebab chef's whole fucking country.
It was an empire controlled by (((Rothschild)))
Average Brit did not controlled anything more then you and me at that time,specially if his ancestors were lower classes.
>Why are brits stil pretending thath they have an empire?
We're not. Most Brits couldn't give a shit. Other than long running disputes over small sovereign territories like Gibraltar, Falklands and Northern Ireland, most Brits are insular and don't care about the rest of the world.
What I will say is that in terms of historical achievement, power and influence in every facet of global society in relation to our tiny geographical size and lack of natural resources, we are the most remarkable nation to have ever existed on the face of this Earth.
Poo's and Eastern Europeans on the other hand.... Yeah, not so much.
Fuck off you fat cunt. Kys
the op has got a point though.
most of u are really really arrogant and u still act as if u have got an empire.
but u dont.
don't you have a bull to be prepping hanz?
Why are Romanians still pretending that they're European?
The same could easily be said for Germans in the way you behave.
I don't know what you're on about.
>Really, really arrogant..
coming from a kraut lol
not really.
but u shouldnt be here. u should visit london and its ugly bridge. i heard u can see awesome trucks on it
hahahah it's a good thing i don't consider london to be part of this country, they all deserve what they get down there
They do. It's an invisible Empire. Banking, masonry, intelligence agencies.
Yes, and the Germanic homelands are really prospering.
Just remember you have to speak OUR language to even post on this board you Kraut cuck.
Aber du verstehst uns nicht wenn wir dich beleidigen, Schwuchtel
während wir jedes deiner worte verstehen Trottel
>most of u are really really arrogant
>German flag
Did self-awareness leave your nation when commonsense did or was it just never there?
>all the turdlet countries that cannot stop thinking about us when i don't think about them at all
The british empire only cements the idea that britcucks are great followers
that's how you get a good empire- by having subjects who will do everything you say