Fascism is the true redpill. Hitler fucked everything up.

Give me one good reason why National Socialism is preferable to Fascism. There are too many people LARPing as Nazis on this board and I can't understand it.

Other urls found in this thread:še

Daily reminder this board hit the bottom of cesspol when elections happened

>uses racist and jew hating as insults unironically
Fuck off kike

Mussolini was a pussy bitch that lost every battle vs 1st world militaries.

They are both very good and based.
But the Jewish problem must be dealt the most seriously.

Go hang out with your leader

Mussolini ridiculed Hitler's fantasist racial theory and he was right to do so. It is backed up by pseudo-science and has no basis in reality.


Hitler was a power-hungry maniac who autisitcally tried to bully Mussolini whilst admiring him to the end. He was literally a man-child.

Religious intolerance is indeed a bad thing. Then nation must unify under one purpose and minimalise the influence of religion.



This doesn't have to necessarily be Hitler vs Mussolini, rather NS vs Fascism.





Tell me one natsoc / fascist country that lasted longer than vast majority of fucking communist countries



Oh boy, this thread sure is full of knowledge! Look at all the pretty pictures! Good job OP at fucking up your own thread.

Only if you do so with yours

Just for inspiration.

>Um, I believe in feudalism

Because losing the World War is the same as being a failed state.

I can't subscribe to radical traditionalism, tbqh. What's done is done. I'm no reactionary.

I'm not a commie, though. Also Ceausescu was a fucking psycopath. Liberty will always triumph over authoritarianism

It's a quote from The Comedy, one of the greatest films ever. You should watch it with your parents some time

>he thinks liberty will help him when the communists some

Look around you. The communists control almost every institution that is worth controlling. are nations are in the process of sheer destruction and all you can think of is yourself. Shame on you.

Fascism isn't an ideology, it's a method of implementation. National Socialism (Nazism), Communism, etc are ideologies which can be forced upon nations and peoples and implemented using violence. This violent implementation and imposition is "Fascism".

I disagree. National Socialism and Falangism are branches off from the original fascist ideology. Fascists are revolutionary, and saw the Great War as a time of great change in the class structure of society. here are some key concepts:
Anti-democratic thought
One-party state
Personality cult
Direct action
Mixed economy
Class collaboration
Third Position
New Man
Social order

So you're a libertarian? I just assumed you were that one Finnish commie that hangs around here

you forgot racism, sexism, and homophobia

Why sexism?

Fascists aren't racists. See You can be gay as long as you keep quiet about it.


Another ideology that discriminates women from being in good jobs/careers

>I think he's a Liberal, in the European sense.

Why are you even here tumblrina?

It doesn't discriminate. it just doesn't pressure women into jobs like our society does. Women who are capable and drawn to work may do so.

I agree 100%. Mussolini did nothing wrong.

Still, NatSocs are our allies.

Russia is currently the only facist state on planet.

Are you saying that women don't want careers?

It's race realist. Which is just realist. It didn't have roots in Marxist circles. It did more in practice than Fascism. The first Fascist country was a shit and a liability.

Most, I think would not want the burden given the choice and would be better suited to domestic duties.

>race realism


Also, there's nothing wrong with Marxism if you produce something better out of it.

China is also more fascist than communist.

Brazil profa party used to say: There is no integralism without nacionalism. Wake up, to make a nacionalist party you dont need to agree with every shit of Hitler or Mussolini, just love your country and culture and priorizate your own folks is enough.

>race is a social construct meme

lol ok.



>Fascism isn't an ideology

Err, yes it is. It was meant to be a balance between Capitalism and international communism. Not letting the merchants get too big, and to rein them in and have them work for the betterment of the nation (nation = race)

And socialism, for the government to invest in infrastructure and guide the nation down a path.

Basically is meant to counter the negative effects of communism, and capitalism.

>race realism is fake news
>Also, there's nothing wrong with Marxism if you can produce something better out of this.
What did he mean by this?



It's not a social construct. It just doesn't determine how you act to any significant extent.

>give me one good reason why Nazi is preferable to Fascism

Hitler was loved by the people until the end, Mussolini was murdered by a lynch mob of his own people.

That should tell you enough.

Fuck yourself.

Fascism with Jews = Communism
Fascism without Jews = National Socialism

One killed millions of it's own people through mass starvation and the other uplifted millions from poverty in a matter of a few short years.

The death toll of national socialism is only because Zionist global interests concocted a world war in which Nazi Germany and it's allies had to take on the world and even though they tried to sue for peace with the Allies many many times, it was refused and both sides suffered terrible losses.

My nigga.

But what about the ideologies, though. you haven't addressed those.

You like that one?


Yes I have. One ideologue was loved, the other was hated. That tells you everything you need to know about the ideologies.

Hitler literally sperged out about how muh aryans need lebensraum and started invading other countries. Literally a fantasist.

>Implying the radical, classical libertarians weren't fascist

They used the fasces as their symbol over and over again and knew that in order to obtain liberty, blood must be shed. Some of you people have a cartoon understanding of fascism. Fascism does not equate the death of liberty. If anything, radical individualism leads to it's inevitable death.

>But the Jewish problem must be dealt the most seriously.
Nazis weren't very good at this.
Fascists were.

>implying aryans dont need more lebensraum

His regime lasted longer than Hitler's and Mussolini was not hated by his own people. There are Italians today who are sympathetic towards him. you'd be hard pressed to find that in Germany. And just because people liked and disliked their ideologues doesn't give an indicator to the ideologies themselves.

Duce doesn't like niggers

Spotted the faggot.

If you want women to have jobs and careers you have no place on Sup Forums

What are you going to say next, you like niggers and muslims are basee?

>There are Italians today who are sympathetic towards him.

Yep, like Berlusconi.

Kind of like England was sperging out over "muh empire" around the same time period or Anglo superiority over the Irish?

You are a hypocrite if you think that is justification for England declaring war on Nazi Germany that in the same way wanted to revivify it's once empire status.

You call him a fantasist because he ultimately failed but that was due to large scale intervention.

The British empire failed miserably too, but due to internal weakness, not mass military conflict.

Spotted the faggot.

If you want women to have jobs and careers you have no place on Sup Forums

What are you going to say next? "I like niggers and muslims are based."


>power of (((corps)))

What is this picture of?

xd the fin misses his red finland

Natsoc is fascism tho.
>using racist and anti semitic as an insult
This is how I know you're retarded and not capable of high level political discourseše

You'd be hard pressed to find any Hitler supporters in Germany after 70 years of jewish propaganda being spoon fed to them since their first day of school. That doesn't reflect on Hitler.

A fascist dictator will always rule like a fascist dictator. People clearly don't like fascist dictators because in every instance throughout history their own people have actively revolted against them.

>> giving a shit what women want

You stupid fuck. Men lead women, not the other way around. If women had their way our fucking countries would have even more niggers and muslims here than they already do

The ultimate jew removers in their natural environment.

>implying women have a craving for niggers and muslims

Spotted the cuck.

The British empire failed because it ran out of money. And empire could only be justified at that time because it was a civilising mission. I would not support it today. Hitler literally had fantasies about how the "Aryans" ruled the East and so they must do it again. Times change, move on.

>because it ran out of money
That's not why it collapsed.

I prefer Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teódulo Franco y Bahamonde Salgado Pardo. He have nice name that truly shows that he is not some inbreed peasant, but truly a man of known origin. And he was a Fascist and destroyed commies in Catalonia. God bless him

Natsoc is a branch of Fascism. I am advocating for the original.


So what would you propose to defeat the Communists, then?

Sawing off somebody's head is certainly more gruesome than shooting or gassing them to death but it isn't very efficient.

Nazis were infinitely more adept at exterminating Jews than fascists

Codreanu and the Iron Gaurd are the true redpill.


It pretty much is. slowly but surely, more and more colonies were granted independence because the British couldn't afford to finance their stability.

It collapsed because of a lack of will to keep it going. Particularly after the atrocities of the second world war.

>Times change, move on

Nice bandwagon fallacy. I don't care if my ideology is "popular" or not, I believe it is the answer to many of societies problems and I can make strong arguments in favor of it.

>civilising mission

Imperialism, no different than Hitler making Austria more German. You wanted to make other parts of the world more English.

You underestimate the psychological effect of such methods.
And speaking of efficiency, the Ustaše were the only axis power that actually cleansed their land of jews.

That was a minor factor. The British would have had no problem maintaining their empire if they had had the funds to do so.

i meant bringing them here for "diversity" sake... not to fuck.

You are projecting your cuckold fantasies onto me... you see interracial relations where no were implied.

Also here is a pic I found of you

You had plenty of funds.

Cleansing Croatia versus cleansing virtually all of Europe... sounds a bit easier doesn't it senpai?

>National Socialism and Falangism are branches off from the original fascist ideology
Except National Socialism rejected capitalism, which is core to Fascism.