Gender identity in the workplace

>tfw have to refer to some trap guys as "her"
>tfw have to refer to some non-binary girls as "it"
>if I don't, they get offended and complain to HR and I get a "warning"

If you're in any reasonably well paying or stable job, you're bound to come across this gender identity bullshit at some point.

How does Sup Forums deal with it? Any advice?

>inb4 hurrrr I'm self employed XD XD

Address by name only. No pronoun.

Alternatively, kill them.

>trap guys
Do they look convincingly female? If not, they're not called "traps".

Just point and grunt from now on, write down in cave drawings that you identify as a caveman. Demand that they compensate for your sexual preferences and allow you to build your fire to ward off predatory animals whenever your instincts call for it. Dress in nothing but loincloths and be sure to always have your spear ready to go, and by spear I mean your penis.

I blame this whole identity politics movement on the jewish women that make up HR departments.

>tfw I've never even met a tranny irl
Feels great man

Traps are cute. I doubt the fucks in your office are real traps. I have no problem calling a real trap "her", they are way more feminine than most women these days anyway.

Why complain about calling them "it". Its a non-human pronoun, they basically want to be referred to as something non-human. This is top kek.

You're in the circus mate, you can't stop it. Might as well expose the clowns and laugh as hard as you can while you're still around.

>tfw never having to endure the visual torture that is a tranny at the workplace
One of the rare perks of living in a third world nation

Pic related: The next generation of White """men"""

Mfw I've had a tranny grab my balls and pick-pocket a few thousand baht from me while distracted, which I promptly grabbed back in anger.

>tfw I have a trap in my family
Feels bad man

Start playing their game.
Claim you identify as (putimaginarygenderhere) and tell them to respect your made up pronouns. Best way to deal with these fucks. When they tell you to stop fucking with them, use weaponized autism and reee them to the ground how they dare to marginalize you.

>hey user! come meet your new colleague, she's really nice! pretty too!
>mfw "she" is 6'2" with more facial hair than my Italian uncle and has bigger hands than Troy Aikman

Just call him, mate. And it "kid". They can't compel you to speak the exact word you don't want to.

Also tell them, quite by the by, from the start that you want to be referred to as God. You feel threatened if you are ever referred to as merely mortal.

> saving pictures of half naked young boys on your computer in order to try and score points against muh white man because we colonised your homeland for centuries

I was going to suggest either to refer to yourself as God or Allah, see how they react.

I'm thinking this

Holy shit, how the fuck do you contain yourself? Even if I had a trap for a brother, I wouldn't be able to keep calm around him. I would ask him to look at his body,. I'd to look at him while he's wearing female clothes and rate him.

Keep in mind that a "trap" is a transsexual that can pass off as the opposite gender. If he doesn't convincingly look like a female, it's not a trap, it's a transsexual.

>Got a job in a small (Check website, less than 4 women, one or two poo in loo males

Feels good man.

This. Male them play by their own rules. Call them out when they refuse.

Apache attack helicopter time?

>a descendant of lowly convicts who was brought in chains to a remote island thinks he wuz kangz
>t. Boganigger

I feel sorry for your loss

I'm an electrician. Don't gotta deal with any of that. Carry a pocket knife to trade school. No one burns US flags in the parking lot.

I worked with one. They were ok. They ended up quitting because their "brain was full of fuck." An actual quote. It was also a literal communist. It was hilarious talking about Trump and Bernie last summer though.

>Be me
>Work for software company
>No dumb people
>Feels good man/woman/Crazy ppl

Top lel

You mean I'm gonna have to impregnate THREE generations of woman?
Fuck man.
Well, thank god for VA viagra

Say it with me

i just avoid interfacing with a majority of people

Are you serious ?
Never met someone claiming he is from another gender than he actually is

Thanks god I don't live in Cuckrope. Almost makes me happy that I'm dying of hunger here.

Fuck off India, you have one joke and you play it out to death in a desperate attempt to have bants and convince Sup Forums you're not *really* a third world rapist shit hole, you're *just kidding* about it all. You're not. Your country is a filth pile. You are shit skinned and uncultured. You don't "shit on streets lol", you LITERALLY SHIT IN THE STREET. Trying to ironically force a meme in a self-deprecating way doesn't actually work when you LITERALLY PRACTICE OPEN DEFECATION AND MASS RAPE. It's not a joke, it's not funny. The entire world is mocking you, and laughing along with it isn't good natured, it's just indicative of a non-existent education system and lead in the water. No, it isn't a joke. No, you don't have bants. You Pajeets are inferior to Australia, and every other developed nation, in literally every conceivable way. The only person of any significance at all from your country is Gandhi, and he literally destroyed his own nation with his "we wuz kings"-level racial appeals by driving away literally the only thing that was giving your disease-ridden, rape-infested, cow-worshipping map stain of a country any legitimacy- the guiding influence of the white man.

Get out and don't come back.

>If you're in any reasonably well paying or stable job
I work at a shitty wagecuck Walmart job in fuckin Louisiana and I still have to put up with this tranny pronoun shit. I never asked for this

This, join the insanity and turn it on them.

refer to everyone as "it"
say it's because you're easily confused and it's just to much to remember for everyone

"Hey x"
If they ignore you just do something else

If you ever get called out on it just say you didn't want to offend them by calling them the wrong thing, instant HR bailout

Or become useful to the world and do something that isn't a 9-5 job where you make 40k pounds a year

In here this stuff doesn't happen, yet, outside of the universities.

Best choice

Wipe your ass
Shitty fatass