>He's just like us!
He's just like us!
Wait, did you:
- rape your sister at 10 years old
- kill your homekeeper
- kill your uncle
- kill your brother
- rape your wifes sister
- eat 4 sticks of cheese each day since you were 14
- agree to sell 1,000 (or more) 17 year old girls to the South Korean / Hong Kong triads for hard dollars, rounded up from local deadbeats in the rural villages
- trade heroin with Pakistani scientists to build a 1973 ripoff of a Soviet Nuke ?
- Sell guns to Indonesian / Philippine drug cartels
- try to kidnap a chinese govenor because China would not give you an air force
- skip out of government meetings to play Starcraft 2 over VPN & shitpost on IGN Internet forums?
Hi Kim. Get ready for the 4Toss rush IRL
source on all the degenerate shit? I want to fap
He's digging drumpf's grave.
heh is he allready digging a hideout for himself like Saddam? D: :D
none of those fucking retards know how to use a shovel, neither did Obama nor Vladimir fucking Putin
kick it in the damn ground with your foot you retards, don't try to use your arms and upper body to get a bite.
I swear every time they try to act like commoners they look more and more foolish.
Heheheh white piggu wirr be a destroyed!
It's as realistic as a fucking ribbon cutting ceremony.
>Wait, did you:
>- rape your sister at 10 years old
sauce pls
we're not fat. at least the non-americans on this board.
yes I did it all
>trump is in whitehouse
>lights go off
>lights back on
>kim appears in front of trump wearing undertaker attire
>"at world war III...you will...REST IN PEACE
>lights flicker again
>kim dissappears
>trump yells "THIS IS MY YARD"
how hard do you mark?
Kim must really be a degenerate then.
so carter is romanian. hmmm
Still not impressing anyone.
Wow, i'm quite impressed.
NK's know how to fucking hustle.
but im not a gardener
So nice. A dictator helping digging the mass graves for his starving people.
>mraybe if I bury some ulalium, nukes will grow!
Glorious leader lead us to victory against capitalist imperialist!
When are you taking the UN pill
But user socialism will get your cat eaten.
Putin does. His KGB days were filled with having to dig graves.
With that haircut glorious reader looks more like Kim Jung ILL
Oh so he had a reason to look like a fool like Obama then.
>He's just like us!
Like you, not like us. He is fat.
>Sup Forums turning on based Kim and Assad
the_Donald was a mistake.
You're not fooling anyone kike.
>skip out of government meetings to play Starcraft 2 over VPN & shitpost on IGN Internet forums?
Souce on that
>the Jews support Assad
I know you redditors aren't the brightest people in the world, but come on.
you have no idea you mongoloid
i guess he is /yourGuy/ Sup Forums
Ignore Canadian posts.
projecting much?
>"based kim"
>"based assad"
You're out of your damn mind. Are you even in the Western world right now or is it just a VPN?
you call people who support Kim and Assad (both anti Isreal) kikes
>muh western world
and who is in charge of this
Yeah, some of the few people who haven't given in to the ((Western)) world are bad guys. Go back to sucking nigger dicks you kike apologists.
Oh my mistake, it's usually Democrat Jews shitting up Sup Forums. guess I'll have to adapt to the Russian shills.
>and he looks like you, user
Did he really release this photo in hopes we'd believe it and sympathize with him? What a fucking moron.
Their men seem rather healthy now.
He either learned to not use skinny men in photos or he is feeding his country for war.
Well... It's probably for his own retarded malnourished people.
I only believe the Starcraft one.
>Starcraft 2
not starcraft, truly a pleb of our times