"Conscription for everyone!!!"
Yes. For real.
Wouldn't be Sweden if they didn't cram (((tolerance))) and (((progression))) into something as
age old as military service.
>For Alla
Sounds about right
>"Conscription for everyone!!!"
Couldn't agree more.
If it's mandatory, it's mandatory for everyone. Showing up dressed as a drag queen should not be justification for skipping conscription.
Sweden Yes! Trannies will make Sweden strong!
And the make up artist is actually Swedish Male pretending to be female
I think if more and more Swedes turn in to Trannies that will mean more Swedish females for immigrants
>Are you 18 years old?
>Then you can get chosen
>Conscription 2017
>For all
Can someone please explain to me the intent of the producers of this?
I don't speak Swedish and i'd like to genuinely know what they're trying to get across.
In the past when we had conscription it was only mandatory for males. After not having mandatory conscription for a couple of years, we have it and it's for both men and women.
Fuck this gay country
kek and there are people who think germany is more cucked
Is the advertisement celebrating that it's now genderless? Or is it mocking it? Is it anti-war or pro-war?
Does that include the islamist army that conquered Sweden?
"For alla" kek
is that a boy?
>German calling Sweden cucked
Pot calling the kettle black
The only thing they will be fighting, will be intolerance.
So which country is going to have public executions of homosexuals and sex slave auctions of feminists first? Sweden, France, or Germany?
It seems it's supposed to remind people of that both men and women are being conscripted.
The swedes will send trannies into the inevitable race war.
The trannies will complain that the other side didn't use the right pronouns and refuse to fight them in protest leading to Sweden becoming Russia's newest Oblast.
>Sex slave auctions of feminists
Fucking eww, at least let me purchase decent looking sex slaves.
I'm so fucking happy I never joined them
I couldn't be more happy about this
>för alla
>for allah
>I couldn't be more happy about this
You shouldn't be, when Sweden collapses soon the horde of savages will be headed your way for another European country to ruin.
I mean you guys really are putting up a good fight though
How is this a bad thing if you are a proponent for equality between the genders?
Not sure why the video is downvoted so much, is it because:
1. The video itself of the person getting makeup.
2. Forced conscription.
3. That women now also have to deal with it.
4. That women in the army may make it less efficient.
Sweden never existed. It's all made up.
Because they aren't equal. Pretending they are is psychotic.
Where's that pic from user?
Born to be Fabulous
I stole it from hiddenlol.
>"Conscription for everyone!!!"
That is actual equality.
>inb4 "but women can't fight"
Have them take care of supply chains, communications, administration, etc. The army isn't all on the frontline.
Women and men aren't equals. Why should they be treated as such?
I think the reason the video is downvoted is because it's fucking gay and emasculating. We actually need strong high-test men to be in the military, at least in combat roles. We really don't need weak women or failed men in it.
Sweden 2050:
What did they mean by this?
I live in the rich part of my country, i am good
Oh for fuck sake.
It's meant to imply that it's genderless, yeah. It just comes off as retarded and out of touch though.
Conscription and military service was only for men before, or it was compulsory for men and women had like a military service which was optional and was 1-2 weeks, it was bullshit.
Men had to do like a year or more depending on the position.
Basically no women was in the military until recently.
Like 5 years ago the military service/conscription was almost fully removed.
And now its reintroduced in a fully gender neutral liberal fashion.
Both men and women from what I understand will be treated equal.
Everyone is treated equal.
That means sleep together, eat together, shower together, lie together in a tent in the field together etc.
Omg imagine a women driving a tank hahahah I cant imagine it, unable to comply.
>wanting a fag in your squad
its horrible
Ni Svenskar som läser tråden:
Fortsätt gärna posta den där på Sup Forums och reddit och sånt. Nedrösterna och kommentarerna kanske smiskar Rekmyndigheten tillräckligt så att dom tar bort skiten.
>Women and men aren't equals. Why should they be treated as such?
Right, but most people don't think so. They think equality should be something we should strive for.
But it seems equality is only good if it is in favor of women. You want equality? Conscription for ALL! Enjoy your equality.
Just hope they will do so badly we don't have to deal with them.
The men in this country need some training with real shit for once.
the end result look bangable tho
Also wanting transgenders even though they are mentally unstable wrecks and fuck up their bodies to the point of no return just so they can fullfill their delusion.
More hands holding guns
I like
Sweden noo
I think this ad is decent and not too outrageous.
It's basically: If you're a functioning human, you go to the military. No special snowflake exceptions."
inb4 can't define trans as functional.
The modeling of a guy to a girl can be seen either as trans propaganda, or just figuratively. It used to be men, now we force women to do this too. (I fucking hope they don't lower standards).
I want to hate but I don't feel this one is guaranteed propaganda.
It feels more that those who look for propaganda will find it, but not necessarily normies.
30 sek for a blowie
Vad är problemet med videon? Är det att dom har slutat diskriminera män och tar in alla eller är det själva videon där nån idiot blir sminkad som stör dig?
Jag förstår inte poängen med videon, men det är bra att dom låter alla dö istället för bara oss män
En man blir omvandlad till kvinna. Jag hoppas att jag inte behöver förklara varför det är dåligt. Det är dessutom något som ett PR-företag har betalats för att skapa, av en statlig myndighet.
Om Rekmyndigheten ville ge Ryssen ammunition till sitt propagandakrig, så har dom lyckats väl med det.
Sweden, please stop it. We believe you. You've got the job. Relax. Take a breather. Nobody is going to unseat you as #1 Cuck Country anytime soon. Go on vacation.
i just want to know if thats a girl or a boy
cuz i want to fuck it
it´s a swede
>for alla