/leftypol/ general
Here the intolerant left discusses why the fuck we even visit this board.
/leftypol/ general
Here the intolerant left discusses why the fuck we even visit this board.
>no takers
To watch right wing lunacy
parscite scum
napoleon fought against everything modern day liberalism stands for. you're not liberals, you're communists
Isn't your ideology essentially the same as NatSoc without naming the jew?
>muh (((1%)))
Also without racial purity, forced eugenics, discriminating based on sexuality or ethnicity, religion, worship of traditional practices just because they are old, and so on.
Basically the same as you, minus MUH HERITAGE mixed in.
To laugh, for the most part. It's like visiting a paranoid fever dream.
I like seeing all of the hardcore Sup Forumstards turning on Trump, as if they expected him to be any different.
Sup Forumsacks never supported that kike lover they only wanted to kick liberals in the balls and succeeded.
Sounds like a boring world desu. Stalin had the right idea by purging all the internationalist fucks and fostering a sense of national identity during WW II. Communist Poland or Yugoslavia is much better than any fantasy world that marxists argue would be a utopia.
>arguing with communists
Because your board is complete shit, you leftist faggots are so insufferable that you can't even stand each other
But heritage absolutely matters. Are you a science denier?
To laugh and shitpost. It's nice to have a first hand view of all of this nonsense.
Sup Forums was very obviously supportive of him.
During election threads anyone who said Trump is the lesser evil or that they aren't pro-Trump, just anti-Hillary, they'd get smashed or called a shill or redditor.
>Here the intolerant left discusses why the fuck we even visit this board
Leave any time. No one's stopping you. The door is right there. Fucking please.
>worship of traditional practices just because they are old
literally noone does this anyway you simpleton
lmao reddit was.
>what is famine not allowing people to fully develop
>what is lack of stimulation (music, tv, colorful toys) as a child preventing you from developing
Besides, people who grow up solving tests are better at solving IQ tests than people who grow up herding goats.
The actual applied intelligence difference that is in our genetics in the different clusters isn't much and shouldn't be a reason to abandon a quarter of the population.
when do we purge the tankies and nazibols hell ill even get Sup Forums in with the death squads
>le i come here to laugh at all the le nazis because i am le smarter than them
yeah congratulations guys, smarter than internet nazis, what an achievement in life
leftists who come here to sneer at people are the most reddit tier people in existence, come here to shitpost or come here to talk politics. coming here to inflate your ego by "winning" an internet argument against a holocaust denying mongoloid is cringeworthy and pathetic
You commies understand nothing of tradition. It's like an alien concept for you.
>get the nazis to help purge the nazis
20 gulags.
>go to /leftypol/ and ask why anyone would want communism when central planning is far less efficient than the free market
>get told not to worry about it because I'll get shot in the revolution anyways
>thread eventually breaks down into lefties crying about being left out of society because they are too defective to compete in it
>don't go back to /leftypol/ ever again
>Here the intolerant left discusses why the fuck we even visit this board.
Becuase infychan went down and you needed somewhere else to shitpost, you fucking degenerates
>Anonymousâ (Star)
and more nazis die this way retard
How's Venezuela doing???
I think this sums up this threads inhabitants
>he can't afford Sup Forums gold
What are you, a poor proletariat?
Sup Forums died and then Sup Forums. Sup Forums's energy vaguely reminds me of old Sup Forums. it's so stupid though, i can live with the various ism's, but the sheer lack of curiosity and general knowledge is grinding.
>go to /leftypol/ story
>doesn't end with ban
Both the stormweenies and lefties have to understand that their ideologies are literally the same thing, except one is based on identity and the other on abolishing identities. Both of them remain the exact same socialist reactionary ideologies with similar militaristic and authoritarian outlooks
Just stop, leftism cannot survive in an anonymous environment where censorship is not an option.
>what is famine not allowing people to fully develop
You commies are experts in creating famines everywhere you go. Look who's talking.
Stupid commies need to realize that hierarchy is necessary. There isn't enough of everything to go around and if there's nothing better to achieve then life becomes pointless. Humans need more than what communist bullshit can offer. Immaterial things.
Eh, I am not a classical "lefty", I just want practical data driven politics.
Fuck ideologies, just do what works, realpolitik and so on.
Daily reminder all leftists will be hung from the tallest tree.
So you're a living meme that rejects objective evidence to worship your ideology. It's good that we've established that you're a religious whacko.
Your objective evidence doesn't account for the parameters I listed.
Protip: I didn't invent these, they come from the peer reviews telling the "evidence" maker where he went wrong.
Thats why we have peer reviews, because science isn't a consensus, its a process of elimination.
Until you show similar results, now accounting for famine, lack of stimulation, and the plain idea that some cultures just don't do tests and aren't used to the format, you are far from scientific.
Lefties BTFO
The sad part is that REAL communists actually cared about their country. They respected Slavs over everyone else, also.
>Pepper spraying hundreds of civilians who riot is worse than murdering millions of civilians for wrongthink
I like how they can't even come up with good strawmen.
>anything left of natsoc is communism
Really makes you think.
I don't really see how the government's actions to obtain a task are capitalistic in nature at all.
You'll continue to follow your religion despite all reason an evidence. It's why you either have to be politically sidelined or physically removed.
The world simply cannot allow you to hold sway. You're a religious fanatic and doubly dangerous because you don't realize that you are one.
>Until you show similar results, now accounting for famine, lack of stimulation, and the plain idea that some cultures just don't do tests and aren't used to the format, you are far from scientific.
Here you go. It eliminated these differences, but African American children STILL did worse by about a standard deviation.
Naw, the thread just got anchored.
I browse Sup Forums to get some nice political balance for the leftist mainstream media
iTT:Socialists telling other socialists why socialism will never work
>forced racial purity, forced eugenics, forced strawmen that never happened even in nazi germany
I gave you facts, and it is you who is flinging ideology around.
You insult me instead of addressing the laws that every other scientist has also noted.
>200 people
>some groups have just 10 participants
And you call this hard science? Come on. This is some "Nestle proves chocolate cures AIDS" tier research.
If lefties didn't think there was an IQ difference they wouldn't do this.
IQ is a meme.
Fuck communism and fuck communists
I think you should kill yourself also sage>
>I gave you facts
No. You claimed that something is true, while providing no evidence.
heres another
>Asians are docked 50 points
>blacks and hispanics get points added
Still authoritarian, corrupt, and anti-socialist.
But I already know how this is going to go. You're going to deny all evidence provided by attacking the source then provide nothing in return. Then you're going to declare yourself the victor.
Don't pretend like we're having a debate here. Your reaction to being presented to anything is to crawl deeper into your ideology. You're a religious fanatic. Wake up.
>Be Nazi germany
>Loses world war 2 to a bunch of hungry under equiped Slavs
Evidence that famine causes lower intellectual development? Evidence that lack of stimulation causes lower intellect development? Evidence that people who don't go to school aren't good at solving tests?
Common sense stuff that you can google yourself.
And countries. And money. And a state. It's a fucking joke m8.
You have your own board fuck off
Get b&
be a brazilian subhuman
thats it.
Just like you strawman every leftist as literally Stalin or Mao?
When you produce bad studies that only have 200 people, down to 10 in some categories, of course I will call you out.
Produce good science and I won't piss in your mouth.
I won't even comment on the retarded video game logic you put into this image.
Put sage in the Options field if you're gonna reply
muh echo chamber
As in the only ideologically consistent people on there who have a vision of ow things should look and gow to get there? Much better your communists and anarchists screech over the intricacies of their perfect brand of leftism eh?
>ideological ranting plus strawman comic
Epic XDD!!
For the occasional, real habbenings. 99% of the posts are delusional garbage though.
>undeniable proof that race matters
>religious fanatic denies it
I come to express my inner goofball
But tovarich /leftypol/ on 8ch is just as dead as Donald Trump promises
>you're not liberals, you're communists
Congratulations, even the slowest of brains can come to this realization.
Next step: reasoning why nazis and commies are fundamentally indistinguishable
>says the fat spic NEET that lives with his mother
we've all seen the pictures Jorge
you shouldn't, no one wants plebbitors here.
>Fuck ideologies, just do what works
What is economic freedom, for 10,000 bolivares
Based serb
>getting addicted to loans and hoping all the big buildings you get out of it helps you survive the crash
Free markets don't produce optimal spread of resources.
wait, thats supposed to be a leftist meme?
i undermine leftypol in real life very easily.
"do you support lgbt and womens rights?"
"no? oh then get out nazi"
along with the unianomous support of the leftist/socialist/communist society im in
get fucked you stupid racist nazis, you dont even believe in welfare. you are right wing.
>their ideologies are literally the same thing, except the central aspect is completely opposite
Tell me more.
>They finally gave up pretending and exposed their attention seeking pussies
Top kek
Also learn economics you useful idiots
Why is that shit allowed? If National Socialism is banned/stigmatized so damn much, why is it that the worse fucking ideology gets zero fucking reaction from people?
8ch net board gets some updates
its just full of idiots like this one, except they are leftist idiots and thus harder to tolerate
Dude please contain your autism for just a bit.
Otherwise you are gonna get spammed with Gommunism memes that will claim you are retarded.
>Free markets don't produce optimal spread of resources.
Of course they don't you fucking idiot. But claiming that you can distribute them better despite all communism failing spectacularly means that you're arrogance is monumental.