Children from the UK dancing in Sarajevo. Thank you for sharing your culture with us brits!

Children from the UK dancing in Sarajevo. Thank you for sharing your culture with us brits!

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Just look at those BEAUTIFUL British children!

it was kinda sunny today. Your children are quite senstivie to sun, you should protect them. Look at this poor little girl, she is so sunburn.

>I'm so proud of my little girl

bosnian muslmim girls 10 times cuter than uk muslim girls

Sad thing is there probably whiter than most of you cunts when we bombed you LMAO

anytime m8



Me on the left

you bombed Serbia Pajeet. read a book or two, stop embarassing yourself.

Why are they all Paki?

Where are the british children?

You actually helped Bosnia

This is what you get for helping Muslims you filthy chippo faggot

Underneath other Pakis


They're extinct

Oh Britain, we tried to warn you, we financially helped NS and Fascist groups in the UK but you hung to Churchills Balls and now look what mess your country and my country is in.

Say it with me


Are you sure these aren't just cigans that you paid to dance?

Keep them, you Bosnian muzzie filth.

Probably both kek

wow, I thought westerners would be a lot whiter than this; considering their whole "Eastern europe isnt white" thing going on.

Really made me think

The demographic shift from west to east is real

Quintessentially british

do you not get it
hes calling us pakis

top banter

Daily Reminder to remember the Bull of Scapa Flow

and the cutest one just so happens to be the lightest one, in fact, she probably is white.
