This is humanity now

This is humanity now.
Fuck it. Nuke the whole lot.
This planet is dead to me.

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Why? She's right.

It always amazes me how some people will always support enemies of Trump regardless if they happen to be their own enemies as well.

Trump should start insulting Hitler.

No, just cut off the entire western hemisphere like a piece of cake and dump it in the sun

>Tara Dublin

haha this dyke is not representative of the average person.

She is an unbalanced sexless shrew that makes her son's life hell.

North Korea could literally bombard Seoul tomorrow and these fucks would still believe it's Trumps fault and sympathize with North Korea
then again I shouldn't be surprised, have you seen the reaction to dropping the MOAB yesterday? People actually fucking defended ISIS

The NK is not our enemy.

I don't agree that we should nuke the world, maybe just gas certain parts
I woke up this morning to the stupid radio telling me
>There has been a nuclear attack in Afghanistan
I was freaking out so much!
>Thank goodness it was just a MOAB
Never thought that sentence would form in my mind

why does everyone have this stupid blue coche on the twittertwatter thing
do you have that too?

"Their own enemies"?

Take your own life

>Defended isis
Why humanity.
Not on tweeter. Was just checking the news and saw this bitch.
How know what will happen tomorrow.

I know you're just memeing but Kim definitely wouldn't flinch in nuking her hometown back to hell if that was an option.

This board is filled with libfag Euroturds and shitskins. Not really surprising

But this is how Trump earns his beard.

Isn't this that same bitch that was harassing a Trump supporter then got the cops called on her?




they are, they just have to get through us and the rest of Asia first

if only this was a real news agency

North Korea is a sovereign country that can do whatever the fuck they want, not our enemies.

Dlumpf BTFO!!!!

Trump is a moron indeed for risking South Korea and half of Japan getting annihilated for the sake of his political wealth.

Good thesaurus they've got.

Why do you fags post this about nk but never Syria

>North Korea is a sovereign country that can do whatever the fuck they want

This isn't true for any country.

you don't get to threaten your neighbours with nuclear every time something doesn't go your way you fucking child

Sup Forums mostly sides with both Syria and NK against Trump

Is this some kind of bait right here?

>ignoring the part where North Korea is the threat and they've been threatening to do just that for decades

Syria yes, NK, no
and don't make assumptions about Sup Forums

Goddamn, the norks are bantz-masters.


it's not real unfortunately, that twitter is run by some western dude

Fat Kimmy has a smoking wife

Kim actually has a wife? I thought he just had a harem

Like everyone in his country, his wife's face looks like it's been compressed in a vice

to this whole north korea thing i really have no real stand, but I really have to say that I fucking hated it when these stupid leftists ((hollywood)) people and similar always made fun of this nation etc
it isn't really something funny

>Your friend threatens to rape your wives and fuck up your house everyday!

North Korea needs to learn to shut the fuck up, it's really played out.

Wasn't she the woman who drove by that dude's house and flipped him off every single day until he followed her and got her plates?

Pretty sure most liberals wouldn't even take that autist seriously.

>Tara Dublin NK should listen to some tattooed up Irish mud banging slut who nobody has ever heard of?

>not our enemies
Technically you are still at war with them (meaning Emperor Trump doesn't need to go to Congress to go [back to] war) and these people are threatening daily to nuke you country.

Are you mentally spasticated?

>Trump meets with China
>starts teasing NK immediately after
>China and US+Allies mass troops at the border
>show of force in Syria and Afghanistan is all over the news
>NK postures back
>situation is about to escalate
>China forces Kim Jong Un to step down to avoid WW3
>occupies NK to maintain order during transition period (norks would never listen to americans but Chinese can control them)
>after 3.5 years, Trump negotiates deal with China
>NK and SK are reunited peacefully
>nobel peace price for Trump right before election

90DD chess

>never signed a peace treaty
>Not at war
It's the longest war, just a retarded one

>a sovereign country that can do whatever the fuck they want
Great and America can fuck up a sovereign country because it has the might and can do whatever the fuck it wants! Amazing how this applies on both ends, wow!

I will shit myself if that actually happens.


this is a wonderful idea

wew, rude

I fucking hope so
can you imagine the fucking salt?

It will be beautiful

drumpf BTFO


I though they didn't get twitter in North Korea. Have they allowed their people to the internet?

it will probably destroy the fabric of reality

In a couple of days, it would be "had".

vid related

He offered her family a lifetime supply of porridge.

>official DPRK photograph shot inside DPRK
>Reuters copyright stamp
Why do we never question the little things?

>literally defending a military regime that locks citizens in concentration camps

Half right. She calley the cops and the cops sided with the guy. So not only is she a snitch, but a stupid one.


These people have always existed but the internet has given them a voice. Anyway Im off the call her a dumb bitch.

Extreme brainwashing. They literally believe Trump is Hitler.

I knew I recognized her from somewhere.

Yeah they are. They threaten Japan, ergo they threaten my anime. Fuck Norks, literally one of the few countries on earth I want a war with.


If he does all that, he still wouldn't get a Nobel Peace prize. They probally give it to Un

You expect any less from liberals? They were defending ISIS yesterday

>random delusional libcunt kowtows to NK in deference

Can't say I'm surprised

Norwegian Parliament decides who gets it, and they're kinda based so maybe

I think that means the account is certified. They are who the claim to be, not-Dutchfag.

Wow, does she have tattoos!? I'd say she ROCKS!

I like this image

Why does he dress like such a faggot? If I were a dictator I would at least look the part. He doesn't even have a fucking cape.

I hate that I agree with shills on anything. But that's true.

>Unironically defending North Koreans
a new low i never thought the liberals would sink to

>Implying she had a choice


Haha at least they have grade a bants

>north korea could plausibly "punish the world"

So, they don't care about the plight of North Korean children? Ignore them as well?

>fat ferret

ok, i admit, i had a chuckle

North Korea is BASED.

We've been LIED to about NORTH KOREA by the JEWS AND THE MEDIA!

They are doing the same thing they did to Hitler!

Kim Jong Un is AGAINST ISRAEL, they don't bow to Israel.

North Korea, Russia, and China are Based.

We are the bad guys, we are being led by the JEWS.

Yesterday a local radio host was shit-talking Trump for bombing ISIS. And no, not Syria, ISIS, "Estado islámico".

>Yeah, typical of the US, they only attack small nations knowing they won't retaliate, bla bla fukken raciss bla bla bla

I shit you not

Lads, wake up!

North Korea is BASED!

Here is Dennis Rodman saying he loved Kim Jong Un!

CNN was trying to spin ((their)) narrative that North Korea is an evil dictator, and has his people as slaves.

CNN got BTFO by Dennis!

Trading one kike ideology for another doesn't make them good.