It´s good to be descendants of superior defenders of Europe, isn´t it?
Slavic General Thread
Slavs are subhumans and that's a fact.
>Says the Pole, who is pure Slavic
Slavs are Mongol rape babies and that includes Poland
How can I become slavic?
Show me one slavic country that isn't shithole.
Czech Republic
All of them
uh huh
Russians shouldn't be allowed to post there
I said slavic not germanic
Slavic country's are alright but slavic food is pretty shit.
Slovenia, (you), Czechia, Montenegro
>implying he's not german
Not much left to defend though.
mostly untermensh. Especially poles, a myth of god-like hussars and brave soldiers is fucking hillarious. Everybody hate each other and only planing how to drown neighbor in shit. Hitler rightly exterminated that 3 million poles. Fuck this country
>slav thread
>posts a tatar rape baby
Slavs are subhumans in every possible way - from race to culture.
good conservative values. must i say anything else.
How do you have an internet connection in gulag?
>butthurt poles insult other slavs: the thread
These are always hilarious.
Easily, marry some Slavic chick and celebrate her traditions together with her
Strange, Russians are Slavic
Russians drove Tatars away long time ago
Should I remind you that we were kicking your asses all the time?
It's not entirely genetics. Communism fucked you guys over. Get it 10-20 more years and you guys should be maximizing your potential.
Hey, at least you don't have spics and niggers, right?
slavs are not white.
Get out of Sup Forums sometimes, faggot
Then you, most based country in Europe.
Eh Germanic's are pretty shit too. I see French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Greek to be the best people even if they're country's may not be the richest.
Oh and Italian
there are idiots in all countries, luckily for Poland they tend to move out xD
>hurr durr gommunism
Our economy was shit long time before we went undes ussr influence
Well, i'm polish spy and insurgent, according to Lukashenka
No, idiots are staying here. People who can use their brains left already.
Sea powers > Landlocked
Defensive Geography(Islands/Mountains) > Open Plains
We're subhumans too. We never helped western Civilization in any way. Our only 2 scientists that have ever achieved aren't even really Polish. Copernicus was a German and Marie Curie did everything in France. Our military has always been a joke, that's why any country that decided to invade got to freely sack our cities and rape Polish women. But at least we are le based XD because we are scared of brown people.
I am so happy that my grandmother got raped by a German, so I can at least say that I am half human. Fuck this worthless country.
Before we proceed further, let's settle something:
If you say you're totally not slavic, you're being very slavic because that's a very slavic thing to say.
If you further argue heavily of being non-slavic, you're just affirming you're MORE slavic, because that's the most slavic thing to do.
>non-country thinks it's opinion matters
Dude, females in my lineage got German maiden surname, but I identify as a Slav
>be literal german with fucked up language
>identify yourself as subhuman
Buy why?
Slavic isn´t genetic, it´s just a culture thing..
i dont think thats how it works
>Celt historically ruled over by Germanic tribe
Keep talking
Eй cлaвянин
itt butthurt pole and delusional western degenerates.
That was a long time ago. That's as ridiculous as saying Indo Europeans are Aryans. Doesn't mean much.
t. mongol subhuman
slavs and germans are eternal friends and should enter into a slavogermanic union and remove all invaders from europe
Yeah, Czechia is a good mixed Slavo-Germanic country, it just works together
sry for the invasion, thx for keeping us safe from the ottomans
What are even Slavic peoples? Russia, Poland and Czechia. And your culture and history is Germanic generally speaking.
We´re all having globalised Christmas, no?
Slavs also have original Easter celebrations like whipping the women to ensure their health, beauty and longevity.
>whipping the women to ensure their health, beauty and longevity.
Y-yeah, I'm sure that's the reason we did it.
It is, they can run before the act
>slavs are subhu-
A-a-are we slavs desu ?
That feel when all polish neets shit on their country mindlessly on the internet, fucking hate those kids.
Sława Słowianom