What is Japan's endgame?
What is Japan's endgame?
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Thats Hawaii mate
That's not Japan, that's the Eastern Tasmanian Islands
>negative population growth
>refuse to have kids
>refuse to increase number of immigrants allowed per year
I can't figure this one out, and I am not even talking about them taking in Syrians. They won't even incentivize immigration to attract better immigrants. Like, i get it, you don't want
"we wuz Japanese 'n shit" two hundred years from now. But don't you want Japan to exist two hundred years from now?
>>refuse to increase number of immigrants allowed per year
They're increasing the number of SEA seasonal workers every year though.
that's eastern Turkey m8
That's not Japan; that's Sheep Colony 4.
Diaspora as they flee their radioactive island.
M8 they rename it The Big Issue instead cos the name offended muzzies.
>Seasonal workers
That isn't immigration. That's temporary labor.
thar be Malta, m80
geting few cms in length.
Expose north Korean men to anime, dude. Worked on the west.
Population growth is not a good thing for the individual, especially in a resource-barren place like Japan.
probably to make anime real so they can be with their waifus. radiation fucks with the brain.
To have its entire infrastructure built out of dirty panties.
It would be one thing if their replacement rate was kept in line with everything else, but it isn't. They are aging, and they don't have anyone to replace them. That's the problem.
They can all just die unless they make konosuba s3
Japan doesn't exist. It's a made up country.
To liberate the world from women, cleanse them by fire like the old catholic inquisition and plant /r9k/'s banner over Lydia Tafts grave with a big picture of Marc Lepine's showing the middle finger.
So there are going to be lots of jobs in healthcare in Japan? Not a bad thing. Nobody to replace retiring old farts? Surely someone must be unemployed.
I'm fully convinced that many of America's problems stem from having too many people.
wtf are you talking about Ronaldo?
I love this thread every time it's posted
Fapping to catgirl hentai.
Ummm that's New Zealand...... Hah
True. I'm actually just an American government AI programmed to respond in a typical anime style ~desu.
Get nuked again
Fucking all of the world's sheep...with no survivors.
what's corsica's endgame?
yeah, it's a cruel joke created by the CIA to expose all manchildren.
Android waifus, what else?
I love how OP triggered pretty much everyone.
I'll do my part:
Anyways, is wrong, jap birthrate ackshually increased recently.
good for them.
They'll be nuked into oblivion but wont accept jew aid for rebuilding, they'll become isolationists and advance like the Tau.
They could be just fine with half their population whose birthrates normalize in 20 years.
I don't get why people are so keen on high population. Germany, too. Either make it attractive to have German children again or let us shrink to 40-60 million finally but don't try to artificially pump up our economy with mass migration good dammit.
Lad that's a picture of Gibraltar.
No one wants to work in the healthcare industry, which is why being a nurse is rated as being one of the worst jobs plural. Too many hours, not enough staff because everyone knows what a fucking nightmare it is.
You also can't support an economy on taking care of geriatrics. They eventually die off/run out of money. You need healthy growth across all sectors, something that Japan is shortly going to find itself lacking. That's why I can't figure out why they aren't attempting to be realistic here and tackle the problem.
In America, we're kind of lucky, all the blacks and mexicans will take nurse positions because it is one of the few options available to them. But this is only because we have a population surplus. If we didn't have these people, we'd be in the same boat.
Talk shit, get hit
Was for
>doesnt say hitted
>economic depression makes Japan Facist again
>kamikaze rampage
>gets nuked
>surrender!!! !!
>Becomes democratic again
Population growth is linked to an expanding economy. That's why.
making anime real
That's not Japan, that's Corsica and Sardinia
To drown slowly in an ocean of degeneracy.
Also the literal ocean.
I know this. But the way it happens to the west it's artificial and short term.
Do you know how graphs work? One uptick doesn't invalidate the entire data set. It's an outlier that is eventually normalized when taken over a long enough period of time. In order for the value to actually mean anything, it has to become a solid positive growth (of at least a few percent) over many years. Not just once or twice.
Nigga that's the Southern Philippine Territory
So what?
A negative population growth leads to job markets contracting, which leads to a shrinking economy, which leads to an inability to defend yourself, which leads to...
those are the agalega islands you dumb fuck
So you're saying if the US went from 375 million to 350 million we suddenly wouldn't be able to defend ourselves like we could when we had 50 million people because our economy shrunk?
>implying decreasing population is a bad thing
the world is overpopulated, the less people the better
thats the ten thousand islands retard
To be the only country in the world to get nuked in both world wars.
Mate I'll take all the qt 3.14 japs if you don't want em. prop up the birth rate with our pure anglo blood.
That Japan drawing is upside down
for everyone to die hari kari with very much honroabu
you'll have to bring them to Australia, more prone to birth defects in Japan now
Japan will be lucky to have 10% of it's population 10 years from now, they all have to move
Sudoku brah
That's the UK, mate.