Did all wars take this fucking long to happen? I give up. Nothing will happen, NOTHING. I will not stock anymore bananas, fuck this.
Did all wars take this fucking long to happen? I give up. Nothing will happen, NOTHING...
I'm pretty sure nothing is happening
fuck this2
Go do something else guys. NOTHING will happen, enjoy the beach in Brazil.
but I don't live in the litoral
fucking jungle
stock on coconuts instead. they last longer and are equaly healthy.
It's take time, if you're smart. You won't do anything.
Germany lost WWI in 1918.
Hitler came to power in 1933.
War happened in 1939.
Be patient.
>Not stocking up on clay cookies
I knew Brazilians were dumb.
Its happening
Finally someone who agrees with me that Trump is really similar to Hitler. I don't know why he won
>clay cookies
all these vitamins... coconut and banana are superior to everything
God damn Ahmed is easier for you to enjoy a Spanish beach than for me to go to our own beach, you have no ideia how far from the coast I am.
both china and russia have stated that ww3 is now inevitable.
Most wars take a while to get going senpai
>Stocking bananas
Seems rather "fruitless" doesn't it? Low shelf life
FemRon a cute
Brazilian = monkey
>War! The Republic is crumbling
>under attacks by the ruthless
>Shit Lord, Count CNN.
>There are heroes on both sides.
>Evil is everywhere.
>In a stunning move, the
>fiendish cuck leader, General
>Trudeau, has swept into the
>Republic capital and kidnapped
>Chancellor Spencer, leader of
>the Alt Right.
>As the Separatist Cuck Army
>attempts to flee the besieged
>capital with their valuable
>hostage, two user Knights lead a
>desperate mission to rescue the
>captive Chancellor....
I mean I love some fucking bananas but goddamn if they aren't green as fuck, they'll last like 4 days tops
It's 21st century, everyone tries to stop wars
I bet you do love bananas.
i've been waiting 17 years dude, nothing ever happens. if you were born in a -stan or some latin american country you might get randomly killed.
everywhere white people live is basically life on godmode. i could walk into a store right now and purchase some food and walk back home and nothing will happen to me.
try doing that shit in liberia, oh wait no stores.
so technically the war is happening everywhere else, it's called poverty.
Today's tech give us news in minutes. How long do you guys think it would take for us to know that there was a bunch of ships sailing to Korea in 1920? Probably weeks. News travel fast, wars should happen fast as well. I want to go enlist in some relevant country already.
Hitler won too
>Franz Ferdinand Assassination = 28th of June
>Austro-Hungarian declaration of War = 28th of July
Better keep that banana production up up up...we bombin everyone out here
Deep state owns trump, i'm sure we'll be shooting at each other before 2020 friend.
Holy fuck it'd be nice if we could just get it over and done with though the wait is killing me (huehue)
Fucking hell, i was stocking bananas for nothing?
if you seprate the bananas and store them at least 5 feet away from each other, they ripen far more slowly.
it's all about methane release.
Good things come to those wait
Nope, two days tops.