My Friend

>This is a Sharia Zone. Your girl must be covered and put away the cigarette. Also, quote a verse from the Koran.

What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

> awesome o'clock o'clock o'clock o'clock o'clock Beauty eat this Gulfport at the moment

Do they actually go out dressed like that ? I suspect that they're just larping in their mosquee.

Just kick them in the ass and say this:
Then, I proceed to cut their beards and read the Chilean constitution.

We don't take shit from nobody, Sudaca treatment.

you came to the wrong neighborhood motherfucker

cover myself, put away the cigarette, and quote a verse from the Koran.

Quran (2:244) - "Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things."

I'm fine

>Tell them to fuck off out of my country
>threaten to punch them into a coma

"I am sorry I can't recite a verse. Please fuck my wife as a token of my apologies."

Didn't these sandnigger got jailed for doing that stupid shit?

>*grab girlfriend by the pussy*
>*inhale deeply*
>*blow smoke in the leader's face like Edward Furlong in American History X*
>"...and on the seventh day Kek said, 'Mohammad was a child-fucking sandnigger who is lower than swine. And get the fuck out of my country.'"
>get beheaded

"O you who have believed, when you are told, "Space yourselves" in assemblies, then make space; Allah will make space for you. And when you are told, "Arise," then arise; Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees. And Allah is Acquainted with what you do." - Quran 58:11

I fucking love aussie posting.

This is germany, right? Its always Germany.

I want these guys to meet a group of slavs.
Like croatians or something

That is going to end well.

Where's my freedom then ? That no mustachiod is a joke. Their religion = my freedom Kek

Shoot them dead and tell the cops they tried to rob me.

Pick up daughter, give em the bird, do a 360 and walk away.

well said compatriot

How is this not the answer:

Say "no". If they insist, remind them what country theyre in.

Shoot them because im an american not faggy yurocuck and i have a gun. My wife then claims they tried to rape her. I sue the democrat city that aided and abeded these criminals and allowed them to pose as an illegal law enforcement agency for damages and trauma.


Weon, a mis tíos y abuela los torturaron porque al viejo culiao se le paro la raja y nisiquiera eran militantes...

vuelvete a nido.

3 rounds for each

My 1911 concealed carry says otherwise

>What do?
Call your boys, start race riot.

*sounds of gunshots*
*sounds of bullets penetrating bodies*

Tell them to fuck off and call real cops.

Leave Sweden and never go back.

Didnt see this post.

She's a man.
Its to keep the bugs away.
Kill all infidels.

وقود الطائرات لا يمكن أن تذوب الحزم الصلب

Fuck off commie. Seems your parents missed their helicopter ride.

Call in a fire mission



>Also, quote a verse from the Koran.
"Mohammed married Aisha when she was 6, and consummated marriage when she was 9."

>quote a verse from the Koran.
What is the most popular Quran verse? if it was fucking Christians id use John 3:16 or the even better Psalms 137:9 but i don't even fucking know the Quran.

Shit like this would straight up make me join a local nazi gang and take these fucks out one by one. Brits wtf are you doing with yourselves?

>hi point
You've gotta go back.

instant fight - don't even say 'what?'

>"Sorry señor, what did you say?"
>He repeats it
>"What girl are you talking about?"
>Sir, if you don't put away the cigarrette and quote the Koran you WILL be beheaded
>"Hold on, let me call a muslim friend"
>Call CNN, tell them that i, a mexican, am about to be killed by xenophobic islamists who are presumably trump sopporters
>CNN talks about it
>Buzzfeed talks about it
Now there are 5 possibilities

>They put México as the villain, and islam as the religion of peace
>>Leftists support the wall
>>Leftists leave CNN and buzzfeed because of supposed xenophobia

>They put islam as the evil jew and mexico as the gud boi who dindu nuffin
>>Leftists support muslim ban and ISIS attacks
>>They leave cnn and buzzfeed because of supposed islamophobia

Either way it's a good ending in my book

Oh shit i forgot:
>They don't talk about it and i die for nothing

Best case scenario they come up to some football fans partying.
I would pay to watch that.

>chrome-slide problem solvuh


Pull out my Beretta and sling hollow points in this chode's face.

You chromed a Hi-point? Jesus you must be a fucking douchebag

Quizás si eran militantes, o estaban involucrados con ellos. If not, that sucks hombre. Also teach me some Chilean slang.

Pretty sure I'd take them faggots out
With them being all peaceful n shit


Put women in potato sacks

>va fan sa du blattejävel???

the man has the watch but allah has the time

tell him to move out of my way if he wants to draw breath

I would kindly remind these gentlemen that we have a separation between mosque and state in America, and tell them to leave. If they tried to get violent, I'd pull my gun out and give them a 1-way trip to meet their false prophet