Why women have no morals and sell their pussies for every richer, more powerful and sexist males only to get status?
Why women have no morals and sell their pussies for every richer, more powerful and sexist males only to get status?
Uganda get Chinked
Only gays like men. If women liked men these Ugandan whores would never date asian males.
>Black women are ug-
Indian women are not pretty either.
E v o l u t i o n a r y b i o l o g y
How can they even compete?
The sex would be the least enjoyable sex imaginable and the IQ disparity would be painful.
this is simple evolution. consider the amount of investment a woman has to do to commit for an offspring compared to that of a man.
A man can afford to fuck anything, a woman needs to choose her mate carefully
>men of all races get constantly screwed by jews and women
Ov vey goys, dont be racist now!
Because, as Nietzsche put it, every person is driven by a will to power. Why would women be any different?
Millions of years of biology trumps social constructs like nationality
Women are the Jews of gender
>Only gays like men.
So much this. The massive discrimination against asian males in gay community just prove that women don't give a shit to masculinity or manliness.
>why do human beings follow a profit motive when it exists
I thought Sup Forums was redpilled and believed in market economics
So asian men marry black women.
Black men marry white women.
White men marry asian women.
Im ok with this
Damn never thought that
Are you implying males prostitute themselves that easy?
They want that Big Asian Cock. Black women are shameless and cold when it comes to cucking their men.
now, you understand why all societies became Patriarchal.
spoiler: the Patriarchy was real and also necessary.
Chinese women don't give a shit too. Just see the amount of Chinese women marrying Canadians.
The ricing of Africa is totally great. I 100% support AMBF couples.
Great way to reduce the White birth rate to zero you fucking mong.
ironically BM/WF is the best combination because its scientifically proven that you inherit your intelligence genes from your mother.
Thats why hapas always turn out to be normal asian tier turbo autists. They get Asian intelligence. Their is nothing their white dads can do about it.
AM/BW will be niggers, because they will get black intelligence.
This will piss off Sup Forums but idc. Racemixers are literally scum and deserve what they get. Enjoy your Asian autistic children, fags.
>because its scientifically proven that you inherit your intelligence genes from your mother.
nice sources.
you wanna know how I know that's bullshit?
>scientifically proven that you inherit your intelligence genes from your mother
Uganda shouldn't be worried, China will make them a colony as part of China's empire
African COLONisation II: Electric Boogalloo
What's wrong black boi, can't compete with superior chink cock. Stay mad virgins lmao
Jigaboo detected
>marrying an African nigress
You can have a harem of twelve for a nickle. Why would you ever commit to just one??
So here's the actual article. It's about how China is a huge foreign investor in Uganda, so a bunch of Chinese guys are moving there and trying to gain citizenship or residency through sham weddings.
However, there may be more to this. From what I understand, China has way more men than women these days, as a result of the old One Child Policy. Thus, Chinese men are not guaranteed to get a wife, since there's simply not enough to go around.
When I first heard about that, I figured that eventually Chinese men would start looking outside of China for wives. Seems like in this situation, they're killing two birds with one stone.
oh my lord
You're pretty much spot on
He's right though. Only white women, a few middle eastern women, and north east asian women are even remotely attractive and white women top it off nine times out of ten.
You heard it here first bois
>ye olde tire
Thank you sir
Whatever you say, buddy
Tyrone getting cucked by Chang
Northern India gals are ok and some are quite pretty. I've fapped my fair share to Bollywood actresses.
Southern India people are disgusting and should be tied to trucks and dragged in streets.
Also Chinese women are crazy.
cook the rice pay the price.
Most women operate on the BBD (the "Bigger Better Deal").
Women generally have no loyalty.
My brother's married to a Chinese girl, she's one of the least crazy people I know. She's remarkably polite, friendly, and level-headed.
I dare you to find ONE non-white woman that is as attractive as this.
i thought about this one the other day when i was walking my dog at the park and i kek'd out loud
black women are less ugly than most indians desu.
usually they marry Indonesians (because triple the population of Uganda, closer, more chinky)
Let them be. As long as they're not here.
God damn, gingers are the best.
i would bet any amount of money youre are jew italian slav or some other non white heritage
Found the article talking about China's "Leftover Men", the over-30 unmarried guys who can't get a date because there simply aren't enough Chinese women to go around due to the old One Child Policy.
I know this is a loaded question because beauty is subjective and if you're not into black girls then you're not into black girls, but this also gives me an excuse to start dumping my non-white qt folder. So whatever.
Gingers and those blonde women that have really light blonde hair (usually curly or wavy).
No, actually the retard african gene will receive an upgrade from the asian injection.
You certainly picked a bad one to start with.
Diversity is strength. Get used to it, cucks.
>mixed race
you can do better.
Here's another qt
post your eyes hair and proof of heritage
>keeps moving the goalposts on the one-drop-rule
Alt Right, everyone
This is from some faggoty SJW photoshoot about microaggressions.
Is it not our biological imperative to produce the highest quality children possible in the best possible environment? These rich and powerful men represent the apex of a capitalist society, it is not a moral-free move it is what women are programmed to do. If the Chinese in Uganda represent that, then it should be no surprise that Ugandan women are moving towards them and away from their lackluster Ugandan male counterparts
I'm getting sick of potato headed khazars and other undesirables preaching white power. You're not even white stop looking at pictures you assume are of our women. These negresses are what you belong with.
Also to give you another (You), beauty is not subjective. There is a large biological basis along with a cultural one. Women who are fair skinned are universally more attractive than not btw
This is happening big time on the west coast of canada.
But we're tolerant about it.
Unless she's marrying me and having my babies I really don't care.
>Oy vey, meme it down!
The question is, why the fuck are Chinese men marrying gorillas? It's like white guys going after female abbos.
Whatever you say, pal
I'm not posting shit that could be traced back to me, Schlomo.
Nice 1/10 finnish qt you posted is that your mum? Slagtastic.
thanks for verifying for everyone to see (archived for all of time) you are confirmed nonwhite
Just imagining the smell makes me want to wretch.
Women are biologically adapted to being whores for invading populations, it's how they've managed to survive throughout history.
They're literally hopping in bed with the new boss.
If you turned her skin white she would look like a white girl. None of her African traits except skin tone are exaggerated.
These ape women are not even remotely attractive to me. If any of you are actually "white" you deserve to have that status revoked.
thats fucking bullshit, I got almost everything from my father, IQ included. I got my horrible mental problems from my mom.
Keep on shitposting I guess.
rare flag, sick burn