www facebook com/WhiteHouse/videos/1281363821951348/
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Trump the KIKE
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Thank God you're aware of this.
"kike" is a retarded word that isn't very common on this board. if you're trying to fit in with racism, you're going to have to switch it up a bit.
>www facebook com/WhiteHouse/videos/1281363821951348/
I don't see anything wrong with this other than talking about the juden first...
t. kike
Oy vey, you're not an antisemite are you?
America first
There are a lot of good pics like that but they got lost in the rabbit hole of the chans. Many good pics exposing Trump's jew shilling.
I made this picture, here are some more of my memes.
America is a christian country. Bad move by Trump there desu.
>t. Mountain kike
Good pic, do you have the "Trump - The Golden Goy" one?
Some good ones are also on 8ch. I wonder who makes all of these besides you.
It is truly amazing how deep this all goes and how oblivious Sup Forums willingly was to this specific issue.
But you niggers need to stop with the >Trump is a zionist neocon narrative.
It's easy to spot
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watch the video from 1 hour ago retard
It amazed me for awhile but after all of this time I'm realizing most people are just sheep, I hate to sound cliche, but they're not super bright even if they think they are, and they always follow the path of least resistance mixed with just a bit of a desire for memes and a funny character.
I've picked up some fun ones from random anons here, don't use 8ch cause it seems like a honey pot, but there are always a few people in every thread here who get it
He's not just a zionist neocon, he's a non-human Rh negative kike and his only loyalty is to Satan, he is a Satanist and he is working with every other Satanist and they all pretend to be different little divisions like zionist or neocon or leftist or globalist to distract you.
Shhh shill, no more tears, just dreams now.
This is my favorite video, and this guy has a lot of good ones.
>the truth of assad gassing
>consider the following scenarios
HAHAHAH oh wow. fuck off with your fanfiction
Cry more. 8 years shill, 8 long years.
Donald Trump isn't the Jew's Trojan Horse. Trump himself is the Trojan Horse that will bring down the Jews. Keep trying shills, you're not fooling anyone.
Thanks for that, I know the archive keeps them but I'm going to save these pics. Feel free to drop some more. There is scattered users out there who know about this, and I do think this will all become more known as time goes on. You're doing some good work.
8ch probably is a honeypot but the nature of that site allows for more original content besides le based Trump reddit memes.
>mfw Sup Forums helped elect a zionist
>8 years of americans getting btfo
>mentions kikes
>also mentions Christians and how the Muslim dirt bags killed Christians in Egypt
Wow guys, like totally stop this man! I guess I'm a #CockMissile now
You keep telling yourself that, slave. Whatever they tell you, it must be true- ignore all of the evidence that he is a kike and does business with all of the kikes, it totally makes sense for him to be on your side.
Yeah it's always worth it connecting with people who are aware. I've been doing this for more than a year and most people just call you a shill.
I do wonder if you shills realize the only other people agreeing with you are other shills, or if you're really that stupid and believe the ones agreeing are anons you've converted.