A power that could topple America

Behold, Eurasia, divided into four administrative zones, but with a single foreign policy opposed to both ZOG and the Jewnited states.

How do we make this happen pol?

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Why are you excluding yourself from this great idea, my teanigger?

Pakistany are not allowed into Eurasian block

unfortunately, UK is way too close to the US. just being realistic here. I'd move.

It's not in our interest to topple America, just keep them away from the middle-east, as they have a tendency to fuck shit up, and we get to pay for it.

EU is over.
At this point we all just want to hurt each other as much as possible even if it costs us much.

> europe literally being invaded thanks to the governments america props up
>latshit thinks they wont eventually turn up at his door.
> wew

I don't think you can blame america

Its all us. Hate Germans if you have to. Don't hate burgers.

America kickstarted this shit by helping Israel deastabilize the region.
But yeah, thanks to Mutti Merkel everything is going to shit.

you're suffering from retarded self-hatred. snap out of it, consider the cultural controbutions to the world of germany compared to america. Bach vs. Miley Cyrus. come on

There is only one flag on the moon and it is not ours.

>even bigger and dumber Austria Hungary
Why do you think a Vladivostokan is very similar to a Portuguese

Jesus Christ, Hans, this is the first time I deeply feel sorry for your cuckoldry
Estonia and Finland should be together

America with Trump right now is really anti-EU
while we are the source of all the cancer of the EU

Please tell me how I should in any way blame america when Germany is so much worse and prominent.

Finland should leave cucks and join red.

Why is Kaliningrad in zone 3?

German clay

Most of the military power in 2 3 and 4 is what the US has stationed there.

maybe because america overthrew half of the middlestern leaders that kept savages out of Europe to export democracy?
Or because most of the new idiologies like the various gender one(trans,agender,polyamorous and other garbage)?maybe it didn't origined there but it surely spread everywhere because began to be popular in the US
the US is the origin of the infection, germany is just their best ambassadors


Again to me that sounds like fucking Germany is the problem and not America

So is half Poland. Doesn't make it out state.

yea bend over you kraut faggot we own you like the turks own your women isnt that right boys

>being so cucked that another country ruins your way of life and you apologize
never change germany

No strategic reason for Russia to retain kaliningrad if eurasia is one military bloc

I am fine with anti-german threads.
We need to fucking die out.

Not americans though.

Don't you mean the Caliphate of Eurabia?

Brazil was not invited to this thread, sorry. you have to leave

You don't.

Europe is already lost to the barbarian hordes and all white Europeans should be making plans to immigrate to the United States.

yes, yes you cunts. Because the US is basically the hegemon of the world, every thing you do, did, will do and will probably do effect everyone. If, I don't know, some irrelevant country like turkmenistan do something,or somethingh began to be popular no one will give a fuck about it, but if your country do it everyone wants to be like the cool guy. Even if you shit on something and destroy a country everyone will approve, or at least almost everyone, because you are the cool guy, the free one.
I said you are their best ambassadors, because I wanted to be nice. The truth is your their best colony, the one who better emulate the cool guy, just this, and if you continue you'll have a 56% face too, now with your country basically leader of the EU, that fate will be ours too. You are a brainwashed country that is the leader of the EU, the old continent will change.

> USA less white than europe
> you should move here


BTFO by Italy. new Rome when?

Dude you don't want more Germans in america
Immigration from Europa and especially Germany is going to end completely soon.

>take white population of Europe
>add it to white population of US
>whites now hold super majority in US

Also, we have literal oceans between us and Africa/the Middle East.


Still too weak. You either go all the way with PANEUROPEANISM or you don't go at all. Powers like China, India, and even some african countries are gojng to be tough. Watch out.


just admit slavniggers are mudslimes already

Moreover, american hegemony has to be dismantled, without any excuse, no more Pax Americana.

I agree, we need to start responding to Amero-ZOG influence like the Arabs do. With violence and will, to rout them like in Lebanon and Vietnam

Die you retard

gypsy detected


>we are with Germany
fuck that
either we are with poland,hungary and the rest or with russia


Fuck off you self hating cuck.

I am in better company than you
Literally everyone hates Germans except globalists.

And they would never have got there without German expertise, come on, you know this.

Can't believe I'm trying to cheer up a kraut, but pull it together hans, Germany was always a scientific and cultural giant...

>And they would never have got there without German expertise, come on, you know this.
We had nothing to do with the moon prorgram

>single foreign policy
Into the trash it goes.

Please, throw the degenerate Czech mongrels with Germanoids, and give our group Belarus.

And why is Kaliningrad still German? East Prussia has been purged by Soviets completely. I think it should be ours too, but by now even Ruskies have better claim on it than Germs.

Salty Brit. 1776 best year of my life

Wut? Von Braun built the Saturn 5 that powered the apollo program. Don't they teach you this stuff?


I honestly feel like Germans taking ANY credit for the moon landing is like this shit.

The world will do fine without German science.
It has to because we are on our way out.

Any country being top dog would spread any shit around. Maybe stop being cucks and sucking our asshole and maybe you won't import the shitty parts of the degeneracy of our country. At least we're actively trying to turn the tides against liberal/communism in our country.

No 1776, no ww1 or ww2 cos power of the new world still with the empire. So no USSR communist superpower either (cos before ww2 they were a festering shithole, only really modernised to produce war materiel). No white guilt. No Israel. No cold war. No EU.

Anglos would have rolled this planet up by now and been off to the stars creating the British galactic empire and btfo space niggers.

So cheers for that, mate

Man it's kinda funny how two great empires are jelly of the greatest empire to ever exist. All this shit talking but at the end of the day you'll choke on American dick if we told you to because you are weak and have no power

You're a dumb cunt who has no concept of history. Neck yourself.

Von Braun was an American citizen and a patriot who loved this country. He's buried not far from where I grew up.



Stop with your fucking imperialism you cock.

Fagville is the best ville.

If the new world had modernised as it did, producing vast reserves of industrial goods, raw materials and manpower, but remained British - you seriously think the krauts would have started 2 world wars? That dick king George should have given you more representation, or you should have just paid your damn taxes. The world would be in much better shape now. 1776 was a brit civil war anyway.

Shameful. Not Greater lakedaimon. ..

No just seems weird that kraut doesn't seem to know about German involvement in the US space program. Just wondering if it's another thing the Germans don't teach now cos 'evil nazi scientists'

what, thats how its called
> it will be restored as it extinguished,
later we will see

Come to Aberdeen and say that to my face, you mongolian prick.

>Kaliningrad is seperated from Russia

Into the trash it goes.

you will have to suffice with me calling you a fag from here

Because we are you nigger. We wuz persians and shit