Can someone redpill me on the bataclan massacre, were the security in on it?
Can someone redpill me on the bataclan massacre, were the security in on it?
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That's what the guy from eagles of death metal said. He was then banned from performing in bataclan again.
How does security let that mishap happen? This had to be an inside job
I do not know the specifics, but I do kind of trust the band (why would they lie?) and jeeze, how horrific is that, for a jihadist massacre to take place during your band's concert.
did trannies/drag show push Omar Mateen (gay florida nightclub shooter) over the edge?
>10 guys comes with aks, bullet proofs vests and bombs
>you have jackshit to stop them
>european "security"
> take place during your band's concert.
Yeah, I mean imagine just starting your closing power ballad and a hundred people suddenly get murdered. Talk about awkward.
i dont know about murca but here bouncers arent armed
I am surprised there is not more cell phone videos of what went down. Most concerts I go to, there are many people up front making a vidya
Well I live in Atlanta and every club has a designated cop.
Was this shitskin the ring leader or was ot some other faggot?
yea often in the USA they hire off duty police officers to work as bouncers. that is actually what happened with Orlando Florida and the Omar Mateen shooting. It was an off duty cop working at a bouncer. Non-police bouncers generally are not armed, correct. I imagine they hire off-duty cops instead of otherwise armed security due to liability. If they go to court they can show they paid extra for security connected to the local PD which probably would actually result in faster response times, more ability, can enforce the law, etc.
But really I want to know... was it the tranny drag show that pushed Omar off the edge?
do you think that cop can stop 10 angry durkas from durking ?
from what i heard he was a faggot and visited that butt club several times
a few things that might have gone wrong at the Bataclan;
the concert hall was run by (((you know who))), and supported Isreal, they have been under threat for sometime it seems (youtube vid can show this, CBA linking it).
According to the band, a door was propped open, though they don't specify where/why, or what purpose it had. Maybe for easy access to the back stage areas where they could cause further chaos... seems ambiguous.
The lights were put on, which caused further panic, people saw the bodies and scattered like roaches around only to be executed.
The jihadis later reported torture, genital mutilation/eyes removed from sockets.
I dont know how you can be redpilled on this, it was a pretty intense attack. What I believe here is that it shows the divide between the politics of ISIS in Syria as a territorial mission, and the west's issue with muslims who reside in ghettos. All of the jihadis involved we're from Molenbeek, and had links to networks in St Denis and Birmingham, and as I understand it, they we're all fucktards with little-to-no purpose in life. Call me pretentious but if your life is worthless then others are worthless... so, what you have is more than a bunch of ISIS soldiers carrying out a mission, but a criminal network cucked by the west getting their kicks from executing the people who dont recognise them.
I hate to say it, but its roots are not Islam, but Islam (Sunni/ISIS/extremism) are the perfect modality, the perfect voice and reason to commit an attack like this.
Also, one last thing, had the three jihadis who went to the stadium been successful, the Bataclan would've looked like a graze. The plan, I think, would've been to detonate the first suicide belt - as thousands evacuate, the last two belts would've hit in the huge wave of people. Killing and wounding potentially a hundred more...
That's because they're dead.
I wasn't reading an interview with the lead singer guy and he said the security were all Muslims and they let them in through a back door that locks on the outside.
1 cop vs 10 muzzies armed with AK-47's and suicide vests
Cops in USA know how to use their weapons, alot of them have military training.
Im certain me and some friends could 10v1 a pro CS:GO player any day of the week desu
Didnt say he would win but that cop would be better than nothing...
>I hate to say it, but its roots are not Islam
If their motivation is Islam, its roots are connected to Islam. And who decides what the motivation is? The attackers.
>nothing but faggot casualties
Nothing of value was lost
the ten people we're going to kill as many people as possible, they found a reason to do it. I think they could kill first, then went into Islam second.
I'm not saying Islam is religion of peace, #notallmuslims, but I think that these guys like our latest truck drivers, are fucking crazy anyway.
Islam is shit, but I think the fact these guys were linked to gangs, crime and shit areas is more of a reason than Allah/Syria/ISIS... if you get me
I think they're old enough to define their own motives, and don't need cucks to decide why they do as they do, just because it doesn't fit cucks world narrative.
Also, are you coconut? Serious question.