Are SJWs dead?

Is it officially "not cool anymore" with the kids?

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it never was
its popular with college professors who like to take moral high grounds and looking down on people
its popular with people who give charity for self gratification rather than being a decent human

It's dying out, the only place I see them left are on colleges and the most liberal of countries.

They lost the last war real bad, so I doubt they will ever get the (((funding))) or (((respect))) they used to get.

It's so fucking interesting to me how things have shifted in the past couple of years. Now terms like "triggered" and "safe space" have become complete jokes. It seems like people now just look down on these rabid pink haired retards as they should.

This is hilarus!
The image is desciving Sup Forums users XD

That happened in 2014 when "SJW CRINGE COMPILATION" became the new "EPIC FAIL COMPILATION" for normies and high schoolers.

Making fun of SJWs is so normal that it's becoming uncool.

Right now we're seeing the rise of the "alt-left" to push them out of relevance forever.

They'll be back. We still have at least 3 years of their droning slowly fading into the distance, too.

we should now call ourselves social justice warriors

They're coming around to Trump though, at least on foreign policy. I've heard nothing but praise for Trump from democrats and the MSM when it comes to foreign policy, he's doing everything Hillary promised and more.

if youtube reflects society in general, then it's pretty much dead

any videos that have any form of social justice message to it have more likes than dislikes

more dislikes than likes*

What's next in this modern world? I tell you, sometimes I can't keep up with these crazy kids! Will it be acceptable to like rape nuns or some shit!? When will that be acceptable, no, please tell me if I did it would she even tell anyone or keep quiet rather than deal with the shame

How much wage do they earn? I mean the professors. Do they rich? I'm thinking to be one in u.s.

They dropped all guise of being liberal so now they're part of #LeResistance and Antifa now.

It'll linger on in many forms, but now the hot thing is being the Though-As-Nails Anti-Drumpf Resistence

They've realized that sitting around screaming doesn't accomplish anything. They've realized that Bernie was an absolute cuck who entirely capitulated to Hillary and had zero spine.
They're moving on to the revolutionary stage. "Left with bite" as they call themselves.


Why does everyone wanna be a social justice warrior? why not social justice theif or social justice mage, maybe social justice archer?

>"Left with bite" as they call themselves.
>all this 2nd Amendment support

Praise Trump!


Like the Alt-Right it's basically a failed college professor meme. STEM is the most preferred among high-schoolers including women. Liberal arts will die out faster then Gaddafi. You lost the culture war get over it, Go back to /leftypol/ where you belong.

Is going to receive its fair share of bashing over the next years.

With English like that I'm not sure you'll make it Mehmet

>Go back to /leftypol/ where you belong.

Also, /leftypol/ is on the same side of the culture war as Sup Forums.

fuck you idiot! leftypol is nothing like real pol. we are not commie faggots. KYS

But communists support the "alt-right" and want the liberals/sjws/democrats purged just as much as Sup Forums does. The democratic party and the liberals are the greatest threat to leftist ideology.

It was never that big, people always thought it was a joke. However any chance it had at going mainstream is long dead. 2012-13 was the peak of this degeneracy.

people started to see them for what they really are, irritating useless whiny bitches

They really only lived fully in the mind, rent free, of anti-SJWs and Alt-Right people.

Anybody in the workforce never meets an SJW. They don't exist in reality.

Isn't convicting someone for rape just kink shaming?

You youngfags don't realize this social justice shit happens in cycles. The last sjw wave was Christian evangelicals trying to enforce their own morality on everyone. Of course in hindsight that's probally preferable than modern sjws as good Christian morals strengths society while progressive morals weaken it

>don't exist in reality
Somebody didn't go to Uni, they're literally rampant. First two years (general education) were a nightmare before my business major saved me from them.

The pussy grabs back, some would say.

I'm glad they're realizing self defense is an important human issue. The war on the second amendment has been frivolous since Vietnam, at least. Just so long as they're not going around calling everyone Nazis to justify killing them on the streets, I'm fine with this.

>Accepting your own rights
Some kids, I swear.

Why would it be wrong to fuck a nun against her will? A nun gives her womanhood to Jesus and devotes her earthly body to his works. So a nun doesn't have her sex and womanhood to give you, when I penetrate her forcefully, I am not raping her because there is nothing to take. It's just like having sex with a ghost. Unfortunately, the Zionist feminist judges don't ever accept this argument. If I try to raise this point with the nuns themselves, of course, I"M the bad guy.

They need not to be popular, they just need to have positions of power, and they have.

I'm in an art school, and aside from a few lesbians wearing WILD FEMINIST shirts, it doesn't seem nearly as bad as the internet makes it out to be.

I kind of like the word "triggered". It can be useful in friendly conversation. Not to denote serious concern like they use it, but to communicate you know you shouldn't be as upset about something as you are but you still are.
>This guy puts ketchup on his steak, I'm so triggered

>"look at me guise, I replied to Drumpf and called him a racist on Twitter!!"

>/leftypol/ is on the same side of the culture war as Sup Forums
So /leftypol/ rejects multiculturalism and multiracialism and would be in favor of involuntary repatriation of nonwhites?

>Are SJWs dead?

No because we haven't killed them yet.

Only a minority of both /leftypol/ and Sup Forums believe that.

I'm talking about the larger culture war, the rejection of corporatism (republicans and democrats), wars for Israel, modern progressivism/feminism/SJWs, and corruption in general. Sup Forums and /leftypol/ agree in that cultural war.

>Women have no rights, so it can't be rape
This is why I don't understand how Feminists like Islam. They mutilate their genitals to remove the temptation of cheating and becoming a whore. Men have their genitals mutilated regularly and there is very little outcry over it. Women are raped and men go to jail, without evidence. In the east, the woman is killed for being a whore. It is her duty to protect herself from attackers. If she did not die fighting, she cheated, and that makes her an adulterous whore.

The kids are worse than SJWs. Most of them hate the SJW boogeyman because "they're the real racists".
It's the same with women who only disavow feminism because it has a bad name while still living exactly the same as feminists

>no social justice cleric
fail party

What are you talking about? he put "." instead of "," in the middle of a god damn sentence.

>Do they rich?

>How much wage do they earn
>Do they rich
>thinking to be one

>A minority
We wouldn't have regular "nigger hate threads" here and regularly pass around bell curve and colour of crime statistics if it was a minority.

It also seems stupid that /leftypol/ is against modern feminism and SJW movements. Being socially conservative and fiscally lefty is about the most ideologically inconsistent political stance one might take. Fiscal leftism is what fuels and enables things like BLM. Do you honestly believe that you'd have near as many blacks out protesting and committing crimes if they had to get jobs because the government won't give them free handouts? Do you think there would be near as many man-hating hair dyed feminists if you didn't get a huge check for being a single mother and instead had to possibly make responsible decisions about men and stay with them to ensure your kids are taken care of? Of course not.

No love for social justice clerics?
No wonder their dying out when they got no white mage!

>We wouldn't have regular "nigger hate threads" here and regularly pass around bell curve and colour of crime statistics if it was a minority.
If we have regular "How can white men even compete?" threads, does that mean we have a cuckold majority? Did the "DRUMPF BTFO" threads mean we had a pro-Hillary majority?

>Do you honestly believe that you'd have near as many blacks out protesting and committing crimes if they had to get jobs because the government won't give them free handouts?
>Do you think there would be near as many man-hating hair dyed feminists if you didn't get a huge check for being a single mother
I don't believe in free handouts, they should be earned. Welfare should go to those who deserve it. People who are not physically fit or socially contributing should not get handouts.

>only against modern feminism
It's only a conservative opinion if you're against all forms of feminism.

Dying out like emos

Damn that takes me back

Yeah I agree actually. But that still shows that the word has taken on a bit of a comical/satirical use.

Speaking of Christians remember the crusaders?
They might have not been the most fun at parties but they got shit done.

Of course, just wanted to point out there was a silver lining there. It fills a niche.

The difference is that whenever someone posts a nigger thread or a bell curve infographic, they don't get called a shill or a shitposter.

Earned handouts is also silly because you can accomplish an even greater effect by simply lowering taxes because not only does that give more money to the working man, it also means you don't have to pay a bureaucracy responsible for the gathering and distribution of the handouts. The working class wouldn't need handouts if they didn't also have to pay for handouts. And for the few that genuinely can't get by, that's why private charities exist.

Sure does

>People actually think SJWs are dying
kek. It's time for you guys to leave your echo chamber. They are still as alive as ever:
They are like bacteria. You have killed off the Carl the Cuck's but they just come back stronger. These new sjws are resistant to your old tactics.

The old boomers are trying to force it and push the SJW movement.

Check out facebook or twitter and see for yourself.

Nearly all of my boomer family is on facebook fighting about politics. These are not poor people by any means, very wealthy.

The boomers seem to be facilitating most of the SJW push, attempting to start a war among millennials.

The old boomer conservatives are also pushing the SJW agenda.

Apparently they see that the longer the younger generations are lost and confused, the better off the boomers are financially.


>Do they become rich?
>I'm thinking about being one of them.
>How much do they earn, the annual wage.

It's not my native language so i can make some typos.

How about your second languages cucks?


they were almost all journalists. so I'd say it's just dormant right now.

Not rich. But set for life if you're any good.

Only answering because it's nice to see you giving as good as you get, Chairman Mao.

Depends on the boomer. I have a 50 year old uncle who lives in Georgia. I've heard him actually say the word "niglet" in front of me without even knowing my political views. My dad's 48 and I've definitely heard him talking about "stupid social justice warriors" when I'd never even mentioned the term to him. He does know that I hate Israel and that I think they fund terrorists, though.

SJW beliefs have simply become mainstream, so there's no need for this particular type of agitator.

I'd wait and check out the political climate here some more because if Trump follows through on certain threats, we may see public subsidies to universities cut across the board. And if that happens, you can bet your ass that your salary is going to be considerably lower. But the question of him following through on something like that is very much cast into doubt at this point with the way he's been behaving lately. No one's quite sure the direction the presidency will go at this point.

ids dying



geg will id

>giving as good as you get, Chairman Mao.
What did you mean by this?
You meant that; I am trying to speak with my all existing knowledge of English and you liked it?

>Chairman Mao.
Hmm, looks like a Sup Forumsitical joke.
Sadly; didn't get it too.

>tfw the new Jack season made a safe space joke right at the start of the 2nd episode

Stop confusing gondola with spurdo redditnigger


Rick Vs. Hat

what was meant by kek and this


they are everywhere in the workforce. Although they tend to shut up unless they are online or drunk.

Far from rich

Lol no they are just regrouping because they recieved some pushback
Now you see that the left is trying to use only the most crazy as scapegoats

Just because the SJWs are getting unpopular doesn't mean it's over.

They're using the most crazy and useless of themselves like Trigglypuff as scapegoat.

There are plenty of """centrists""" left around trying to convince you "wow these alt-right guys are just like the SJWs, I bet people would LOVE trannies if the SJWs just weren't so mean about it."

Why was it even popular in the first place? I blame it on reddit.

The elites will keep their SJW army in reserve but won't maintain them like before , but will invest in grooming the precariat (precarious proletariat see Bidebergers) that dealt them their defeats with Brexit and Trump.

If you were an American, I'd say to blame it on the slave trade and the 14th Amendment instead. Those two things are the very source of the identity politics nonsense.

well they're definitely still around, just in less numbers than before

It never was really. But yeah I think it's basically dying out. Twitter is dying.

SJW is christianity without Christ.
Kindness without god turns into tyranny.
Humility without god turns into self-hatred.
Pride without god turns into shameless gloating.
SJWs have inherited all that is bad about Christianity without taking anything good, because that good was enforced by people's usually hard to activate goodwill and god's watch.

This actually. A lot less kids are falling for the college meme, at least the liberal arts meme. It's well known now that studying a liberal arts degree at a non-top university is basically a huge waste of time and money, and where do you think most SJWs come from? Dumb girls studying sociology degrees at shit colleges.

Safe spaces and trigger warnings, used politically, were always a joke.

They stole them from actual treatments of psople with serious mental illnesses like PTSD and panic disorders. As someone with mild panic attacks, I found it disgusting that leftists stole these terms.

>straya accent
>mario bros music

get a fucking new gimmick. it's embarrassing.

Fuck. If I was even more paranoid, I'd say that the uss of these terms by leftists were actually planted by right wing conservatives to create controlled opposition by painting them as mentally ill.

>Being socially conservative and fiscally lefty is about the most ideologically inconsistent political stance one might take.

Not really. Soviet Union was patriotic, didn't have multiculturalism (different republics for different ethnic groups, no forced "diversity"), had no feminist movement beyond giving women the same legal rights, banned homosex etc. It was still a cultural trash bucket and degenerate in many aspects but it wasn't multicultural dildo liberalism. It's about ideals not economics.

The remaining SJWs are crazier than ever though, and they have platforms like HuffPo. And big culture defining companies like Marvel are blindly following the SJW agenda. It all need stamping out until not even a squeak remains.

Twitter much more than leddit. And tumblr. The sad thing is that early on in tumblrs history there was a ton of white nationalist stuff, but it got banned and taken over by SJW stuff.

The state of the Soviet Union is incomparable to what is seen in the west today, both in economic and social models. It may have been fiscally leftist, but it also had forced labor. If you didn't work, you'd be put in a camp instead of given free money.

Ironically, the Soviet Union is also one of the only places where the feminist movement saw a complete 180. Stalin saw how births plummeted after they did things like legalize divorce and open a multitude of daycares and so on, so he actually reversed some of those changes particularly during World War II given the massive amount of Soviet casualties in that time

Rabid SJW's are no longer necessary because they pushed their ideology on enough normies

talking to my leftist friends they hate SJWs and see them as the equivalent of the "alt-right" but they still think the SJW ideology is tenable and SJWs just take it too far

they will learn

The circle is getting smaller for the SJW movement. The feminist wing still appears strong, but that could be media distortion.

SJW went from edgy to cringe very fast, and the ad from Pepsi didn't help:

The Democrat Party will likely disown the entire movement after they get ass-raped in the mid-terms.

In USSR they simply went with everything they had in stock, /but/ had to run a country at the same time. So when they seen that dissolving the family unit didn't work, and that children needed a mom and dad instead of their fifty neighbours, they trashed that and went to a different commie concept.
As such we have actual proper equality with fully intact family unit, fully intact traditional gender roles and 0.001% support of feminists.

Let me guess, they are gainfully employed and you are not? That tends to be a pattern with trumpcucks like you.