HuffPo publishes an article calling for white disenfranchisement and property confiscation

HuffPo publishes an article calling for white disenfranchisement and property confiscation.

Other urls found in this thread:

day of the rope when?


Some highlights:

>"If white men no longer had the vote, the progressive cause would be strengthened. It would not be necessary to deny white men indefinitely – the denial of the vote to white men for 20 years (just less than a generation) would go some way to seeing a decline in the influence of reactionary and neo-liberal ideology in the world"

>"At the same time, a denial of the franchise to white men, could see a redistribution of global assets to their rightful owners."

>"Although this may seem unfair and unjust, allowing white males to continue to call the shots politically and economically, following their actions over the past 500 years, is the greater injustice."

Fake Newz. It's a screenshot, nigga

My message isn't changing: do not visit their website if you don't want to be on the sexual predator registry

>MA Philosophy Student

This is literally some random philosophy grad student


Yup. It's scary that your average college student these days can be expected to be full blown communist by graduation.

There is no link you faggot

Sorry for trying to help?

>go ahead you're free to do what you want but it's super sketchy today

I get you're trying to discourage people from giving HuffPo traffic. I encourage people to not give them the clicks, that's why I put some highlights.

I'm trying to keep the pedo registry down.

These ppl are tracking everything on 4chin and huffpo is complicit in this

Then don't go to their website. I just posted a screenshot
shit clickbait article but not insincere

People should learn to archive the links before posting them here.


You newfags should learn to do that shit before you make a fucking thread

>people pay $100,000 to be indoctrinated with this bullshit

Why go to uni these days?

this place is flooded by rebbid and paid shills nobody sticks around enough to learn the basics

where can i install said rootkit

So they want to oppress white people now. Which means white people are no longer at the top of the ladder. Which means it's morally and ethically wrong to criticize white people. White people are now lower on the ladder than blacks. So whites can be openly racist against blacks again because they have "less power"

Let them 5d chess themselves

I really hope we are on the verge of a nuclear holocaust


I think that might be a better future than what the progressives keep pushing down our throats.

this would be pretty good

Cant wait to grab my gunz

bump for friendship aka magic

When white people have no power they'll just kill them all. They aren't stupidly kind like white people are.

>redistribution of global assets to their rightful owners

1 day lad.

Tell them to go live in South Africa, the Rainbow state. Here their dream will come true.

The difference between the US and South Africa is that white males are by far a minority in South Africa whereas in the US we're the second largest gender-ethnic group

>Racism and denial of rights is okay when brown people do it.

beta uprising when

This happens already, even if they don't have "power," just look at Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, and so on