Is this the one true redpilled anime there is?
Is this the one true redpilled anime there is?
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what show is that? the only anime i've ever seen was ghost in the shell.
It indeed, in matter of redpilled fiction it competes only with Deus Ex
> only red-pilled anime
> red-pilled
don't remember any redpill, but it made me realize i had the same problem with "running away" shinji does
I don't know, but the most redpilled vidya is metal gear rising.
if you're on the autistic spectrum, have the emotional intelligence of a teenager, and are emo- yes
Escapism and fanboyism can never be redpilled.
im a fan of that boy shinji
Your looking at this wrong.
A work can be redpilled, such as Evangelion. You're talking about fanboyism/animecirclejerking. Totally different things.
If by repilled you mean pseudo-intellectual teenage angst cringe-fest, then yes.
>not getting that Eva criticizes this
A story is a story. Humans have enjoyed stories for millennia.
it's natural to enjoy beauty
>teenage angst causes the apocalypse
No thanks, Jeff.
TV show GITS was fairly redpilled in that it showed international fuckery for what it was. Refugees also became terrorists because they wanted more free gibs. The rest was pro-Japan schlock and showed how naive and cloistered the average Japanese person is compared to the rest of the planet.
Ghost in the shell seemed pretty redpilled.
>is this one shit anime the embodiment of mental disor- i mean Sup Forums
youre on to something user
take that back
It could have been much better.
The author has depression and threw everything up when he ran out of money and will.
no goy
No. Eva was mostly just pretentious pseudo intellectual garbage. Especially in the last few episodes.
Psycho Pass and Ergo Proxy are pretty red pilled. Oh and who could ever forget the most redpilled anime of all time, Boku no Pico
Get a load of this bait
Its not bait at all senpai. Psycho pass deals a lot with human nature and why people act the way they do. I wont go into too many details about Ergo Proxy because there would be spoilers but it also deals with human nature, although more in a Wall-e kind of way.
In fact im almost certain that Wall-e was inspired by ergo proxy as the movie came out 2 years after the anime.
One Piece is very redpilled.
Isn't the main character a faggot?
New world order dealing in censorship.
Understands how racism works.
Ancient WMDs
>Wall-e was inspired by Ergo Proxy
I wish I could bait this well
Did you even watch ergo proxy?
Umaru is the most redpilled anime
>Pseudo intellectual garbage
How is that bait?
Or do you mean the pic and leaf-tier conclusion.
checked, have an improved version
Do you know that Pixar movies usually take much more than two fucking years to make
Also according to that one trailer for when the movie was announced the idea was hatched around the time A Bug's Life was getting worked out
I understand you're arguing thematic similarity, to say it was inspired by Proxy is fucking silly as shit
logh is more redpilled than eva and texhnolyze is the ultimate blackpill anime
>both of them are about humans who fuck up the earth and decide to leave it for their own creations to deal with and fix while they fly around in space and decide enough time has passed to come back at the very end
You clearly havent watched both very carefully if you couldnt see this.
Just finished re watching this and the film (What the last 2 episodes should have been if they hadn't run out of money). I needed to look up more about it to understand half the shit in it (Adam, angels, Lilith, seele, first impact etc) since they don't explain any of that. It's redpilled in the fact that there is a secret group intent on the death of the entire population to become god in a singularity.
Stuff with shinji being a faggot who is given the choice in the end on what to do with humanity and ends up rejecting it since he's so fucked up is rather stupid. He's bluepilled as fuck.
Decent anime but it doesn't have as much hidden meaning when you find out a lot more about the story than the anime actually addresses. Plus the fact that the Christine shit was thrown in there since it was considered cool and edgy.
Thanks for addressing my point
Really get my gears a grinding
>its just a coinicidence that both of these came out relatively close to eachother when there was nothing else really like it
I love pixar more than i should as an adult but to be so bootybothered by the fact they clearly were inspired by an anime is just silly.
Don't focus on all the backstory, its silly stuff meant to be a backdrop and set a tone
Eva is great because of the depth of the characters and symbolism employed regarding themes and the characters
Shinji is bluepilled until the final episodes and/or End of Eva when he realizes life is still worth living despite the pain it can cause, thats the big takeaway for the whole story really
You don't understand the production of Wall E then
Even if the script was completed around the time Ergo Proxy came out you would still have to rebuff the whole THEY CAME UP WITH THE IDEA FOR WALLE AROUND THE TIME THEY BEGAN A BUGS LIFE
Seele are a bungh of manlets, and the only black member represents the US
>just going to believe them becuse they didnt want to get in trouble for blatant plagarism
Good goy
>still going to take their word for it like the good goy you are
I mean im wracking my brain here but is there really any other story where humans fuck up the planet and leave their own creations to deal with the mess while they fly around in space ?
>world is secretly controlled by a Jewish cabal that plans to make everyone on Earth a singular consciousness and then sail to the heavens in their personal ark
Psycho Pass is legitimately redpilled though, the entire concept was based on the writer thought an authoritarian, communistic/leftist government could look like in the future, and portrays said government as flawed. Not to mention it drops a ton of redpills regarding morality and justice. Season 2 was a trainwreck though.
>hasn't seen kaiji
>hasn't seen Akagi
Get out normie scum.
It was about Hobbs vs Rousseau.
It's the japanese take on Christian mythology.
Like Xena Warrior Princess's take on Greek Mythology.
Like a lotus cheese
Welp, I don't know what else to say then
A similarity in premise surely is enough to suggest plagiarism
And its totally likely that Pixar is full of weebs or had writers that were weebs who happened to watch a Japanese cartoon with subtitles that had one plot element of said cartoon that they thought should be made into a children's cartoon movie
Surely the idea of pollution fucking up the environment has never had a serious effect on the plot of a story until then which might make leaving said environment a part of a premise
I mean I though that Wall E would be something that probably would take at least 3 years of production, let alone a fucking script that would've had to have been finished before production even fucking starts
I am clearly a very very good goy
>Alex Jones was redpilled by Anno
Fuck off
Psycho Pass is fine
The whole muh Eva is psuedo intellectual is baity as fuck though
Its classic bait on Sup Forums
Also its wrong :^)
There is nothing more redpilled than cute girls.
Celestial dragons acting like Jews.
Childish, moronic, believing everything should be theirs outright.
Even dabble in slave trade taking children away from their home.
All propped up by a corrupt government.